4E1's Homepage

The O'level results came out on the 2nd of March 1998. Well as you all know the results were unexpected right?I didn't plan well if my results came out good. So I still HAVE to stay in the poly and rot there.Good luck on all you results. If you had noticed... the class email list is still incomplete. Cut out those who would never get the net... e.g Dominic. Please tell me of other classmates who have internet like Julius but I don't recall of their email addresses. So plan you future well and all the best!

Miss Lee, Alger, Peter, AMKA members and John
Principal's Message/O'level Breakdown
Miss Lee's Message
Class Email List And Status
Class News Desk
Main Screen
Links to related school sites on the Web

My School:
SJI's HomePage

My Eca In School:
Ncc Air's HomePage(IT sucks)

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