ST+ Fanzine. U.S. Distribution |
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It's a printed fanzine devoted to TOS based machines. This ranges from the ST through the TT and Falcon, and includes the clones. There is now fairly regular coverage of the Jaguar and Lynx consoles also. It is not-for-profit, and written by fans, for fans. There will occasionally be some coverage that doesn't exactly fall into the TOS category. You might see mention of the Atari 6502 machines or even the Portfolio - but its core purpose is to cover the 680x0 machines.
It is a natural outgrowth of the well-received ST+ diskzine. After two years
of putting out the ST+ diskzine, the guiding hands decided that it was time for
a change to keep the resource from getting stale. The project was
started by Dave Hollis, Gordon Storey, and Tony Greenwood. Dave left
the team and was replaced by Rich Clark. You can get
information on these guys, and other major players, by visiting the official
Unless you're just randomly surfing and happened upon this page, I'm like you - a fan of Atari computers. I've been involved with them ever since I bought my first Atari 400 way back in 1979 (Wow - has it been 20 years already?). I've been through the 400 and 800, the XLs and XEs, numerous STs, an STe (1040) a TT and a Portfolio. Never bought a Mega STe or a Falcon - and I'd still love to own a 1450XLD.
There was a time when I actively programmed each of these computers and even had PD and shareware software available on BBSs, CompuServe and GEnie. I went through a 4-year period where I had no contact with any other Atari users, and during that time, everything changed. Atari was merging with JTS just as I became involved again. Apathy is a major contributor to the loss of some fine systems, not only from Atari. No one thinks they can do anything in the face of the M$ juggernaut. Well, this is my attempt to do something.
As to why I am distributing the ST+ Fanzine in the United States, it a simple matter of my having been the first to volunteer.
First things first. This is a not-for-profit fanzine. Articles are submitted by fans. No one is paid for their submissions. By the same token, advertisements inside the fanzine are free. So advertising doesn't subsidize the magazine. It can be considered akin to a labor of love. We generate and distribute the magazine. We're not looking to make any money off of this, but, at the same time, we don't want to lose any money either. Every distributor will have his or her own payment schedule. This is mine.
The maximum rate has been established as 1.5 UKP. That works out to about 2.50 USD. In Maine, I had a local source, which was relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, I wasn't that lucky when I moved to Oklahoma. Therefore, the base rate per issue copy will now be $2.00, however, the special rates available for user groups will remain the same. Credits have been discontinued, but any credits that you hold will be valid no matter when you decide to redeem them. I'm looking for a cheaper source.
If you're ordering from Mexico, I will be happy to provide service to you, up until the time that there is a distributor in Mexico. The price will be $2.50 US.
If you live in Scotland, Wales, Great Britain (or England (or whatever the heck the official name is for that part of the island <grin>)), Finland, Canada or Belgium you have a local distributor. Please visit the DISTRIBUTION page of the ST+ Fanzine site for details.
Yes. Originally, there wasn't. However, the readers took things into their
own hands, and started sending in money for subscriptions (certainly not to me
though Yes. There is no such thing as a print run with ST+ Fanzine. We
make the copies as you order them, and retain the masters. If you
wish to order a back issue, the procedures and price are exactly the
same as for the current months issue. Simply ensure that you indicate
the particular month(s) that you desire.
There are now two ordering options. You can physically order the Fanzine
every month, or you can send in a check or money order sufficient to cover the
cost of a subscription. You set the length of the subscription. I would
recommend that you keep it to six issues or less. You will have to send your request, along with a check or money order for $2.00
US per copy ordered to:
Are Back Issues available?
How do I order the ST+ Fanzine?
Terry K. Ross
A simple memo on your check or money order is sufficient to indicate what you want, for example:
HC66 Box 28A
Foss, OK 73647-9716
'Memo: Mar '98 ST+' would work fine.
Naturally, you must ensure that your name and return address is legible, and printed in indelible ink, so I know where to send the issue :)
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