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Sample Code
"> Rows
"> src="url"

Let's take a look at the tags for creating a frame,
in detail. We begin with an example. Here's a FRAME
document with a top and bottom banner, a left column for
an index, and a large right hand area for document


<br> <B>I'm sorry, <br> you don't have frames.<br>

A document that contains a
FRAMESET has the same basic
structure as a normal HTML
document, except that the BODY container is replaced by the
FRAMESET container which
describes the HTML documents
that will make up the body of

The FRAMESET tag has no BODY
and no tags that would normally
be placed in the BODY can
appear before the FRAMESET, or
Frames will be ignored. The
FRAMESET tag has a matching
end tag, and within the
FRAMESET you can only have FRAMESETs, FRAMEs or


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ROWS="value_list" This is a comma separated
list of values. These values
can be expressed in an absolute number of pixels, as a
percentage (between 1 and 100)
or as relative scaling values.

The number of rows is
determined by the number of
values in the list. The total
number of the values must fill
the available space: if it
does not, one of the ROWs
will be sized to fill any
left over space.


This is a list of percentage
values for the division of
rows. If the total number is
more than 100%, all percentages
will be scaled down to total
100%. If the total number is
less than 100%, one of the
frames will be scaled up to
fill the remaining space.

This is a list of fixed pixel values. If you use these
values, they will have no
effect on the size of the
reader's window, so you run
the risk of having your frames disappear off the edge of the window. You'll almost
certainly want to use these
values in combination with
other percentage based or
relative values.

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COLS="value_list" This takes the exact same
type of numbers as the ROWS
This makes two columns, one
30% of the available width,
one 70% of the available width.

This makes four columns. The
first two are each 100 pixels
wide. The third is 20% of the
width of the window and the
fourth is the remaining space.

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This tag defines a frame
within a frame. It is not a container, therefore it
does not need a matching end

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SRC="url" Example "http://www.foo.com/index.html">
This is the URL of the document
that is to be displayed in the frame. Without a URL, the frame
will be blank.

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This is used to assign a name
to a frame so that it can be targeted by other links
(usually links from other
frames) in other documents.
This is optional and without
it, the frame will be unnamed.

If you want another link to
go to this named frame, you
write the link as:

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This is used when the
document author wants
control over the margins
for the frame. If absent,
this defaults to letting the
browser decide on the
appropriate margin. If
specified, the value is in
pixels. You cannot specify
a margin of less than 1 and
you cannot specify margins
that leave no space for the
document contents.

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except that it controls
the upper and lower margins

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This is used to indicate
whether or not the frame
should have scroll bars.
YES means that scroll bars
always appear. NO means that
they never appear, even if
this means cropping the
document inside the frame.
AUTO means that Netscape
itself will determine whether
or not scroll bars are
necessary and show and hide
them, as needed.

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This indicates that the frame
cannot be resized (normally,
users can adjust the size of frames). Note that when you
say one frame cannot be
resized, all adjoining frame
walls cannot move, possibly
making it impossible for other frames to resize. Thus, in
general, when NORESIZE is
used, it affects most of the

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<br> This container tag is used
to create alternate document
s for browsers that cannot
read frames. A frame-capable
browser will ignore everything inside the NOFRAMES tag. A
browser incapable of producing frames will ignore all FRAME
tags and just display the
other HTML.
See Frames Examples

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