Kostya Sebov: Personal Content
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Actually, my interests do not span much farther tham my professional interests.
Even the most of ones who do, nevertheless relate to computers.
- During late hours and on Saturdays at work when most of
my colleagues went home I like surfing the Internet. See
the Virtual Content of my site
to see where I was.
- Of course I like creating editing HTML pages (otherwise
why shoul I bother to write all this stuff! ;-).
- I also admire playing with 3D modelling software,
although its quite time-consuming so I do it much less
frequently when I'd like to.
Strange, but besides computers there are some other interests
in my life.
- I love spending time with my family, which currently
consists of my wife Oxana and my dog Alice. How many
hours, days and years I owe them!
- I like listenning music from the CDCs and on the FM radio.
For ones who know kievan radio stations, I prefer "Radio
Leader", "EuropePlus", "Music Radio"
and sometimes "Prosto Radio".
And finally I'm currently in the process of obtaining the
allowance for Permanent Residence in Canada. I spend a lot of
time researching various aspects of my future life in Canada such
as job search, settlement issues, financial and economic
structure, etc. Soon I plan so share the information that may
come usefull for people like me and the ones that will come after.
Be sure to check regularly.
- 26 august 1970
- I was born in Ukrainian city of Zhitomir. Actually I was
born in my mother's native village in Tcherkassy region,
the birth certificate has been issued in a small town
near Zhitomir where my parents lived at that tome. My
father, however took the advice of the woman at the
registry and simplified my life having freed me from
necessity to write in every application the full path of
my birth place.
- See my Zhitomir page.
- June 1987
- I graduated from the 25th Zhitomir Secondary School then
named after hero of the Russian Civil War Schors. By the
way I graduated with Gold Medal, which mean I had only
the highest grades in my diploma.
- See my School page.
If you have also graduated from the
25th, you should know that our school has bad times now.
The government spendings were cut and now they merely
cover teacher's salary, which (you might guess!) are not
so big numbers. They lack money to buy books and
equipment, to make summer bulding repair. If you're
financially capable, please help them! They really need
- September 1987 -- June 1992
- This is time when I studied at the Lomonosov's Moscow
State University (MGU-- don't be confused with the MSU,
where the "M" stands for Massatchusetts) at the
department of Calculating Mathemetics and Cybernetics (almost
everyone translates its original russian name differently).
- Some people think these are the best years of human life...
Well, I won't argue because I always remember them with
warm feeling.
- If my name sounds familiar to you (in connection withe
the MGU) don't hesitate to write me a few words.
- February 15 1992
- This is the day of my wedding, the day that changed my
life. I won't write that I married to the best woman in
the world. It's banal and, in fact, obvious since I'm
writing all that stuff that number of years after the
- Just visit us at our Family page.
- To be continued...
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CopyrightŠ1997-1999 Kostya Sebov.
Last revised: March 23, 1999.