Chilton Preview Install and Uninstall page







Note: The adventurous may want to look in CHILTONP.ECF for customization options prior to installing. Most people will not need to make any changes.

Step 1: Make sure that Microsoft Outlook is not running.

Step 2: Copy the file ChiltonP.dll and ChiltonP.ecf to your computer's Office\Addins directory or equivalent. Typically this directory is C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT OFFICE\OFFICE\ADDINS.

Step 3:

Outlook 97: Under Outlook's Tools menu select Options. Select the General Tab. Click the Add-in Manager button. If Chilton Preview is already installed choose it and then the Remove button. Choose the Install button. Select ChiltonP.ecf from the list of files and select the Open button.

Outlook 98 or later: Under Outlook's Tools menu select Options. Select the Other tab. Click the Advanced Options button and then the Add-in Manager button. If Chilton Preview is already installed choose it and then the Remove button. Choose the Install button. Select ChiltonP.ecf from the list of files and select the Open button.


Step 1:

Outlook 97: Under Outlook's Tools menu select Options. Select the General Tab. Click the Add-in Manager button. Choose Chilton Preview and then press the Remove button.

Outlook 98 or later: Under Outlook's Tools menu select Options. Select the Other tab. Click the Advanced Options button and then Add-in Manager button. Choose Chilton Preview and make sure it is unchecked.

Step 2: Delete the ChiltonP.dll from the \windows\system directory or C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT OFFICE\OFFICE\ADDINS as needed.

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