I dedicate this poem to the many planets in our lives but specially to the transitional planet "Sun"
As I walked on the sands of time ,
I came across a myriad of people,
Some were strong and some were feeble,
but each left it's own fable,
And as the shadow of life passes me by..
I see footprints all around me..
Some walking towards me and some walking away from me,
With inexperience on my side,
Can I catch the dirfting sands..
But out of Life's golden book,
Each one finds the meaning of life.
To learn not to keep life's secret in one's own heart alone,
To show afeection while it can be known,
To be heard while it can be treasured and never to regret.
To know the beauty of life and learn from the pain of a dove.
By:Usha S. Vempati
Dtd:July, 1999
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