Thesis Abstract

Extracted from my Master thesis entitled
"Improved Encoding and Control Algorithms for the IVS Videoconferencing Software"

Internet videoconferencing allows real-time audio and video communications between two or more people over the Internet. This thesis investigates and improved an application for Internet videoconferencing called IVS. Emphasis is placed on the video encoding and transmission control algorithms in IVS. In this research, the source code of IVS was examined and unravelled. It revealed many new insights and undocumented information on IVS and its mechanisms. With clear understanding of the source code, improvements were then made on IVS. Improvements were made to correct observed weaknesses in the performance of IVS, or detected weaknesses in its algorithms. Performance evaluations of the improved version of IVS and the original version of IVS verified the improvements made in this research.

Thesis information
Improved Encoding and Control Algorithms for the IVS Videoconferencing Software
136 pages
55 figures
20 tables
Submitted May 1998
