The Beginning:


ACS Alternative Old Boys Association (ACS AOBA)

I wish I could tell you when the AOBA really got started, but I am not quite sure myself. It was in 1992 when we really got more organized but it could probably have started much earlier than that. We presently have a database of over 50 old boys on an active and inactive list, a web-site and a state of the art communication system (don't believe everything you read) to remind each other on the coming rendezvous.

In the initial gatherings, there wasn't any sort of agenda or purpose other than to pass some time (we were single then, had lots of time to kill) with a couple of friends over several cups of caffeine. Come to think of it, it's still pretty much the same. There isn't any specific reasons why we chose 6th Avenue, Bonnie's Eating House, other than it was cheap, convenient and had ample free parking (then anyway).

We were all living around the area then, and a meet-up was a couple of phone calls and a car away. Over time, the group kind of grew as we called upon classmates and friends to join in. The word just got around and here we are. We meet at Bonnie's on the last Thursday of every month. We usually meet at about 0930pm.

Invitation is opened to anyone from the old school to pop in. Some guys came out of curiosity, to seek old friends and rekindle good times. Others come to get away for an hour or two leaving aside the fancy corporate titles, family and work obligations or whatever and just hang out with old friends. Those who came and liked it came back. Others came and went. Sometimes it could be a large group of us, sometimes just a handful of us. There aren't any rules, no one has any obligations to come, and we kind of like it that way. Apart from the inches gained around the waist or the residing forehead of some, we're pretty much the same bunch of guys. We try to help each other out. Be it employment or a switch in career, the exchange of information on marriage, parenthood, housing loans, stock market, or whatever. I guess you know when you are getting old when the main focus of the conversation is no more on cute girls with the big boobs and the great ass. However, the topics do occasionally arise. (It's amazing how other things do take precedence over that, we must be getting old).

We hold no prejudices other than you leave hidden agendas and the women at home. Not that we have anything against the women. Some wives, fiancées and enterprising girlfriends whose curiosity got the better of them, had previously insisted on coming. It was a painful experience for them as they soon got bored, rolled over and died. As far as they were concerned, we were just a bunch of delinquent Peter Pans that refused to grow up. With their blessings, the men came, the women were never to be seen or heard again. We kind of like it that way. I think some relationships even broke up after that one fatal meeting. We tend to make quite an impression on them.

Are we ACS OBA members? Some of us are, and for some of us, well, just procrastinated. I guess we all knew we would some day. That day seem closer now as we all heard that the fee would be increased to $500. We have also heard the rumor (we started) that the membership would be made transferable later on (once we take control) and we could actually make a quick buck on this.

Are we still able to sing the school anthem? No problems. Chinese or English version? Forwards or backwards?

Problem is, no one can understand our Mandarin except for another ACS boy.

So what makes an ACS boy different from the rest? I don't really know.

What is this big thing about school spirit, don't really know either.

But I guess we're part of it whether we know it or not.



What is the difference between OBA and AOBA?



A group of rich, established old boys trying to do good for ACS.





Fee based membership.


To be part of a grapevine.


Part of a network.


Difficult to fit in.


Meetings are formal.


Meetings are structured with agenda.


The best is yet to be.


A group of unemployed, struggling old boys trying to do good for ACS, starting with themselves.


Expensive only if one comes late and as it is tradition for the late comers to buy tea and coke for everyone else present.


Feed based membership.


To gripe and whine.


Yeah, we too, but our network always down.


One size fits all like a smelly old sock.


Minimum dress code: a pair of shorts (underwear optional).


Meetings cover genders with great structures.


Still trying to get to the "best" part.