- 12/18/00 10:10:30
Pat - 08/09/00 17:49:38
My Email:trick1958@yahoo.com
I am looking for the chinese character for the word mistress . If you could send it via e-mail I would appreciate it alot thanks Pat
Unkown - 04/04/00 20:05:22
My Email:unknow@aol.com
Great page!
alvin xiao - 03/09/00 20:58:51
My URL:http://www.highwavetech.com
My Email:alvin@highwavetech.com
I am looking for a person who could be CTO for internet startup company. If you are interested in further discussion, please contact me.
Hirondelle - 01/28/00 04:00:39
My Email:youniec@hotmail.com
crispin donovan - 10/21/99 18:42:24
My Email:crispin77@yahoo.com
I found your site very interesting .I have always been fascinated with chinese charaters and would be very grateful if you could possibly translate me two words into chinese characters. it is for a record cover and the band are called RAW ELEMENMTS.
The word RAW is meant as bare minimum sort of thing its very hard to explain really. ELEMENTS is meant as all the things that have give them inspiration and ideas.
many thanks cris
Anthony Chu - 07/09/99 19:09:42
My Email:anthonyc@istar.ca
You have an excellent web site, very informative !
- 10/27/98 15:27:32
10/22/98 08:47:54
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
"Rizor" - 10/21/98 23:06:53
My URL:http://expage.com/page/rizor
My Email:rwoolslayer@hotmail.com
Please visit the world famous "Rizor" top ten!!!!!
Da Lin - 10/04/98 12:34:01
My Email:lin.da@siemens-scg.com
A very nice page among all the chinese personal home page.
08/31/98 08:59:25
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Keep up the good work Please visit my website too
08/31/98 08:25:25
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Keep up the good work Please visit my website too
Bujin Guo - 07/28/98 22:40:37
My Email:bguo@heart.thi.tmc.edu
It is a very nice page. I am glad to visit add your page to "My Favorite". BTW, I like to see our alumni on the web.
Jules white - 04/27/98 22:34:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/8173/
My Email:Christopher_White_1@brown.edu
I love your site. I am currently studying Chinese at Brown University. I have only studied Chinese for a year but I plan on becomming fluent.
Just out of curiosity is there a way I can type Chinese characters using my regular keyboard. I had a program that I could type in the pin yin and it would give me the character for it but it didn't work on email or if tried to print something.
wjiang - 04/17/98 14:23:27
My Email:wjiang@bigfoot.com
So nice pages
李鸣 - 04/01/98 21:14:34