This is the ACG or Archaic Computer Gallery or simply The Gallery. These are the computers of long ago, when things were not always compatible, and the standard was, well the only standard was that there was no standard! Enjoy these machines and relive history for one brief moment, here in the Archaic Computer Gallery.
Back to the front door.
See computers of Long Ago... This will load a big page with many different computers on it.
If you would like to see them in smaller sections, please come into the new West Wing:
Go to The Franklin Gallery.
Go to The Compaq Conservatory.
Go to The Xerox Room.
Go to The Commodore Station.
Go to John's Play Room.
Go to The Atari Arcade.
Go to Cloning Lab.
Go to the PX.
Go to The Sinclair Gallery.
Go see Project Altair
The Apple Orchard.
Terminal Patient Ward
More info on Old Machines!
Amiga Renderings
If you have an old system and are looking for a new home for it, Noesis can give it a home. Systems can be sent to:
© 1997, 2001, 2002, 2005