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Design Contests


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Design Contests



Participating in a design contest is a very good way to motivate yourself in finding innovative solutions... and a way to finance the next projects ! I decided to attempt my first one in 1995. As I've won it, I decided to continue, and I'm still addicted to them :


1995, Elektor magazine, International Contest "Projets en Compétition" : First National price, for Téléflic

1996, Elektor magazine, International Contest "Logiciels en Compétition" : 16ième national price for Mossim

1997, Elektor magazine, International Contest "Microcontrôleurs en compétition" : 2nd National price for Kivaou

1998, Microchip & Circuit Cellar Ink, International Contest "Design’98" : First International price, PIC17X category, for PIC’Spectrum

1998, Elektor magazine : International Contest " Logiciels à la pelle" : 5th national price for Dynamic’Schem

1999, Motorola & Circuit Cellar Ink, International Contest "Design’99" : First International price for  Neural’Stamp

1999, SimmStick & Dontronics : International Contest "SimmStick’99" : First International price for Stick’SX

2000, National Semiconductors & Elektor magazine, International Contest "COP8 microcontrollers" : 2nd Internation price for Scan’3D

2000, Philips Semiconductors & Circuit Cellar Ink, Internation Contest "Design’2K" : First International price for DDS ’Gen, and 3rd internation price for I2C-MMI

2001, Zilog Semiconductor & Circuit Cellar, International Contest "Driven to Design" : 2nd International Price for eZ-Stunt

2001, Atmel & Circuit Cellar, International Contest "Design Logic 2001" : 2nd International price, FPSLIC category, for UPSC4

2002, Cypress & Circuit Cellar, International contest "PSoc" : 3r, for Vector'Soc

2002, Microchip & Circuit Cellar, International contest "Mad Dash for Flash Cash" : 4th international price for XY-plotter, and distinctive mention for Tilty'Mouse.

2003 « Flash Innovation Contest » International contest organized by Motorola and Circuit Cellar

First European Prize, for an innovative wire tracker (MC68HC908QY4)


2003 « Anadigm design contest » Internation contest organized by Anadigm and EDN

Second international prize for an USB-configurable universal filter


2004 « H8 Design contest » International contest organized by Renesas and Ciruit Cellar

Grand prize for a very low cost reflow oven controller



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