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Here under a couple of the projects I've spent time on before launching Alciom, meaning 5 to 20 years ago...
| A home-made, Renesas based, reflow oven controller ! Ideal to build your
own SMT circuit boards. This project won the Grand Prize of the last 2004
« H8 Design contest »
International contest organized by Renesas and Ciruit Cellar
. See the contest web site for full entry documentation and software. If you
are interested in more "practical" tips on own to do home-reflow
then read Circuit Cellar : A detailled article is in preparation !
| Vector'Soc : a 0-1GHz PC-based vectorial network analyzer |
Vector'Soc is a simple but effective RF network analyzer, able to plot gain
and phase shift of any circuit from DC to 1GHz, with a 35-40dB dynamic range.
This project just won the 3rd international price in the Circuit Cellar / Cypress 2002 design
contest !
Resources : Detailled abstract,
Cypress / Circuit Cellar
PsoC'02 contest info, Cypress application
note, published article.
I do have in mind to transform this project into a full-featured
commercial product... If you are interested
send me a mail and I will keep you informed !
A very low cost autonomous audio spectrum analyzer, displaying the spectrum
on a VGA display. A PIC processor (17C756) take care of the audio signal
acquisition, the FFT calculation, and the video signal generation 100% in
software. This project won the 1st international price in the Design'98
contest organized by Microchip and Circuit Cellar Ink.
Resources : On-line
article - Published article - Design
contest - IP Products
A Simmstick compatible processor
board built around a Scenix processor. This project won the 1st
international price in the SimmStick'99 contest organized by SimmStick &
Resources : Online
documentation - Design
contest info
| UPSC4 |
An high-end universal counter, built using an ATMEL
FPSLIC chip (FPGA/microcontroller combo in one chip). This project won the
2nd international price in the "Driven to Design" contest organized
in 2001 by Atmel and Circuit
Cellar Ink.
Resources : (none yet)
A high frequency generator (0 to 110MHz) built around an AD9852 DDS chip
and a couple of microcontrollers. This project won the 1st
International Price in the "Design’2K"
contest organized in 2000 by Philips Semiconductors & Circuit
Cellar Ink.
Resources : Detailled
abstract - Schematics - Design
contest info - Published article - IP
An experimental system-control development platform using a modified low
cost RC car. This project won the 2nd internation price in the "Driven to Design"
contest organized in 2001 by Zilog Semiconductor & Circuit
Cellar Ink.
Resources : Detailled
abstract - Press
release - Design
contest info - Schematics
| UPS'Meteo : A talking weather station |
Quite a funny device, able to awake you with an artificial voice
"saying" the current weather parameters (temperature, min/max of the
night, humidity, pressure, etc).
Ressources : none yet on-line.
| SCAN3D |
An ultrasonic 3D telemeter, that could be used either alone (as a standard
ultrasonic telemeter) or connected to a PC (giving a real 3D view thanks to
two servo-motors). The ultrasonic ranging circuitry is designed with two low
cost transmitter/receivers, a Lattice IspLSI1016 EPLD and a couple of analog
chips to get a 3-4m detection range with a 1cm resolution. This project won
the 2nd internation price in the COP8 contest organized in 2000 by National Semiconductors &
the Elektor magazine.
Resources : Schematics - Firmware download - PC
software download - Download EDPLD files
- Published article
An embedded neural network macrochip and its development tools. This
project won the first international price in the "Design’99"
contest organized in 1999 by Motorola & Circuit Cellar Ink.
Firmware download - Design contest info
- Published article
| Tilty'Mouse : a mouse for the disabled people
Tilty'Mouse is built using a Memsic
MEX232 evaluation board, hosting a 2-D accelerometer chip. Mounted on a cap,
this captor allows the user to move the mouse cursor up/down and left/right
with tilts of the head, and allows to click with a quick "yes" sign
of the head, thanks to a windows-based software.
Resources : none yet online but should not be long, contact me if you're
interested !
| UPS0104 power supply
A very compact power supply, 3 identical outputs 0-20V/0-3A
completly uncoupled for maximum flexibility, and a track mode for
serial/parallel coupling if needed, using a Texas Instruments ISO122 isolation amplifier.
Resources : Full schematics - Published
| 17C756PG |
An home-made simple programmer for the PIC 17C756 microcontrollers
Resources : see the freeware section
| Weller soldering base controller
An home-made power supply and controller for a Weller LR20 soldering iron
(not the magnastat ones but the ones with a thermocouple), using a PID
Resources : Schematics (some french in this
one...). If you don't have a DjVu viewer please visit www.lizardtech.com.
| UPS'BF2 |
A low frequency generator built around an old but reliable XR2206 chip (may
be obsolete ?), but extended with wobulation, pulse generator, salve
generator, etc
Resources : Schematics (some french in
this one...). If you don't have a DjVu viewer please visit www.lizardtech.com.
A crystal-stabilized 50Hz sine reference to drive a high-power standalone
power supply
Resources : (none yet)
A 87C51 based device allowing to quickly read phone numbers printed as
bar-codes and to automatically compose the corresponding phone number. The
bar-code reading firmaware may be reused for other designs (code-39 standard)
Resources : (none yet)
A gadget that allows to restrict TV watching time to children ! Each child
has an EEPROM based key, loaded with a fixed watching time. The key allows to
switch on the TV... but is decremented every minut... Using a 68HC705
processor. This project won the 1st national price in a design contest
organized in 1995 by Elektor
Resources : Published article, firmware
A PIC16C84 based cable checker : A transmitter inject a signal in up to 16
lines while a detector is able to find out which line is which, even with
short-circuits or without a ground connection. This project won the 2nd
national price in a design contest organized in 1997 by Elektor. An
improved version, built around a Motorola 68HC908QY4 chip, has won the First
European Prize in a design contest organized by Circuit Cellar and
Motorola in 2003.
Resources : Complete description (in
french...), schematics on the sender and prober,
firmware for the sender and
for the prober microcontrollers. See also
the published article or the improved
An home-made optoisolated PC connection cable for the Philips/Fluke
ScopeMeter 97 digital scopes.
Resources : Full project documentation
| Discrete events logger |
A device that allows to monitor up to four contacts (relays, contactors,
etc) and store the time of any state change. Built using only one 68HC11 and
one LCD display, using the 512 bytes of the 'HC11 internal EEPROM for the
firmware. Very useful to track pumps start/stop times, door openings, etc
Resources : (none yet)
Disclaim : Thanks to understand that these designs are
and stay my property under the relevant intellectual property laws. They are
described in these pages only for your private information and should not be
used, even in part, in any commercial application without my written
authorization (which may include royalties negociation...). Moreover I assume
of course no responsibility in any case for direct or indirect damages or
injuries that may occur by the use of these informations.