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During these last years I've published a couple of articles on my projects mainly in Circuit Cellar Ink (a very good journal : subscribe now !). Here under a list of these articles. As you will understand easily I'm not allowed to send to anyone any paper or electronic copy of these articles. Thanks to contact directly the publisher to get the corresponding magazine or reprint.

Circuit Cellar

September 98, Circuit Cellar Ink (#98) : Feature article - PIC'Spectrum, a low cost audio spectrum analyzer

January 2000, Circuit Cellar Ink (#114) : Feature article - Neural'Stamp, a low-cost neural network processor

April 2001 & May 2001, Circuit Cellar Ink (#129/130) : Feature article - DDS-GEN, A high-performance DDS generator

July 2001, Circuit Cellar Ink (#132) : Feature article - Scan-3D, An award-winning 3-D telemeter project

February 2002, Circuit Cellar (#139) : A tracking lab power supply

October 2002, Cypress Application Note AN2090 : Vector'Soc, a 1GHz Vectorial Network Analyzer

December 2002, Circuit Cellar (#149) : Vector'Soc, A 1GHz vectorial network analyzer 

September 2003, Circuit Cellar (#158) : The XY-Plotter, Drive High-Resolution LCDs for less

January 2004, Circuit Cellar (#162) : Smart Tracker 2, The innovative wire tracker

July 2004, Circuit Cellar (#168) : Easy Reflow, built an SMT reflow oven controller

August 2007, Circuit Cellar (#205) : The Darker Side - Let's play with EMI

October 2007, Circuit Cellar (#207) : The Darker Side - No fear with FIR, put a FI filter to work

 December 2007, Circuit Cellar (#209) : The Darker Side - Are you locked ? A PLL primer

February 2008, Circuit Cellar (#211) : The Darker Side - Antenna basics


Other publications

- January 1996, Elektor magazine (#211) : Publication or a detailled article on the TVCOP project, in french, duch, english and german editions.

On going publications

A Circuit Cellar article on one of my last projects is on-going (home-made reflow oven controller). Publication expected this summer.

Stay tuned...

Interested for joint publications or works ? Contact me !


Looking for a consultant ? Looking for world class experts to help you with your mixed-signals designs ?  You are just one click away !