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Some useful links related to embedded projects... I'm using quite regularly these sources, may be they can help you too...

The best design consultant on earth :

www.alciom.com (yes, that's me too...)

Electronic/Embedded sites

ePanorama.net : from the old but venerable Tomi Engdahl's Electronics Pages. A HUGE repository of electronics related informations

Internet FAQ Archives : 99% of world's questions are answered there... In particular in comp.sys.embedded. 

ChipCenter : Another source of information on virtually any subject. Moreover their "AskUs" free support service is fantastic. 

VK2TIP Ian Purdie's electronics tutorial radio design pages : A very interesting repository of tutorials and schematics, mostly RF oriented.

AC6V's TECHNICAL REFERENCE : Another very good "links" site, referencing zillion of electronics and ham-radio sites.


Circuit Cellar Ink : My best reference (not only because I've published a couple of articles there...)

VHF Communications : A Very interesting UK based high-frequency oriented magazine. They have some interesting articles on-line, and a very good "links" area.









Development tools / Measurement

ebay, test equipment area : a must see, I'm buying 99% of my test stuff here.


Looking for a consultant ? Looking for world class experts to help you with your mixed-signals designs ?  You are just one click away !