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POV-Ray Related Links

POV-Ray The famous free ray-tracer. Very powerful. Very cool.
Moray A Shareware scene modeler for POV-Ray. Very professionally done.
sPatch A free bezier patch modeler with POV-Ray output. A must if you want to do human bodies and such. (The sPatch homepage seems to have disappeared but you can download the program from the link to the left.)
MegaPOV site An unofficial patched POV-Ray with tons of new features. Photon mapping, UV-mapping, new  patterns and object types and lots more.

Other Graphics Links

The GIMP Once upon a time there was a program called Photoshop. And the Gods of Adobe saw that it was good and a powerful force in the financial department. And lo the world bowed before it and many a corporate entity tithed great sums unto the juggernaut. But in the small eddys of open source a true maelstrom was brewing-- And the GIMP was born in the chaotic dreams of two University students. The GIMP is a replacement and enhancement on the incredibly successful Photoshop. It is extensible and easily usable by ordinary mortals. Now you can write your own plug-ins without having to know C or C++. The GIMP for Windows is here.
Fractint Homepage The Fastest, most comprehensive most powerful Fractal generation program known to mankind, all for the cost of a one meg download. Fractint development seems to have slowed down of late but the program is still a must have.

Programming Stuff

DJGPP A free 32-bit DOS compiler with tons of tools. This is a port of the free software foundation's  GNU C/C++ compiler and tools. 
Allegro ALLEGRO is a recursive acronym for Allegro Low Level Game Routines. It really rocks. It supports everything you might need for making a 2d game: Graphics, digital sound, midi music, joystick, mouse and keyboard handlers,  blitting, sprites, 3d polygons etc. etc.. It comes only in source distro with build support for: DOS, Win9x (with DirectX), UNIX X-Windows, and Linux. Future support is planned for BeOS and maybe a few others. 


Other Cool Links

The Onion Need a break from your usual news? Then view some unusual news. (Warning content may not be suitable for some viewers.)
Slashdot All the Linux (and more) news that you may ever need. This site is great. Get in on the fun.
Skeptics Annotated Bible If you've ever wondered.... This is not for you if you are touchy about religious matters. But it certainly will raise questions....
The Mars Society Do we need to go to Mars? You bet your species' continued existence we do. Find out why here. Maybe you can help.
SETIathome Want to know if we are alone or not? Lend your support (and processor cycles) to this innovative distributed computing project (and get a free screen-saver too).
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics A very comprehensive mathematics site. Great for a quick reference or just plain old exploration (if you're into math that is).
Sun Microsystems The JAVA Development Kit, Star Office, the FORTE IDE for JAVA and many other things are available for download from this site. SUN is a major leader in the open-source movement (finally--it took them long enough--the entire Star-Office source is available under the GNU general public licence). As far as I know (other than IBM) SUN is the first major (I mean major--think of SOLARIS, JAVA, etc) company to actually take this step. Praise SUN-Microsystems.(Come on Microsoft. It's your turn.)


Personal Stuff

Lisa's Page This is the ex's Site. Pretty mushy stuff but if you're interested....There are some pictures of our kids and maybe even one of me by now.  
My Game centered site This is still in the very early stages of development but have a look if you've a mind to.
My daughters site Pokemon and such I think

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