Welcome to the page of things I like. And don't like. I'll do Don't Like's first, cos it seems to be more fun making that list. I shall list them in no particular order except what first comes to my mind. Take a look, and let me know what you think of them. And YES, some of these are plagiarised, so don't e-mail me and tell me that. But I only copy if it's true, so shutup you.
1. The number one. It's too lonely. Altho it makes for some very good songs...ie. U2, Metallica...also that group who wrote (to my knowledge anywho) the first good song about one...onnnnnnnne, is the lonliest number, that you'll evvvvver see....
2. People who call you up just to talk for nothing. There are exceptions to this rule, but I am of course referring to the people who you have nothing to say to, and much of the conversation contains many long pauses.
3. Roadkill.
4. Those loud, fat, balding and ever-so annoying guys at baseball games and other assorted events, who yell loudly and are very obnoxious. Those people should be drug out into the street and be shot.
5. The Indiana Pacers.
6. Older brothers. Unless of course they're not mine.
7. People who laugh at their own jokes. It's much worse when they're men, ugly, old, toothless, and smoke, which makes their laugh just unbearable (doesn't it seem to be this way always?).
8. Dried out catsup (it's catsup, not ketchup) on the bottle. Even tho I eat catsup once in a blue moon, if that often.
9. Snowblowers. They're too noisy.
10. People who can't understand Calvin & Hobbes. And I don't mean they literally can't understand it. I mean people who can't grasp that they're more than just a kid & his stuffed tiger, and think it's like every other comic. I pity these people.
11. People who say "what's up?" all the time.
12. The phrase "what's up?."
13. People who are superstitious (get it? hehe...).
14. The tv show 'Jesse.'
15. The Wu-Tang Clan.
16. People who know programming.
17.This spot once said I didn't like people in Florida, California, and certain other states with nice climates, but since I'm in Florida now, I can't say that, now can I? I don't like...MTV.
18. Run on sentences.
19. Poor grammar (yes, it IS spelled grammar) and poor spelling in general. Ticks me right off.
20. Waking up early.
21. Homework. Won't have to deal with that for a while, thank goodness...
22. Totally irrational people who make no sense whatsoever, and you feel sorry for them because of this.
23. Bad drivers. People who cut in front of you or come close to hitting you, and then have the nerve to give you the finger and/or a dirty look.
24. Going back to bad drivers, I don't like people who don't signal when they change lanes. How hard is it? I especially dislike the drivers who feel they need to speed through all the other cars, changing lanes constantly (without signalling of course) and endangering the lives of others.
25. People who, while driving (I have a lot of complains about drivers, I know...) and when turning left at a traffic light, when the light has turned amber (not yellow) and then red, they still go through it, causing the drivers who do in fact have a green light now, to wait. This happens entirely too often to me.
26. People who play video games too much. Especially if they're above the age of 16. Then it's just sad.
27. People who complain too much. Ironic? I think not...
28. People who say stupid things like "Canadians are dumb" or "All Americans are stupid"
29. Roseanne. *shudder*
30. When you type something really long, then the computer freezes and you never saved your work. As was the case last night when I worked on these lists...
When you avoid someone who you know online like the Black Death, and they
never get the message that you don't like them, and you're too nice to
tell them this, so you're forced to speak to them (only seldomly if you
have ICQ...thank you invisible list <
32. When my mother sings. When she does, I want to smash her face in as hard as I can. I know that's a terrible thing to say, but so is her singing. It's not even singing!! She's basically talking in a really high voice, and it makes me cringe & shudder & tell her to shutup.
33. When people go to the bathroom and don't close the door. This happens all too much in my house, and it makes me sick. I usually cover my ears or run upstairs or do something so I don't have to hear.
34. When I'm taking Jerry for a walk, and people go out of their way to walk around him or avoid him somehow. I mean, take a look at him. Does he REALLY look like a vicious dog?
35. People who are afraid of dogs (see #34). I can understand being afraid of big huge vicious rottweilers. I cannot understand being afraid of dogs like Jerry.
36. Lemonade.
37. Pennies. Did you know in Australia they don't have pennies, they just round? It's true. A very good idea too.
38. The song Steal My Sunshine by Len. What a TERRIBLE song, I cannot stand it. They're just copying Aqua, and they're not even good themselves.
39. Butch Huskey of the Boston Red Sox.
40. Marilyn Manson. I'm sure I don't need to explain why.
41. Rose McGowan. Not only is she brutally ugly, she's married to that freak Brian Warner, aka Marylin Manson.
42. Ricky Martin & Jennifer Lopez. They each have one hit and there's a sudden Latin explosion? Oh please. I ESPECIALLY hate the song She's All I Ever Had by Ricky Martin. Have you ever actually listened to his singing? Augh, it's terrible!!
43. Roberto Alomar and Albert Belle. Alomar should have been banned for life from baseball for spitting in the umpire's face.
44. People like Britney Spears. People like Christina Aguilera. People who become rich and famous because of their looks, and the fact that they can sing a song someone else wrote for them. And yes, I am jealous of them. So what? You are too.
45. The salaries that actors and athletes get. Pedro Martinez of the Boston Red Sox is an excellent pitcher. Did you know he gets paid over $3,000 per pitch? PER PITCH?! That is insane. Did Jerry Seinfeld really need $1 million American for every episode he made? Granted, his show was amazing. But there are people out there, doctors, scientists, doing SO much more than he ever will, and they get paid pennies compared to him.
46. Looking at dog vomit. I know nobody likes this...I just dislike it more than those people.
47. Getting happy birthday sung to me. It's nice and all yes, but there's nothing to do except stand there like a moron until it's over.
48. Singing & finding out afterwards that people heard me.
49. Chumbawamba and all their songs. Man they suck.
50. When girls look at me. I like it, but at the same time I don't. I can never figure out if they're looking at me because they're attracted to me, because I'm weird looking, if I'm scruffy looking (after having not shaven for a while...I tend to put it off due to laziness) or what reason. And I can't (well I can, but I'm too chicken) exactly go up & ask them why they're looking at me, so it always remains a mystery to me. I'd like to believe it's the first reason, but it's probably not.
51. The fact that the Smashing Pumpkins broke up :( That saddened me very much. I hope they do somehow get back together. At least Billy and James, they are the good ones. If not I hope Billy goes solo or joins another group or does something musically. He's too good not to do anything.
now, onto the things that I do in fact like. Love in some cases.
Driving (shutup).
Alternative & rap music (only some, not all...and Puff Daddy is not
rap, he is crap).
My dog, Jerry.
5.Sammy Sosa.
The book 'Pet Cemetary.' I'm in the middle of it right now and it scares
the heck outta me...I slept with the light on the other night. But still,
I definitely recommend it.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Green grapes.
Subway (not the method of transportation...the restaurant).
The Smashing Pumpkins
Katie Holmes. *yum* < 12.
Flying to Iowa.
Flying on a plane in general I suppose.
Scary Spice, Melanie Brown. Her normal voice, her singing voice, her personality,
clothes, and her hair. And her looks. *yum* < 16.
Jewel. Her music, attitude, voice (not singing, just her normal voice...altho
I do love her singing one as well) talent, and looks. *yum* < 17.
Sesame Street.
The R.E.M. song 'Nightswimming.' I could (and do) listen to that all day
and not get sick of it.
Being home alone so you can turn the music up really loud & can dance
around the house & sing without a care in the world.
Carol-Ann AnCel (she threatened me if I didn't put her up)
People who, when something costs $9.01 and you give them $10, will give
you a dollar back & not ask for the penny.
Making these pages
Leave It To Beaver
The Simpsons
Spending money
Playing NTN trivia at restaurants.
Cologne & perfume. All of them.
Chinese food buffets.
My friends. Most of 'em anyways.
Dr. Suess
Earth 2025
Shephard's Breakfast. It's eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, & if you desire,
cheese on top of that. I could eat that for the rest of my life (hint hint
Carol-Ann AnCel < 35.
Jello. Any flavour. Just not green.
Sean Connery & all his movies.
Australian accents & the people they're attached to.
Having a lot of money and having nothing to spend it on.
Dawson's Creek.
Giving people presents.
Receiving presents (hint hint....everyone < 42.
Getting mail. Any kind.
The songs "Nobody Knows" by the Tony Rich Project. I can relate to
it from many things.
The movie Groundhog Day. I can watch that again & again &
again, and I'll still laugh everytime.
People who send me comments about my page (hint hint)
Going to baseball games.
Taking a shower & playing a cd really loud so I can hear it even when
I'm in the shower. This I do only when my entire family (other than
me, of course) goes on vacation. Or if my parents do & the bros
aren't home.
Telling my friends that I ate two of my teachers bananas. Allow me
to explain. One time in grade 12 accounting, my teacher had a banana
(the fruit, not...the other thing) & asked if anyone wanted it, &
so I said I did, and I ate it. Then, one time in entrepreneurial
studies, the teacher yelled out, asking who wants a banana (again, the
fruit...). When nobody did, I raised my hand & yelled banana.
So he threw it at me. So sometimes I'll say things like "I had two
of my teachers banana's in my mouth" & my friends will get disgusted.
Makes me laugh just thinking about it :)
Winning free stuff. I never win anything big, I only win things like....free
Pepsi's and...well, that's pretty much it. But I'm as happy as a
lark (what does a lark look like anyways? took me a while to figure
out what it was (it's a bird), now i have to figure out why *they're* so
happy...) when I do win one.
The word assorted. If you read my entire page, you'll notice I used
it a few times.
Going rollerblading with Jerry. Again, if you've read my other pages, Jerry does not have rollerblades, only I do.
52. The Song Allentown by Billy Joel.
53. Collective Soul. A very, very talented group.
54. When my parents go away on vacation. Less than 48 hours from now, as I type this very line, we shall be in the car, me, and parents, me driving them to the airport. Oh yes. Oh yes.
55. The book The Running Man by Stephen King (his pen name for the book was Richard Bachman). As well, the book The Long Walk, by the same author, with the same pen name.
56. Curtis Joseph of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Not only a great goalie, also a very nice guy, and he has his own charity, Cujo's Kids, which I think is an excellent thing to have.
57. The
Humble & Fred Show
Rosie O'Donnell. She is just great, I love her.
59. Taking long naps in the day.
60. Driving long distances. Even though the longest I've driven is to Waterloo, which is about one and a quarter hours from here. Still felt like a roadtrip to me.
61. Getting complimented on my looks. I know everyone likes this, but I think I like it more than most people. And yes, I know it's what's on the inside that counts. But it doesn't hurt to look good on the outside too, right?
62. Getting hugged. By anyone, for any reason. So long as it's not my family, that doesn't count here.
63. Sherman's Lagoon
64. The videos for Learn To Fly by the Foo Fighters, All The Small Things by Blink 182, 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins, Animal Instinct by The Cranberries, and Underground by Moist. All excellent & original videos.
65. Updating my pages, which I believe I've said already. It's 1:30am, on Saturday December 9th, 2000, as I write this.
66. Playing the "Incredible Machine" series of games. Entertaining, amusing, *and* educational. Well, not really, but it's all good.
67. The cover of "Renegades of Funk" that Rage Against the Machine did.
68. Playing board games. I can play them all day, all I lack is the partner to play them with.
69. Having friends who know what you are thinking, sometimes before you are. Friends who always know how you feel and know what to say. Friends who know you better than you know yourself and you wouldn't trade them away for anything. Even if you don't talk to them for a day, a week, or a month, they'll still be the same friend and they'll have missed you as much as you missed them.
70. When people sign my guestbook. So far, it's been..11 days, and I'm still the only one who signed. I should point out I didn't tell anyone about updating the page or anything. Perhaps I'll get a visitor or two sometime in the future. Perhaps.
71. Saturday Night Live from the early 90's. Around 95 is where it all went downhill.
72. The show "Ed." VERY good. Watch it.
guess that's all for now, so check back later if you'd like to see the
updated list. Don't ask when later is, it's just...later.