About Me

Welcome to the page all about the creator of these pages.  It's 4:05am as I write this, so understand that I'm probably not 100% coherent right now.  My name is Evan Marcus.  I was born on November the 10th at North York General Hospital (the one with the big 'H') in 1980, making me 18 right now as I write this very line here. One quick note about this page. Under most, if not all of my paragraphs is a picture. The picture (incase some of you can't figure it out) somehow relates to what the paragraph said. Just incase you wonder why certain pictures are there.

All my friends tend to describe me the same.  They describe me as weird, somewhat crazy, unique, one-of-a-kind, caring, emotional, sarcastic, lazy, happy, nosy, cynical, too curious, and believe me, the list goes on.  That is just to name a few.  And I do suppose they're right.  The weirdness I think I was born with.  It first was visible in the fourth grade I believe, when I dubbed myself 'Evan the Great.'  People then took advantage of me, and began calling me 'Evan the Grape' & 'Evan the Bait' which I didn't appreciate too much.  From the fourth grade and on, I've tried to be humorous most of the time, and most of the time I think I am.  The fifth grade wasn't as funny, as the teacher I had despised me, and believe you me, the feeling was more than mutual.  She demonstrated her hatred for me by giving me countless detentions.  I returned the favor by having my mom come in to yell at her.  Mom's - is there anything they can't do? =) The sixth grade proved to be a humorous one once again, as every time the teacher would ask who wants to do something, I would yell "HAMEL!!!" out very loud.  She and he didn't appreciate it, but I didn't care, because the important thing was, I & the rest of the class did.  The sixth grade was where I first met Hamel, and we've been friends ever since.  He turned 19 at the end of February, so now he can drink and gamble.  Of course, he won't do either, he doesn't even have a driver's license to prove he's 19.  What a dork.  Anyways....the last two years of elementary school seemed to drag on forever.  When I was finished with the sixth grade, I wanted in to high school already, I viewed grades seven and eight as a waste of time, and y'know what?  I was right.  I learned two things in those grades.  One, that those grades are a waste of time.  Two, that when a teacher assigns a book for you to read, and it's one of those really long ones that you don't want to read, if you don't read the whole thing, you can always get away with it.  It also helps if you have a friend who has read the book, to help you through it and answer questions for you (thank you Raj).  Anyways, high school was after that...the work wasn't that hard, it was just annoying & there was too much of it.  My friends always told me I wouldn't graduate...but somehow I miraculously proved them wrong, and took the stage to get my diploma in November of `98.  It would have been nice if someone, anyone, was there to see and encourage me.

So now, here I am, March 4th, 1999.  I've been out of school for about a month now, and I still don't have a job.  Right now, I do nothing.  But I am looking for employment, it's just difficult to find.  As for what I want to do with my life, I have no clue whatsoever...anyone got any suggestions?

*This just in* I finally got a job.  It's May 15th, 1999 as I write this very line.  Actually I got my job in the beginning of March, but have been too lazy, like most people, to update my page.  I'm a porter (not the most glamorous job, but it's a job....sorta) at the National Trade Center downtown Toronto.  My boss is named Bruno, and if he's reading this now, I hope he dies a terrible, fiery death somehow.  Well that may be pushing it just a little.  His death doesn't have to involve fire.

Right now, I live in a town called Thornhill, although some people call it Vaughan.  Thornhill is in Vaughan I think, so it's really your choice.  Vaughan is in Ontario, which is in Canada.  I've lived in Thornhill most of my life, unfortunately.  I've lived two other towns in Ontario during my lifetime, each of them less than ten minutes away from where I type this very line right now.  I want out of Thornhill, out of Ontario, and out of Canada.  I want to move to the United States.  I don't know where yet, either somewhere where I have friends, or somewhere hot.  I've always wanted to move to California.  Now I just need to make some friends there.  If anyone rich is reading this and could possibly spare say....15 grand or so (I did say rich) and would like to donate it to a worthy cause, I urge you to donate it to the "Make Evan the Happiest Person In the World By Giving Him Money To Get Out Of His House" fund.  It really would work, I promise you.
If you've made it this far, I applaud and thank you.  I'll try to wrap this up, but it's now 4:34am, and I'm having too much fun here.  Back to about me...I like I lot of types of music.  Mostly I favor alternative.  I do however like some rap, r&b, and rock.  Come to think of it, I don't like a lot of types of music after all.  How about that.  If I haven't named it here, I don't necessarily dislike it, I just don't care for it.  My favorite artists would have to be, and I say this in no particular order: The Smashing Pumpkins, Oasis, Radiohead, Our Lady Peace, U2, Collective Soul, Ben Folds Five, Jewel, The Tragically Hip, Eagle-Eye Cherry, Beck, and Metallica.

As for what I drive, I have my choice of two cars.  Actually I usually have my choice of one, but sometimes two.  I usually drive a silver 1999 GMC Tracker, which we got in the first week of May. I love the car, it's nice, comfortable, you're higher than other people while driving it, and it still has the new car smell..  My other choice, is a 1995 red Jeep YJ.  It's a nice little car, but it's too bumpy in my humble opinion.  It's very good for driving on snow and ice, because of the four-wheel drive option it has.  Plus I just like the feeling of being higher than other drivers.  Gives me a sense of power.  Don't ask.  Although the car is more difficult to drive than the Tracker, so if I have the choice, I usually take the Tracker.  I've had my license since August of `98, and somehow, SOMEHOW, I've yet to get a ticket. *This just in* It's May 15 as I write this line and the next few.  I did get a ticket.  I took my grandmother to the airport, and even though she was 1 and a half hours early (boy was it a fun trip getting there, I kinda got lost & she wouldn't shut up about her missing her plane...) she was rushing, so I parked at the drop-off place, went in with her & helped her with her bags & checking in.  When I came back, I got a $25 ticket, and the bastard cop was calling to tow me away.  Good thing I got back when I did.  So, the ticket doesn't *really* count, since I knew I was going to get it.  Anyways, on with the rest.  AND, I've yet to get in an accident.  Well....sorta kinda anyways.  I did once (three times to be exact) reverse into a parking spot too far and bumped the other car, but no damage was done, not that I saw anyways.  And...once I reversed out of the garage, down the driveway, and SMACK! into the Jeep which was at the end of our driveway.  I couldn't understand what all my friends were yelling at me as I was reversing.  After smacking into the car, I realized they were yelling at me to stop.  Go figure.  I've reversed into snow banks, gone up on the curb (did that just yesterday) and put some minor scratches on the car as I was driving up the driveway & the bush on the side scraped against it.  Nobody knew tho....except Daniel who was in the car with me.  So basically, I've done pretty good, and have proved both my family and friends wrong, by not getting into a major accident or getting a ticket (one that counted anyways). All this, and I never passed driving school.  No, I didn't fail, I just never took the test.  Yes, I am good, I know.

I currently live at home with my two brothers, two parents, and one dog.  My brothers are going to be 23 and 25 this year, and yes I know it's pathetic that they still live at home.  My brothers and parents all annoy the heck outta me, approximately 335 days a year.  The other 30 or so days, my parents are on vacation, thank goodness.  I have a black Labrador, who is actually pretty smart, and his name is Jerry.  We've had Jerry for probably about three years now, and I love him.  He's very affectionate, and loves everyone - even a would-be murderer, if one broke into my house.  As you can see, he doesn't offer much protection, but he's always there when you need him.  Lately I've been rollerblading with him.  No, he doesn't rollerblade, he runs, I rollerblade.  I know some of you were probably thinking of that mistake.  Click here to go to a page with pictures of Jerry.

One thing that I've recently begun doing is writing.  I write what's on my mind, how I feel, and what I have to say.  I have an idea for a story, and I've been meaning to write it for a while now.  One of these days I'll open notepad or some program up and actually write it..  Sometimes I have something bottled up inside me, and I just feel like I have to tell it to someone, but at the same time, I don't want to.  Writing helps me with this, as I get it out of my system.  It's kewl to look back on entries and see how I was feeling one day, and how I felt about the people around me.  It tends to change from day to day.  Except how I feel about my family.  That's pretty much constant.  I'll leave it up to your imagination as to what that feeling is.

As for what I look like, I could put a picture up here, but I won't.  I go through a lot of trouble to scan one to stick in here, and what for?  So other people can see me and then not tell me what they think of my looks.  I like getting complimented on my looks, don't ask why, I just do.  I have boring brown eyes, and a hair color that I still to this date don't know.  Some people say black.  Others say dark brown.  My birth certificate says dark brown.  I want it to be brown as well, but since different people give me different opinions, I'll probably never know.  My hair isn't long, but it's too long for my liking now, as it gets into my eyes all too often.  I'll get it cut just as soon as I can decide how to cut it without me looking dorky, as I usually do after I get it cut.  I'm about 5'10", which is taller than the average man, but not as tall as I'd like to be.  Ever see those guys like basketball players who are like 6'8"??  It's unfair that they're that tall.  Why can't they just be like 6'4" and make me 6'2".  I would love to be 6'3", but 6 feet exactly is what I would be happy with, at the very minimum.  Since I'm taller than more than 50% of my gender, I'm constantly comparing myself with other males when I go out in public.  Don't ask why.  Height is very important to me.  I have to be taller than others.  It makes me feel good when I walk around someplace and it's full of people shorter than me.  Although that doesn't happen too often.  Height, in my mind, is everything.  It helps to increase respect, and increases your chances of getting a job.  It's true.  If you ever see a really tall person, you automatically can assume they have a job.  I guess employers think that tall people sell products or make things look good.  They're probably right.

As for goals in my life....I have a bunch of them, but I'll only list some here, as some I wish to remain private.  One of them is to go to Hollywood/Los Angeles, and go on a game show.  This I decided just a few nights ago.  People are going there and saying stupid things like "T" or "R" or even "S" (you better know what game show I'm referring to here) and are getting money for it.  There are so many game shows there, one of them has to let me on.  So this summer I hope to go on a game show and win some money, to help me move to...well, out of this house.  Which brings me to goal number two.  Moving out.  Goal number three is winning the lottery.  Goal number four includes somehow getting famous and/or rich, and rubbing it in my family's face.  The rest of my goals shall remain classified for now.

Well I think that's it....it's now 5:11am.  I was sitting in my room reading Calvin & Hobbes and I decided I wasn't tired so I thought I'd get on the computer and do something constructive.  When I couldn't find anything to do, I decided to write this.  I hope you enjoyed learning about me, please e-mail me at thebestevan@yahoo.com and tell me what you think of my page, or any assorted comments, questions, or concerns.  Thank you.

Alrighty folks, well good news. I'm back. It's 10:16am, on October 19th, 1999. Why am I up so early you ask? Well for approximately the last two weeks I've been taking my brother to the subway at 7:15am, so I think my body is just adjusted to waking up so early. I've been up since about 8:30am. It's been a little while since I've updated this page, so I'll do my best now. I quit my worthless job at the National Trade Center in August, right before the Canadian National Exhibition. I've been out of work and doing pretty much nothing since. Oh wait, that's not entirely true. For about a day and a half, I had a job at a video store, where I worked a cool four hours, not even actually, since I left about 15 minutes early. Then the idiot boss called me the next day & said it wasn't going to work out since he got a 27-year old with more experience than me. What experience one can possibly need to ask for someone's phone number and take money from them, I'll never know, but since I was fired, I'm guessing it must be darn challenging stuff. I was fired, if you can say that, about...a month ago, perhaps more, and I've yet to receive my gigantic paycheck. Let's see...$6.85 * 4 - taxes = ?? So like I said, I haven't done too much. Some people have told me to get a job, some have told me to go to school. I still don't know what I want to do in life, not a clue. Some of the good people out there have told me not to go to school yet since I don't know what I want to do. Others have told me to go anyways. I don't like those others. I want, and I suppose need a job now. However, this poses a big problem, as I'm very picky. I will not work for minimum wage. I will not work in a restaurant, or a mall. I will not work in a grocery store. I will not be a cashier (that was one of my stupid jobs at the CNE, and it's no picnic, lemme tell ya). I will not (can not I should say) do anything that requires heavy lifting, as my arms are the width of pencils. I do not want them in a box, with a fox, I will not eat green eggs and ham, I do not want them Sam I Am. Sorry, got a lil' off topic there =) Good book, Green Eggs & Ham, I read it at the doctor the other day while I was waiting for my mom. Anyways...the job I want now is an office job. I want to have my own office (I know my standards are high, but what're you gonna do) where I can work. My own office for just me, so I can have my space. Also, people tend to annoy me, so I don't want to be around them all the time. I wouldn't care what I got paid (so long as it's above minimum wage - even 15 cents more) or what hours I worked. If I had my own office where I could do my work, I wouldn't care how difficult or boring the work was. As long has I have my own office, my own space, I'm content. So, any offers out there?

If you've made it this far, I commend you once more. By the way, if I haven't mentioned it already which I know I have, please fill out the comment form, as it'll result in me getting an e-mail & I'll be happy as a clam. Remember up above when I said the Tracker was easier to drive than the Jeep? It's not, I take it back, it is the total opposite now. The Tracker takes forever to accelerate, and you can't see your blind spot well in it because of the way the car was made, and the back seats, which makes driving quite annoying. At least the radio works in it, which I can't quite say for the Jeep. But if I have my choice, I always take the Jeep now.

It's my birthday soon. Well, somewhat soon anyways. I'll be 19 years old. I can't believe I lived this long. Now I can finally drink, go to strip clubs, and gamble. Of course, I don't really like any of those things, so I'm not going to do any of them. Just the fact that I *can* means something to me. I think. Anyways I do like gambling, so hopefully I'll go with friends to a casino somewhere near, preferably the one in Niagara Falls. Gambling in a casino is fun. Only time I did it was when I stood between my parents on a cruise ship, in the casino there. Now I'll be able to lose my money legally. Speaking of cruises, it is is approximately 65.5 hours (not that I'm counting) before my parents leave on vacation to take a cruise, and will be gone about 17 days. It is going to be SO good having them gone. And I am going to be SO sad when I read this later on & they're back, and I remember how fun it was without them, and how much I want them to go away again. Ah well, they're going away in February again, so I won't have to wait that long.

Yes, I do have excellent rambling skills, thank you. I think that will be all for now. Again, please fill out the comment form, I love getting those things, even if they're insulting. And I ask you to be brutally honest in it, tell me honestly if you like my page, hate my page, like my page, or love my page. Thank yas.

Guess what? I am back, once again. The date is July the 5th, the time is 4:28am according to my computer as I type the word now, NOW. It has been way too long since I updated this. But since the only people who come to my page are my close friends, and they barely visit it either, nobody probably noticed. A lot has happened since I last updated this. I got a job as a security guard at a condominium building in downtown Toronto, and about five months later I was fired from that. But it was a good run while it lasted, I read, listened to music, even bought myself a portable television & watched it, because my job mostly consisted of just sitting there. Anyway enough of that, that's in the past, and thankfully so. I also had a birthday of course, I turned 19. And I DID get to go gambling, I went a few days ago actually and it was a lot of fun. I just played slot machines & video poker, and I highly recommend both =) Not to win, just for fun of course. And don't spend too much either, it's not worth it, luckily I didn't spend that much. But, on to a new paragraph.

In about six weeks, I will be moving to Florida. So I sort of got my wish above, by wanting to move to somewhere hot. On August 18th, my father and I will drive down in the Tracker (oh boy am I looking forward to THAT expedition...) and move in to the house on the 21st of August. We will be living in Pembroke Pines, Florida, which is a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale. My father will take me to buy a bed, groceries, just things that I'll need, and then he will fly back to Toronto, and arrive back in Florida sometime in late September with my mother. I can't wait to live in Florida because of the weather and I just want to get away from where I live now, and start a new life there, which will hopefully be a much better one. I'll have a pool there and will be but a half hour's drive from the beach. Of course that means nothing unless I make friends there, because I won't be going myself & I surely will not go with my parents. That is another advantage of having Jerry. I can take him to the beach with me. I've heard there is a place in Florida that's open certain hours, it's fenced in & you can take your dog there & let him loose to play or go in the ocean. Girls love dogs, girls love guys with dogs, and girls especially love guys with dogs on the beach. I've got it all planned out...

Also recently I went on a trip to Iowa, which was actually my second trip. I went there for New Years & had a great time. Then I went back in late May once again, and I had the best time of my life there, and I do mean that. Who knows when I'll be going back, or where my next trip (Florida doesn't count) will take me to. I've got a few ideas in mind...well, actually a couple. I'm sure my close friends know exactly where I wanna go.

And to copy my best friend on her page (who did a great job by the way), I will now list a few interesting and/or strange things about me that you might not have known.

I don't like lemonade or anything lemon.

I like to sing, but don't think anyone would like to listen.

I think mullets are hilarious.

I don't like spaghetti or ketchup.

I wish I could play the guitar, but I lack long fingers & the ability to play.

I am constantly flipping things in the air & catching them. TV remotes, cups, clocks, knives, I've done it all. Mostly pens though, I have perfected that.

I was really short all the way until grade ten. All my friends, including one who is four or five inches shorter than me now, were taller than me.

I'm 5'10" and I weigh under 125lbs. I am the exact height and weight of Tyra Banks. In fact, I am skinnier than she is. Maybe I should be a supermodel?

I don't have a lot of family outside of the immediate, and I don't like the members of my immediate family.

I don't have a lot of friends. My three best friends all live far away from me.

I'm nocturnal, which is bad for me I know, but at the moment I can't help it & really have no reason not to be.

I can type faster than anyone I know. All skills that I excel at are really ones that don't get you anywhere in life...typing, flipping things, snapping, whistling...I'm good at those things.

Lemmings and the Incredible Machine Series are probably my all-time favorite computer games.

I can sit and play board games for hours & hours without tiring. In fact I know of only one other person who is the same as me in that respect.

Since the first grade, I have moved six times. Soon to be seven when I go to Florida.

All members of my family are overweight, except for me, which leads me to the conclusion that maybe I really am adopted.

1979 by the Smashing Pumpkins is my favorite song.

Skittles is my favorite candy.

All members of my immediate family were born in South Africa, I was born in Toronto.

I have better vision than anyone I know & have never needed glasses.  Yet sometimes I still wear glasses.  They are only for fashion purposes - the lenses are plain glass.

I cannot tan, either.

I love Chinese food, hate Japanese & Mexican food.

I love Australian accents the most.

I love buying gifts for my close friends.

I have the BEST friends in the world - the close ones, that is.

I love reading Stephen King books.

I cannot yet grow a respectable beard, but I still continue to try.

I think athletes, musicians, and actors are WAY overpaid and it really bothers me.

I could drink a gallon of Welch's Grape Juice and still drink ten more & never get sick of it.

I enjoy watching people.

I spend far too much time online, and sleeping.

I want to donate blood, but I am still partially scared and would rather go with a close friend.

I love making this page, though I doubt anyone will read it for a while. Let me know when you do please.

I feel that I am one of a VERY limited number of people who actually know how to drive properly. The indicator isn't there for show, so why don't people use it?

I can't dance.

I drink tea about once or twice a month, and I never drink coffee. I drink far too much Pepsi.

I cannot stand my own voice and I don't know how others can either.

I wish I had blue and/or green eyes.

I love cats & dogs, but dogs more.

I love using windshield washer fluid, whether the windshield needs it or not.

I actually DO know how to reverse park and I do it sometimes.

I prefer Leno over Letterman, and Kilborn over O'Brian.

I believe The Simpsons is the funniest show in existence.

I believe Muchmusic is better than MTV.

I am very flexible - I can put my leg over my head.

I eat more than most small countries, yet somehow I don't gain a pound.

I can run quickly, but not for long at ALL.

I can jump high, for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm somewhat tall & weigh nothing. Or maybe my friends just cannot jump at all & it makes me look better.

What else, what else...oh, incase you haven't noticed, I have very good rambling skills.

Pepsi always has been & always will be better than Coke.

Rosie has the BEST talk show out there.

I don't like having to spell favourite without a u now.  As well for honour, labour, neighbour, etc.

Well, that's all for now...it's now 5:49am and I should be getting up to bed. Again, let me know what you thought of my page, and I hope to see you back here soon.

Well, it's me once more. I should update this page more, but then I think, why bother? I get about one and a half visitors per month, I think anyway. So instead, I don't do it often, but do a lot at a time. It's November 27th, 2000, as I type this. I had my birthday 17 days ago which makes me 20, no longer a teenager. I can't believe I am 20. 20 at last. All my friends who I went to school with turned 20 before I did. I don't know where I was going with that thought...so, on we go. I live in Florida now, South Florida. I live about 15 minutes west of Ft. Lauderdale, and 30 minutes north of Miami. I like where I live, but I do not like Miami, not one bit. What was Will Smith thinking? Anyway, I like the weather down here, I don't like not knowing anyone or having a friend. Life down here is very different to life up in Thornhill. My house is a bungalow, has no upstairs or downstairs. I miss stairs. Wherever you go in my house you can hear people in other parts of the house, which is a bad thing. Having an upstairs or downstairs lets you get away, escape, sometimes. I live with my parents, Jerry, and nobody else. I said goodbye to my brothers as they live in Toronto still, thankfully. As for what I do in my day-to-day life..I'll let you know when *I* know. I came down here not knowing what the future held for me. All I was concerned about was not having snow. Anyway I came here and began going out on-call with a friend of mine who is a computer technician. I learned a bit...some days were good...most days were slow, boring, useless. So about three months after I started it, I ended it. Then I had the brilliant idea to learn Visual C++. I tried...I tried...I tried...I failed. I just can't hack it, pardon the pun. Since I've been here, I haven't had a job. Going out with my friend occupied all my time, more or less. Then studying did too until I realized I just could not grasp it and I don't understand how others can. Then again, I don't understand how people can play the guitar. I don't know what I'm going to do now. Hopefully, get a job and figure out what I want to do. I know though God has a plan for me and has it all worked out, so I don't worry as much as I normally would, but I am human, and I do worry. So, that's the plan for now, get a job & figure out what I wanna do. Ultimately I have a few goals...alas, I cannot write them here. Just YET anyway. Incase certain people read this...my closest friends probably know what I'm talking about. When I can write about it, I will gladly and proudly discuss it. Until then I must keep my mouth shut to all but my closest friends. Anyway...I hope to get a job in the computer field, career-wise I mean. I've looked into the technical aspect of it, actually repairing computers I mean..it's interesting but I don't know if I can see myself doing it. As of now I'd like to be a programmer...as for what language I'd be working in, that remains a mystery. I'd love to understand Visual C++ & work for a company doing that...but, two things need to happen first, two minor things. I need to learn Visual C++ and need to find a company to work for who will hire me. That's it though :) What else...well, that's about it. Who knows what the future has in store for me but God. I suppose this concludes this entry...not the longest one of the bunch, but it's done, I've updated my page. It's just a matter of who reads this and when. Oh I added the
guest book tonight as I stated on the main page, and I also added a counter to see if people do come. Don't sit there and hit reload just to make me think people come to the page please :) I know probably only about three will come in the next month or two anyway. This is Evan, signing off for now. Wait, one last thing to add to the facts part about me. I won't add it above, I'll start a new one with just one fact.

I want a Tickle-Me-Elmo doll, but I want to buy it for myself. I don't want anyone to give it to me for any reason. Like Marge with potatoes, I just think they're neat.

Hey ho, me once more. It is Sunday, January 28, 2001, at 3:02am as I type this line. I added a few pictures & words here and there. Not much to update. Well, yes there is, but I am too lazy and tired to do it now. So this counts as my update for now. Not like anyone ever visits here anyway. Good day.


Alright, I am back.  It is Sunday, February 4th, 2001, 11:12pm as I write this.  I am getting over a cold I had this weekend, it was bad.  Then again, never is a cold good...but you know what I mean.  The above paragraph...no, the one...three above this, well four if you include the Fin. one, the big one...the last part was pretty stupid, but I won't erase it.  I won't erase anything on this page unless it needs to be erased for whatever reason.  Anyway let's do some updating.  I now attend Florida Computer and Business School...which, I am sad to say, is somewhat like (for my friends over the border reading this) DeVry.  But Florida Computer and Business School, unlike DeVry, isn't serious about success, so it's all good.  Actually that last sentence makes no sense but I had to add the "serious about success" part in.  I am studying to be a computer programmer.  Of course before you get to the programming parts, you must learn the popular Microsoft products...Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook.  Word & Excel I know...Outlook I don't like, I prefer Outlook Express...Access I have never used...PowerPoint is fun, but I don't see myself using it a lot in the future.  My classes only go from 6-9 in the evening, and ...hmm...I don't think one single class has actually started at 6, or ended at 9.  Usually it's about 6:15 to 8:30 or so.  Class has ended anywhere from 7:30 - 8:45 or so.  Now that I have been denied financial aid (something I really should let my parents know...oh well, in time I shall) I am able to take more than two classes per term, or semester if you will, which lasts about six weeks.  I was told if I get financial aid I cannot take more than two per term, or semester if you will.  Ideally what I would like to do is to take a morning class which goes from 9 - 12, and an evening class which like I said goes from 6 - 9.  One class is taken on Monday & Wednesday, another on Tuesday & Friday.  So if I take a set of morning classes & a set of evening classes, I will be taking a total of four.  What to do between 12pm & 6pm is the question.  Obviously I want to get a job, but I can't see anyone wanting to hire me for six hours in the day when those six hours have to be from 12 - 6.  There is a TGIF across the road from my school...or no, it's called TGI Friday's..or is it TGIF Friday's?  No no, it's the second one..I think.  Anyone I would like to work there because one, it's right across the road from school, and two, working in a restaurant just appeals to me for some reason.  Plus they have NTN there, which is one of only two places it exists in Pembroke Pines according to www.ntn.com  Ever heard the song "If You're Gone" by Matchbox Twenty?  It's pretty good, go get it.  Ah yes, I am listening to it now, very good song.  We are moving again - yes, again.  In kindergarten we moved to Woodbridge.  Then after grade one I moved to Thornhill, 10 Karen Street.  Then we moved to the other side of Thornhill, 23 Pine Knoll Gate.  Then we moved back to the first side again, at 69 North Meadow Crescent, which is my favorite house of all time.  It was big, had a nice huge basement, and it had a pool that we got built.  Then we moved to 20 Dana Crescent which was a townhouse we rented while shopping for a house, we were there for a year or so.  Then we moved to 30 Chilmar Crescent, just down the road from Dana.  Then, to 223 Joseph Aaron Blvd a couple years later.  A couple years after, we moved to 19388 NW 14th St. in Pembroke Pines, Florida.  Now we begin the moving process once again.  We have not been here six months and our house is for sale.  That's my parents for ya.  Y'know what they need?  They need to see Calvin.

Oh I didn't get to where I wanted to in the last paragraph.  When I was talking about how that one paragraph, the last part being pretty stupid, that is where I got lost.  I doubt anyone other than my friends on ICQ will read this anyway, but maybe someday my family will.  I'm bound to give it to my aunt or a brother someday.  Anyway I am Christian, which I am very proud to say.  When I moved down to Florida, I went and bought a Bible and prayed and asked questions to God, and two of my closest friends, Emily and Sara.  They were the ones who helped encourage me and gave me the guidance I needed.  They gave me a swift kick in the butt, for lack of a better term, when I needed it most.  Emily was the one who kept reminding me that I need God and how much I need Him and why I need Him.  In a way she introduced me to Jesus and for this I can never thank her enough.  Fortunately I also had friends like Courtney and James to answer questions along the way.  And of course I had Jesus Himself, but that goes without saying.  To me, anyway.  For the past...two and a half some years, deep down I knew I would be Christian.  I was never motivated to do anything about it though & never gave it much thought.  Emily was the one who prodded me, because she believed in me.  She knew deep down I was missing something - Christ.  She was 100% right.  Growing up, religion and God Himself was never an issue for me.  I never attended synagogue, even though I was told I was Jewish and I believed I was.  When I say I never attended synagogue, I mean myself and my family.  None of us kept up with the traditions or rules that are associated with Judaism.  Sure we got together for some of the holidays with family, and someone would say some sort of prayer to....to God I suppose, but I don't know who they think God is.  No one, myself included, took it seriously though.  Also I knew next to nothing about Judaism itself.  So, when I told my parents I was Christian (actually when I told them I have something to tell them (and I kinda figured they would) mom thought I was going to tell her I was gay.  Thankfully my friend Clare has told she would never take me for being gay after talking to me for two seconds.) they were both somewhat upset which I did not understand one bit, since we did not practice Judaism.  Once upon a time my mother told me she would disown me if I changed religions, so I was hesitant but I knew I had to tell them.  So I did and overall she was fine with it.  Dad however, was not, which surprised me.  He sees it as him failing as a parent which is totally not true.  The way I see it, he has succeeded because he has raised a son who is open-minded and can take everything into account before making a choice, and doesn't just accept what he is told.  All my friends know of my choice, both the Christians & otherwise.  However...aside from my parents, none of my family knows.  Not even my brothers.  I have no idea how they will react when I tell them.  I'm interested to see how my grandparents will react when I tell this to them, both my grandmother's and my grandfather, as well as my aunt.  They'll think the same way my parents think - that I was brainwashed by my friends.  They can think whatever they like, the important thing is that I know the truth and God knows the truth.  I suppose I will find out in time.  Until then I'll just continue my life here, attending school and hopefully working soon, praying, and doing what I do best:

I wish more people came to my page.  I know it's just about me and well, not much else...but it would still be neat to look at my counter sometimes & see it go up at least one hit every week or so.  I should say now once more, if you have any comments, criticism, questions, and so forth, please do e-mail me or write something in that comment form on my main page.  Do they have ten year high school reunions?  I was told in the U.S. they do, but I don't know about Canada.  Someone told me it depends on the school.  I hope they do have it, I am looking forward to mine already.

And now it's the time you've all been waiting for.  Pictures of me.  I didn't have them of me on here for a long time...but now, I figured why not.  Someday soon when I get a web cam I will put newer pictures on me, but until then you are stuck with these.











Yes, this is the artist known as Evan.  The picture on the left was taken on some genuine Des Moines stairs, in late December of '99 I believe.  The scarier picture on the right was taken in a genuine Canadian bathroom in the summer sometime, of 2000.  Right now my hair is like it is on the right, just short little spikes.  Again, when and if I get a web cam, I will update this page and put newer and hopefully better pictures of me on here.  The one on the right here looks weird, it's too dark.  Also I was holding the camera and pointing it up at myself, as you can sorta tell.  Oh by the way, since I started this about me page over two years ago, at the top it says I am 18, but you the reader put two and two together and figured out I was 20, or if this is past November 10th, 2001, 21.  Just incase you got confused.  I do know how to do simple math.  By the way, if your screen is not set at 1024x768 then please change it now.  That is how I designed my page & how it looks best.  Also, that is the best setting.  You may find it very small at first but just give it a little while.  Then when you go back to your old setting, it seems too big & you prefer 1024x768.  Makes your monitor seem bigger because you can fit more on the screen.

1:40am.  Between talking on ICQ and doing these pages, in addition of course to listening to music, I have had a pretty good night.  I guess I will end it off here.  Who knows who will read this and when he or she will read it.  But if you do read this Emily, then know that I miss you very much.

Farewell and goodnight.

I have returned. I have returned for one last time. It is 5:54am on Wednesday, April 11th as I write this. I have decided to cease updates on this page. This actually is sad for me, and what makes it sadder is that if I am fortunate, two people will actually read this in the next few months. I would love to update this page and put my heart into it and write about whatever I feel like, but no one wants to hear what I have to say. Personally I'd love to visit a page where someone actually put their heart into what they said and updated it periodically. I think it would be interesting, and not just another page that you can find online anywhere. Apparently my site, to everyone else, IS just another one of those common sites. I thought it was different, but I guess not. Even though it is just about me, I did write a heck of a lot more than most, and I know I'm not the most interesting person, but I did manage to make my site more interesting than most online. Thank you Bianca for your e-mail, it was all worth it even if you were the only one who liked my site. Go to http://www.geocities.com/thebestevan which is my newer site and people will probably like it more than this one, since there aren't that many words to read on the page. As I said in my main page here, people don't like to actually read webpages, which is why this site gets no visitors. You, reader, may think this is all stupid, elaborate, and overboard. But I don't. Not at all. I've had a webpage up since 1996, back when the Internet was good, before most of the world was online. Perhaps one day I will update this again, perhaps not. Maybe I'll change it around altogether. For now I'll stick to journals for my writing instead of my page. Oh, I did get financial aid for school, so all is well. I have no job still and am looking. I suppose that's it. Go listen to "Drops of Jupiter" by Train.

For the last time, farewell and goodnight.