Hi there...... I'm George..... known on IRC as "CloudWarrior"
Thanks to my best chum Anne
for all the help and friendship she has given me. She lives in the land of velcro shoes (Australia) and they have a
language all their own. Anne is a wonderful person and always has a smile. Well, I could go on for many pages about her and her family but have a look at her page and let her tell you.
My wife, Midge, and I have owned our piece of God's country, in
Oregon, since 1989. We have had about 6000 trees planted on it. They are
douglas fir, and
ponderosa pine and
incense cedar.
In about 75 years they will be ready to harvest so I guess we won't get rich off them.
We are still in the process of building our home
and having never attempted a task like this before hope one day to have it finished.....Okay stop all that laughing. I have machined all the woodwork , white and black oak, for the house. Now I am working on the cabinets. Well tomorrow I will be...LOL!!!
My favorite area is down by
the pond which is about a 10 minute walk from our house. Our pond covers about one third of an acre and is about 20 foot deep when it's full. We have it stocked with large mouth bass and crappie. The bass have been in the pond since 1995 and I hope to harvest some of them soon. The crappie were added a year later. To give you an idea of the size they can get to, the record for Oregon, was a Largemouth Bass weighing 11 lb 9.6 oz and it was 25.5 inches in length, with a girth of 21.25 inches. It was caught by Randy T Spaur on 4/15/94 at Farm Pond in Butte Falls.
Check out the pole barn.
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This page was created March 8th 1997 Updated July 9th 2002