George Ruban's GeoCities Guestbook

Below are the comments of people who have visited these pages. If you haven't yet made your own entry, please do. I movd the ODP related comments to another page, to keep this one of manageable size.

09/25/00 13:17:51
Name: Laura Bailey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by: surfing
Interested in: url

I think you have a wonder site and I enjoyed it ver much.

05/24/00 00:24:20
Name: Mike My Email: Email Me
Referred by: Interested in: HERO System Combat Applet

I think that HERO System Combat Applet is real cool. It'll definatly help out with the RPG I'm making. Might have to make a few tweaks to it first.

04/20/00 17:02:01
Name: Rick Rechowicz My Email: Email Me
Referred by: email from Roger Christman Interested in: the Champions combat Applet

Very impressive. One thing: I haven't dug into the code, but is there a way to weight attack selection in the combats? (I.e. so Wolverine favors his claws, Captain America is more prone to shield attacks, etc.) I realize this would be a *ton* of work and require familiarity with the characters, but it would be a major improvement. OTOH, I'm still going to make lots of use of this testing out supervillains againts my current team! :)

01/11/00 21:03:58
Name: ryan
My Email: Email Me
Referred by: I want to start my own sit

Looking to start my own websit for my business can you help me out I cant find a sit that can help me. it is all crape ryan at

12/01/99 04:46:12
Name: JD My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by: Me
Interested in: Any

Hey George (you can delete this if you want)! It's updated... just click the URL link!

11/18/99 21:47:59
Name: JD My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by: I did!
Interested in: The Hero stuff

Hi George! Josh here. I'm updating the stuff soon. The link will change to or similar. I'm an accomplished Java Developer now too! Http:// for more info! Cya!

09/11/99 23:15:53
Name: Castor Creed
My Email: Email Me
Referred by: searching for a good RPG

ummm your page isn't done yet.... but i cant wait to see it...

08/13/99 03:40:53
Name: Jon Sparks
My Email: Email Me Referred by: a search for champions related material
Interested in: html hero

Great utility. Very handy. Keep up the good work!

07/25/99 19:14:55
Name: Sarah
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

nice site ..loved the layout

07/02/99 17:09:33
Name: Louie van Bommel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by: odp
Interested in: java, programmer stuff

I surfed in to find a tool for analyzing popularity of sites, or to get a list of sites related to a site, or something like that. I forget now, since I was so wrapped up in your homepage, and that of your significant other. I like your stuff on Java, and now I guess I'll have to look at your odp bookmarks, I see. I'm a Java Internet consultant. Maybe you may find my link to my "web" stuff of use, especially applet signing in Java 1.2.

03/27/99 09:01:39
Name: Linger My Email: Email Me
Referred by: yahoo serach Interested in: technology and interesting

Very good!You give me many help,thanks!

10/22/98 10:32:11
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

09/25/98 18:32:09
Name: Eric Cheung My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Interested in: Just because it is about HERO system.

Wow I hope this is the first step to bring hero system into computer game. It be cool if this will turn into some kind of mud or multi players game!!! Please keep me updated !!! Eric Cheung

08/22/98 01:31:19
Name: John Murphy My Email: Email Me
Referred by: a friend Interested in: Hero games

Nice page, thanks for the html converter. I am in the process of setting up a home page, I will do my champions characters here. Thank you very much. have a good one, John Murphy

08/06/98 00:08:28
Name: Fitz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by:
Interested in: HtmlHero applet

I like the applet a lot -- very handy for whipping up a quick NPC or two. Good work.

07/24/98 23:53:17
Name: tom lynch My Email: Email Me
Referred by: great web site of heroes Interested in: java combat

Another thought: despite all the complaints that Sam Bell's character translations are too high pointwise, he is remarkably accurate in translating to an accurate relative scale, based on the results of the combats I have been running. For example, Capta n America and Black Panther split victories about evenly, with a slight edge to Cap, as you would expect. Same thing between Thor and Herc. On the other hand, Banshee consistently whips Human Torch, and Spidey consistently whips him. Who needs to actua ly READ marvel comics??

07/24/98 23:10:50
Name: tom lynch My Email: Email Me
Referred by: great net page of heroes Interested in: combat applet, mostly

The applet is the coolest thing ever. I used to think I was a bit crazy a few years back, running champions combats for my own edification between random characters to see the results (like the Hulk vs. Iron Fist, say). Now I can do it in no time electr nically! See how much more efficient you have made my time wasting? Anyway, the concept is great and works pretty well, except the java script acts kind of funny sometimes, so that I cannot see all of the buttons. I think that your idea of separating t e two character status screens from the browser would help. Also, if it would be hard to code a heromaker add-on type application, how about just accepting character posts in standard format just for the purpose of your app?

07/03/98 15:20:16
Name: Shirley and Les Krick My Email: Email Me
Referred by: Sir George Ruban and Alexandra Interested in: Family pictures

I sure wouldn't have recognized you. You've become better looking since you got married. It was nice to see what you look like Alexandra. Hopefully, you will visit the warm, southern Indiana territory sometime. Shirley said you had a really nice visit at the wedding. She just got home yesterday afternoon, and went through the usual lost luggage routine. The wedding video was in it. Fortunately, the airlines found it. It was delivered to the house about midni ht. We will see that you get a copy of the wedding video, if it came out. Tim is coming home tomorrow with the equipment to show it. They split up the load for easier travelling. Shirley and Les

06/16/98 17:00:35
Name: Heikki Hallamaa My Email: Email Me
Referred by: a Friend Interested in: All

Keep the ratio up!

02/23/98 15:27:15
Name: Robert Zagursky
My Email: Email Me
Interested in: Signal Sequence PredictionBob

Hello George, just wanted to let you know that we got the signal sequence program of yours running okay. If you ever do any updates, please let me know. Thanks,

01/08/98 00:30:44
Name: Pat Sandhop My Email: Email Me
Referred by: Shelley's Gratuitous Links Interested in: the combat applet

Great job on the applet. I'm quite impressed by both the large and small versions. I can hardly wait to see further refinements, like the addition of haymakers.

10/13/97 18:15:37
Name: The Big Brick My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by: CoH
Interested in: Hero Combat

Keep on working on your combat thing. It's going great your friendly friend, The Big Brick

10/01/97 20:22:21
Name: Elliott My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by: usenet - champions
Interested in: many


09/24/97 03:32:29
Name: Red Swan My Email: Email Me
Referred by: altavista advanced search engine Interested in: Hero system combat applets

I found your page by doing a search under champions and hero and system. Then I refined the search to require "champions" and "OCV"

09/11/97 20:02:12
Name: Dima Silakov
My Email: Email Me

WOW!What can i say : "WoW"!!! I just finished preparation to Java-class in the evening-spent couple of hours on very symple app.code, and walking through the diff sites find out your site - its great! Unfortunatel my command of english not so good to write so I want to , but in this I want to say "Thank you" fof all all very usefull information which I find in your site. Good luck Dima S. P.S sorry about my Engl.

09/11/97 06:56:43
Name: Shelley Chrystal Mactyre My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by: My page. =)
Interested in: The Champions stuff, silly!

Nice job with the applet, George. Thanks again for saving Deejay's pages; I'm glad to have helped out with the space. Best of luck to you!

09/05/97 13:22:10
Name: George Ruban My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Referred by: I wrote this site!
Interested in: The whole site, actually.

This is a test of my own guestbook. Let it serve as a warning to others.

If you haven't yet signed my guestbook, please do.

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