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HTML for People Who Want to Learn  --  Log Book

Log Book


February 19, 2001
Fixed an error I discovered on the HTML for Starters Chapter 4 page. Two and a half years ago when I put all the images on this site in a separate directory, I used "search and replace" to add the directory to the file name of every image. In this tutorial where I had noted that file names are case sensitive and showed examples, all the file names where changed to lower case as a result.

July 30, 2000
Updated the Web Rings page. Deleted dead rings, corrected dead links, and added a couple more rings.

July 15, 1998
Uploaded the changes mentioned on the 6th that were made to the Tables for Starters tutorial.

July 11, 1998
Uploaded the changes mentioned below that were made to the Lists for Starters tutorial.

July 6, 1998
Uploaded the first set of changes. Made changes to the HTML for Starters tutorial. Put the date and time the page was last modified at the bottom of the page. Removed the annoying onMouseOver window.status from the navigation links that showed text on the status bar instead of the link's URL.

June 26, 1998
Put the page URL at the bottom of every page.

May 24, 1998
Added the left and right values for the ALIGN attribute of the CAPTION element. Also made a correction concerning the SIZE attribute of the FONT element.

April 18, 1998
Added a note on the HTML for Starters page to clarify that while HTML tags are not case sensitive, file names are. Also did a little tweaking to make some pages display sooner.

April 14, 1998
Added a page about the font element.
Moved the Basic HTML Reference Chart to its own page and added a few more elements.

April 7, 1998
Added Helpful HTML Links page.

March 31, 1998
I finally wrote a page explaining how to put images on a page. Chapter 4, HTML for Starters. (For obvious reasons, this page will not be included in the text-only version.)

Wrote Body Attributes, listing the attributes of the <BODY> tag. Linked to Chapter 1, HTML for Starters.

March 27, 1998
I now have a bulletin board for visitors to this site to ask questions about how to do something with HTML and even to answer other people's questions if they are able to.

March 26, 1998
Uploaded a short page about me.

March 23, 1998
Tables for Starters finally put up! It took a long time to complete this tutorial, and I am very happy with it and excited to have it up. Check it out and tell me what you think!

March 20, 1998
I now have an awards page!
Corrected mistakes in top-of-page navigation links as a result of copying and pasting.

March 19, 1998
Text-only version now available. More work to be done on it later. Also made a few changes to the tutorials. Put links on very top of some pages for easier navigation.

March 6, 1998
Started keeping track of all modifications. Uploaded changes made during past week: went through site and made several modifications in the design and content; added a little more information to HTML for Starters.

January 29, 1998
Added Definition Lists to Lists for Starters

January 16, 1998
Put up Lists for Starters

January 5, 1998
Added a Web Rings page

January 3, 1998
Reconstruction of site.
Introduction of "HTML for People Who Want to Learn" with HTML for Starters

November 15, 1997
"HTML for Beginners" was born



"HTML for Beginners" had its start on November 15, 1997.  I, Tim Rivera, had just signed up for a Web page from GeoCities, and I had no idea about what to put on my page.  I had just learned the basics of HTML, and I decided to make my page an HTML tutorial.  I was interested in learning HTML, and I wanted other people to be able to learn HTML without having to search the Web.  Of course, that was before I realized that there are millions of HTML guides all over the Web.

As I continued to learn more about HTML, I would include what I learned on my page.  Within a month, the page was really long and I decided it was time to make some changes.  That is how "HTML for People Who Want to Learn" came to be.  I spent the last week of December '97 totally reconstructing "HTML for Beginners", and renamed it "HTML for Starters".  I then started working on creating tutorials for lists, tables, and frames. The frames tutorial is among the list of things that will be on this site eventually.

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Last Modified: Monday, 19-Feb-01 11:06:30 PST
Page URL: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/2823/logbook.html