for GeoCities, Part 6:
Frequently Asked Questions

Needless to say, no matter how "simple" this Tutorial attemps to be, there will be times when things just don't work the way we expect them to. So to that end, here are some of the most common questions people have written in and their solutions. I hope this will help!

Need More Help?

If you need further help with your form, visit the Counters, Forms & Imagemaps Help Forum. Please read the posts that are already up to make sure your question has not already been asked and answered. If you don't see your question covered already, just add it in, making CERTAIN that you add the URL to the problem form, if it's in your directory.
I use FrontPage '97 to create my form, but it just doesn't seem to work right. What should I do?

Unfortunately, FrontPage is a very strange program, and the programmers have it set up to add all manners of extra information. Also, the <form> tag that it creates is simply not suitable for GeoCities forms.
I STRONGLY recommend that you do NOT use FrontPage to create your form; it would be much quicker and less troublesome in the end to simply cut and paste the tags from this tutorial into a SIMPLE word processor program (NoteBook or SimpleText - the simpler the better). Trying to patch the code produced by FrontPage is very confusing and can lead to mistakes.
FrontPage has also messed up a few people's NEXT-URL tag by inserting a "hidden character" in that tag, causing the form to misbehave. The tags ends up looking perfect, but the hidden item still interferes, so it's really hard to figure out what is wrong.
Bottom line: if you're trying to repair a form already created with FrontPage, don't; it's better to nuke it and start fresh, creating the page by hand.

How can I get my form results to be inserted into another page automatically, like your Comments page does?

The Comments page you see was not created automatically. Each response was received as an e-mail, then cut and pasted into the Comments source code. E-mail addresses were then removed, formatting and font styles were added, and spelling checked and corrected where applicable. The page was then uploaded into the GeoCities Directory.
The Form's script, the part of the form that's in the GeoCities computer's cgi-bin, is a very simple, standard one. All it will do is e-mail you the results as they are sent in by your visitors. It will not insert those results into another page for you. That must all be done by hand.
There is, however, a new GeoCities GUESTBOOK which will allow you to set up to 9 one-line text boxes and one textarea comment box (no buttons or lists, sorry!). You can customize these to ask for almost anything (no "require" available, sorry!) and when they send off the form, these items are all placed into a "Read the Guestbook" page (no "NEXT-URL" page, sorry!). To get your GeoGuestbook, go HERE. You can view OUR guestbook (and sign it, too) from HERE.

I can't seem to be able to test my form when I try if from my html page on my hard drive; I'm connected to the Internet when I test. Why won't it work?

The <form> tag lists the action as "/cgi-bin/homestead/" which works fine when the form is in your GeoCities directory. But to make it work from your hard drive while you're still building the page "offline", you'll need a full URL there: "/cgi-bin/homestead/". The server then knows WHERE the cgi-bin is located and won't look for it on your hard drive. If you wish, you may remove the additional address when you've uploaded the form, although it will work fine as is.

My form seems to work fine; the server has no problem accepting the results and it then sends me to the right page which I added in the NEXT-URL tag. How come I haven't received any e-mail responses? I've even sent some in to myself!

This usually means that you're looking for the responses to show up in an account other than the one you listed as your home e-mail address in your GeoCities Member Profile.
The form will send the responses ONLY to the "e-mail address of record" in the profile, the one where you received your account password originally. Even if you've set up a "" e-mail account, or perhaps asked for a Forwarding of your GeoCities e-mails to a third address, the form still only sends to your original address.
Another possibility is that the membername you've used in the <form> tag is typed incorrectly, but matches someone else's perfectly (ie: yours is bobsmithers, but the results are going to bobsmither. Mr. Smither is presently scartching his head wondering why he's suddenly getting lots of strange e-mails about hedgehogs...).

My form won't work. What's wrong???!?

This question nearly always comes without the benefit of an URL to check out. If you're going to ask for help you MUST include the URL where the form can be found (directed right to your form, not merely to the front page with instructions to "then click this then click that...") AND a thorough description of the problem you're experiencing. You cannot have TOO MANY DETAILS!

I can't get this form stuff. Will you make one for me and send it to me? I want it to say "blah blah blah..." and "blah blah blah.." and "blah blah blah blah..." and then it has to send people to this page and...

Short answer: NO!
Slightly less short answer: I won't do it. Unh-unh. Nope. Two reasons:

  1. I don't get paid for this, and I do have other things to do.
  2. Much more important: If I were to build a form for everyone asking, they's get nice, working and cool forms, but have NO idea how it was done. If you build it yourself, you'll then KNOW how to do it, and will be able to build another one any ol' time you want :-)
We're definitely looking at the old saying:
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.
If you teach him HOW to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

Problems with Error Messages

When I press the send button, I get a GeoCities error page that says "Our server didn't like that request... but don't worry..." and so on. What's up with that?!?

This one is almost ALWAYS because the server is presently offline or too busy. You can test this by typing
in your browser's address or location bar (just add your OWN GeoCities membername).
Note: Once you've changed the membername and hit return, you might want to bookmark this Generic Form URL to yourself, as it comes in handy for checking the form page out whenever you get these error messages.
If the same error message appears when you submit that generic form, then the problem is not with your new form. Simply wait a while (it's been known to be repaired in a few minutes to a few hours, so be patient!) and try it again later. It will more than likely work fine.

When I press the send button, I get a GeoCities error page that says "You don't have access to the cgi-bin". How come?

Check your NEXT-URL tag: you will find that you have a shortened URL, such as "sent.html", or a mistyped one.
This is wrong; you MUST have a full URL in the NEXT-URL tag: "".
This mostly happens when someone has used the templates found in GeoCities' Mail Script Form Examples to create their original form. The info they give in regards to the NEXT-URL tag is incorrect.
If you've started with that form as a template, I strongly recommend you start a new form from scratch using the tags as listed in this Tutorial. Again there is a lot of superfluous info in that form's source code, it's not very easy to follow and could cause errors. Start a new, fresh version.

I've entered everything correctly (I think) and when I fill out the form, I get an error message that says "The member name specified in this form is invalid. Unfortunately this form is invalid until the page creator corrects the problem." Now, I know what my membername is, and it's entered correctly in the <form> tag. What the heck is up??!?

First, test the form using your Generic Form URL (mentioned 2 items above) and see if you're not getting the same message. If you get the Error message there as well, go to GeoCities' Announcement page at
(You should bookmark this one; it's very useful to check whenever you have ANY problems getting around in GeoCities). This will probably say something like "We're working on the system, and some of the utilities are presently offline; we'll hopefully have them back up by such-and-such a time."
Unfortunately, the only thing to do in this case is wait it out. :-(

More to come as the questions come in!
Front Page | Before we start...
PART ONE: The Basic Form | PART TWO: What Happens
PART THREE: Form Buttons | PART FOUR: Lists
Survey Form | What You've Said...
F.A.Q.: Troubleshooting

Need More Help?

If you need further help with your form, visit the Counters, Forms & Imagemaps Help Forum. Please read the posts that are already up to make sure your question has not already been asked and answered. If you don't see your question covered already, just add it in, making CERTAIN that you add the URL to the problem form, if it's in your directory.
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© 1997 MacBoy