for GeoCities, Part 5:
Links and a Sample Survey

Links for you to use...

Once your form is up and running, you might be willing to add one of these buttons to your form page:




Use this code to link back here; you don't even need to copy the images!

<A HREF="/SiliconValley/Vista/4555"><IMG SRC="/SiliconValley/Vista/4555/Hwhite.gif" WIDTH="131" HEIGHT="35" border=0 alt="Form Tutorial"></A>

Just change the gif name to the image of your choice. If you don't care to add a graphic link, a simple text link would be great too.

... And a Survey Form - Hey, you didn't think you could get away without one, did you?

Now that you've learned all the components you'll need to make up a form and place a survey in your own page, here's a complete survey sample, and below it, the source code you'd use to create it.

Pretty much all tags discussed in the Tutorial are in use in the following form. But feel free to adapt it to your liking.

NOTE: This is a Sample Survey only! Do not fill it out, as it will not send the responses anywhere.


What is Your Name?

Please enter your E-Mail Address

What City do you live in?

What Country is that in?

Do you have a HomePage
Yes, I do!
No, not yet!

Does your site have a specific topic?
Such as Personal, Baseball, Mozart, Photography, Raising Chickens, etc...

What is the URL?

So, DO you like any of these ice cream flavours??
Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
Cookie Batter
Caramel Swirl

Please rate this Web Site from 1 (Yuck!!) to 5 (Excellent!!):

1 - Yuck!!
2 - Pretty bad
3 - Just OK
4 - Nice!
5 - Totally Awsome and Excellent! You deserve an Award!

How did you find out about this site?

If OTHER, please specify:

Any Comments you'd like to add?

(Remember, this is not a REAL form; sending it will only take you to
the Next-Url page but won't send the results anywhere.)

And here's the code for the form above:



<strong>What is Your Name?</strong><br>
<input name="from-name" TYPE=text SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="30"><p>

<strong>Please enter your E-Mail Address</strong><br>
<input name="from-email" TYPE=text SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="30"><p>

<strong>What City do you live in?</strong><br>
<input name="City" TYPE=text SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="30"><p>

<strong>What Country is that in?</strong><br>
<input name="Country" TYPE=text SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="30"><p>

<strong>Do you have a HomePage</strong><br>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="HomePage" VALUE="Yes">Yes, I do!<br>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="HomePage" VALUE="No">No, not yet!<p>

<strong>Does your site have a specific topic?</strong><br>
Such as Personal, Baseball, Mozart, Photography, Raising Chickens, etc...<br>
<input name="Main Topic" TYPE=text SIZE="50" MAXLENGTH="50"><p>

<strong>What is the URL?</strong><br>
<input name="URL" TYPE=text SIZE="50" value="http://www."><p>


<STRONG>So, <EM>DO </EM> you like any of these ice cream flavours??</STRONG><br>
<input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Chocolate">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip<br>
<input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Peanut">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla<br>
<input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Cookie">Cookie Batter<br>
<input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Blueberry">Vanilla/Blueberry<br>
<input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Caramel">Caramel Swirl<p>


<strong>Please rate this Web Site from 1 (Yuck!!) to 5 (Excellent!!):</strong><p>

<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Rating" VALUE="1 - Yuck!!"> 1 - Yuck!!<br>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Rating" VALUE="2 - Pretty bad"> 2 - Pretty bad<br>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Rating" VALUE="3 - Just OK"> 3 - Just OK<br>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Rating" VALUE="4 - Nice!"> 4 - Nice!<br>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Rating" VALUE="5 - Totally Awsome and Excellent! You deserve an Award!"> 5 - Totally Awsome and Excellent! You deserve an Award!<p>


<strong>How did you find out about this site?</strong><br>
<select NAME="Found this Where?">
<option VALUE="None picked">Choose one...
<option VALUE="Yahoo or other Search listing">Yahoo or other Search listing
<option VALUE="GeoCities Banner Ad">GeoCities Banner Ad
<option VALUE="GeoCities Banner Ad">A Friend told me about it
<option VALUE="Just stumbled on it while surfing">Just stumbled on it while surfing
<option VALUE="Found it through">Other...
If OTHER, please specify: <br>
<input type="text" NAME="Found this Where?" size=30><p>


<strong>Any Comments you'd like to add?</strong><br>
<textarea name="Comments" rows="10" cols="60" wrap=physical> </textarea><p>

<!--Be sure to use a FULL URL in your "NEXT-URL" tag!-->
<input type="hidden" name="next-url" value="">

<input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Beam it up, Scotty!">
<input TYPE="reset" VALUE="Sorry Cap'n! I cannah due it!"><p>


Front Page | Before we start...
PART ONE: The Basic Form | PART TWO: What Happens
PART THREE: Form Buttons | PART FOUR: Lists
Survey Form | What You've Said...
F.A.Q.: Troubleshooting

Need More Help?

If you need further help with your form, visit the Counters, Forms & Imagemaps Help Forum. Please read the posts that are already up to make sure your question has not already been asked and answered. If you don't see your question covered already, just add it in, making CERTAIN that you add the URL to the problem form, if it's in your directory.
LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

© 1997 MacBoy