(7/12/01) Fixed the info about me page, added a few counters, and even put a link to the page about me.
(7/13/01) I never thought I'd see the day, but I've resurected my Humor site! It might even live. Oh, I'm also going to try every single link in my entire web page, to do 2 things. First of all, make sure I don't have any dead links. Second of all, to make sure every site does have a link.
2 Actually, I've now checked all of the links. There is 1 internal dead link, which I'll let you find. It's only dead because I'm still developing the page. There is maybe a half-dozen dead links that are external, but I'll work on those... I actually have a new humor page (Anyone out there having a heart attack over that one?). And, much to my amazement, my all time favorite part of my web site, that's right, the Computer Lingo Page, didn't have a link to it. I was so amazed, I added it first thing. My web site actually looks decent now. Hurray!
3 Hmmm... Did a little bit of updating more today. 3 times in one day you say? Well, yes, the truth is, I am bored. Anyways, I've got the MS conspiricy page launched (Which incidently, WAS the only broken internal link). Like I said, that is true. Uhm, yah. Anyways, have fun;-) And don't expect another update today, or for even another few months, altho I might just do it...
4 It's a miricle! 4 updates in 1 day. I haven't had such enthusiasm for making a web site since I was 13. Uhm, first of all, I'l like to say that I've got more hits in the last 2 days than probably the entire rest of the year. I imagine that's because of me, doing various tests and such, but you can take it for what it's worth. Uhm, I also added several more jokes, and even promoted my humor site. It's got more updating today than the first day I put it on my site over 4 years ago. Uhm, I guess that's all. SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!
5 Hmmm. Wow. This has got to be a record. 5 updates in just 1 24 hours period. I am impressed with myself. Anyways, I added another half-dozen jokes in my humor section, and also added several links (And took some off) from my links page. Wow. Now, to let the whole thing cool down. Don't expect an update until at least Sunday, probably Monday or Tuesday. I'm not updating this thing again today, and will probably be busy tommorow (At least I hope)
7-16-01 The main thing for today is the adding of my new sponsers. You've seen the ad, I'm almost certain. They do work, it's really cool. I also added some meta tags (saturday, I knew I couldn't keep from updating that much...), so I could get a search engine to sponser me. Anyways, so much for that. (7/23/01) Added a new site, known as the "Lame Page of the Week". Maybe I'll get a cool graphic for it too... Maybe I'll slave my brothers into making one... Uhm, also fixed a few links, and promoted my MS page. That's all.
(8/01/01)Any regulars to this site (Gee, I hope there isn't actually any...) will notice that there's a new color scheme. Have fun with it. BTW, last month was the most popular month my web site has ever had, somewhere around 1000 total hits if you count up everything... Wow.
(1/10/02) Wow, over 500 hits this month, actually all in 2 days. And I didn't do a thing to artifitially inflate it like I've been known to do... Oh well. Uhm, keep up the work. I'll update as possible.

Okay, so a few updates, doesn't mean anything special... Well, not yet anyways.

actually thought they'd check out the news on this site, despite it's lack thereof.