5 Minute Web Page Builder
Welcome !! This is most useful to people who are
new to building web sites. If you follow the instructions below, you will have a web site
on your disk within about 5 minutes. This will be a generic site, however you will then
be able to customize it by rearranging the code. Once you are satisfied, you can proceed
to upload it to GeoCities or some other provider of space for web sites.
Before we start, you should have downloaded to your computer, Microsoft's Internet
Netscape's Navigator with Composer works well too, however it would require
extra explanation, and I wanted this to be a 5 minute web page. There are a number of
HTML editors that are free and work well also, but they require time to figure out, and
are not neccessary to get started. There are links below to Netscape Navigator and a
couple of HTML editors that were recommended to me. (I don't use them myself)
Let's get to it!
You will need a floppy disk which I will assume is in your A: drive. Please
print out these instructions before you click on any buttons. The buttons
take you to other pages, so if you have forgotten what steps to take, and you
did not print them out, you
will need to use the back button on the browser menu to go back and re-read
When you click on the button you will be taken to a simple web page. If you follow
these steps, you will have a copy of that web page on your floppy disk.
C) Get back to Terry's Page by minimizing the window containing the source code. Now it is
time to copy the image files to the floppy disk. (You will eventually want different pictures
on your page. This exersize will show you how it is done.) With the mouse
on the picture of Terry, use your right mouse button and click on the picture.
A menu should have appeared that says Save Picture As. Click on that choice.
When the save box appears be sure that the image will be saved to the floppy disk.
You should not have to change the name of the file. It should say "Terry"
with a file type "jpg". If it doesn't, change it. Once all is in order,
press the save button.
Go through the same procedure to save the Catmice image to your floppy as
well. The only difference is that the file type for this image should be
Saving the background has a similar procedure. Put your mouse arrow on the
background away from other text or pictures, click using your right mouse
button, and choose the Save Background As menu option. Save the file to the
floppy disk and change (if necessary) the file name to: Back and the file
type should be gif .
Congratulations!!! You should now have Terry's page on your floppy disk.
To find out, go to your browser and type a:/index.html
You should see the page as it was on the web. Now of course it is time to
customize the page to your needs. If the page showed up as predicted, you
should be able to click the view button on the browser menu, choose the
source option, and start changing the code. I have made comments in the code
and seperated sections so that you can tell which part of the code affects
the portion of the page you are interested in. Simply copy portions of
the code, and paste them where you would like. Then minimize the source code
window, click the refresh button on the browser menu, and you should see what
changes you have made. Delete anything you don't want, replace Terry.jpg
with your own pictures and you should be in business.
Note: Image files should be either .jpg or .gif to work on simple web
pages. This requires a special camera or a scanner, along with some software
that saves files in .jpg or .gif format. There are many other image formats,
however they simply don't work on web pages. A picture file named Terry.bmp
cannot be changed to Terry.gif by simply replacing .bmp with .gif. The file
is written in a different language and requires special software like Paint Shop
Pro to change it.
Note: When uploading files to a web site space provider, the machines they
use are very case sensitive (Capital letters vs small case letters). If you
have a file named Catmice.gif but the
source code of your page uses catmice.gif, it won't work once it is loaded
to the web site space provider. Because this happens often, I recommend that
you use small case for all file names at all times. (You may
have noticed that I use large case on some files and small on others. This
is because I didn't know any better when I first started and I have never
taken the time to go through all of the file names and change them.
Click here to get Netscape Navigator Web Page ResourcesGeo Cities The best provider of free personal web site space on the web. You get 11 megs of free space however they put some advertising on your pages.Basic HTML Reference Guide This is the basic HTML page from Project Cool. Very well done, and easy to understand. The Midi Farm This site has listings of other web sites that contain free music files (something.mid). Add some life to your site by adding some sound! HTML Text Colors Samples Where you can get some idea of the different colors that can be used on your web pages along with their codes. Pictures This is a page with free pictures you can use on your site. Mostly for demonstration purposes. HTML Pad A free html editor that has been recommended to me to help develop web pages. Webgrafx Animated GIF Archive A massive collection of animated picture files that can be used to bring life to your web page. Windy's Design Studio Many different background files that give your page a little charactor. This site is very well done. Paint Shop Pro A very good quality graphics program that is Shareware. I use this program for some of my graphics. WinZip This is a very usefull shareware program. Install it and it will automatically unzip (uncompress) large files downloaded from the internet. Cute_FTP A free program that helps you maintain your web site. A very user friendly window allows you to upload and download files from your PC to your web site by dragging them with your mouse. Live Update "Crescendo" A free program that enables your computer to play midi music from the Web. Instructions at the site are easy to follow. Doctor HTML Type in a web page address and it automatically gives an error analysis of the page. Friends PagesDr. Nad's Home Page Dr. Nad's has animated GIF files, Jokes, 5 min. Web Page Builder, Java Applets and links to some of the most usefull sites on the web.Mother Vista Another tutorial on how to make a web page with no previous experience. Written by a friend of mine who has a great deal of experience helping others. |