"Arthur is a six foot tall ape descendent..."

If you dont know the origin of this little phrase then you're missing out. Chances are, though, that you know it and just don't remember it. It is (Suspensful music here) from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (/suspenseful music). I know, it's just some radio series [later a book] written in the 70's, but it has it's own redeeming charicteristics. Go here for a compilation of the guide's information. Well, belive it or not, I have a few other influences in my life. One of these is (more suspenseful music) Computers. I know Basic well, pascal ok, but I don't have any way to practice so I'm forgeting, and a little c++. I'm currently trying to improve upon c++, learn java(you can find a trace on my links page), and touch on assembly languge. I've found a couple of good sights for this last one, and there are links to most of them here. There is a final aspect of my personality which I will inform you of.. In case you haven't already guessed, My favorite color is a superintelligent shade of blue. That's right, it's sitting there thinking on your screen right now! Bye!
