Two days later:
Then there was this other dream. I don't have time now to put it up.
Now I have time:
In this dream, it started out that I was walking on an uphill street near my house and the field where I used to play soccer, walking up towards this old abandoned cotton mill. This was only slightly strange, because they are totally not close to each other. Then I turned off the stree to walk along a freestanding wall of the brick cotton mill. The wall was about a yard wide, about a hundred yards long, and as I walked on it, the ground slowly dropped away from the wall. Strangely, after it had dropped away, it didn't stay risen up to the wall behind me.
The wall never obviously touched the ground. As I walked, at the beginning, I wanted to smoke a cigarette, which is really strange because I hate cigarettes. Finally, all of the cigarettes burned up in like two seconds, extremely fast, and just a tiny spark got in the box. The I started turning into Tim Allen from "Home Improvement," and Al was there. Suddenly, the wall started to sway. We hit the "ground", currently the wall top, but, as we were inching our way back the way we had come, the wall tipped. We got up and ran, and in an effort to stay on top and not be crushed, we ran on the corner, and eventually on the actual side of the wall. The wall fell on and demolishd a nearby building which looked like my old shool, but with a different roof. Al and I ran onto the roof of another nearby building just as the wall passed it and hit. We got down, and a nearby construction worker told us that the building had been schedualed for demolition anyway.
Several months later:
I've just finished writing the above dream.
Now I have had a couple of dreams where I figured out that I was dreaming. I could do whatever I wanted, but I didn't know what to do. The dream usually ended shortly after. One was a kind of combination of this food area at the Jekyll Island 4-H club where my science class went and my school. The other was when I was in my kitchen. I change something in my dream into a pencil with my mind. Shortly after, I was in my kitchen, sittin in my favorite chair in much the same was as my previous dream. I looked out the window. It was snowing, and in the snow at the base of a sapling planted tree below, there was a broken silver kind of combination of a pentagram and my tag.
Finally, In a dream I was having, I was with my bando friends ie, the other Jeff, and we pulled into a gas station where they had little liscence plate keychain things with peoples names on them. I was driving. We drove further down this hill like the one at my great, great aunts, to a place like Midtown 8. We went into the Mushroom, which was kind of like a sports bar. There was Candice. We told her about the tags, and her and I went in her mustang to the gas station, where she was upset that they had keychains with names instead of engraved pet tags. She wanted one for her (Nonexistent in real life, and not present in the dream) dog(or maybe cat). Then we went back to the sports bar and the keychains were there too. We found a liscence-plate type sign which had a keychain ad on it, and underneath it we had found a similar liscence-plate like ad for pet tags. Then we hugged She said If things were different(maybe if I was a senior, I can't remember.) we could be together, and we might still be able to be together.
What else, what else..... Well, that's it for now, kiddies.
At tip, summer 1999:
I had this weird dream that I witnessed a burgalary at my next door neighbor's house, and after we called the police, my dad and I went to chase the burglers. Then the police stopped my dad because they thought he was a drug dealer, but I threw something off a bridge and we were let go. It was strange.
It's the year 2000(Jan 21 to be exact):
I dreamed that I was in this pre-college that I got invited to, and Cat came to visit me. It was strange. For some reason it sticks in my mind that she told me she had joined the merchant marines, which I enterpreted to be like explorer/traders. She, beautiful as always, was dressed in bright colors which might have be woven by the natives of some far off tribe, or maybe one that lived right here in the Easter USA (I'm reading the Scarlet Letter?). One day she just walked into the dorm (4 people a room) and sat down. Not to see me in particularly, but partly to see me. I was everpresent as she stayed there(a couple of weeks). I loved her. Whether it was a sisterly love or a girlfriend love, I don't know. I don't know about the sleeping arrangements either (it wasn't that kind of dream) , but it was the exact feeling I needed to be happy. Well, that's it for now.
Gosh, I should update this log more often. Come, sweet slumber.
It's February 28, 2000:
I've had a few dreams, but they're not very appropriate. One I had this past Saturday, the 26th, was very nice. I went to this band thing where there were lots more bass clarinets than are normally in the band. There was a bunch of pizza on the way there and back with chuncks of meat. And I kissed this really nice girl named Ali. She was hot and it was a nice kiss. I bumped into her the first time and hurt her teeth, but then I kissed her again and it was really nice. I put my tounge in her mouth and she liked it and kissed me back, I think. I think it's what a kiss is really like. I've never kissed anybody before. A long time ago, I forgot to write about this erotic dream I had.