Well seriouslly, a Web Ring is a system to join pages with a common topic. Each page have some controls like: next site in the ring, previous site in the ring, random page, etc. so you can navigate pages with this topic.
The DJGPP's Web Ring joins pages related to the djgpp package, that's all.
If you want to know more about Web Rings or visit other rings or make your own ring just visit WebRing.
1) Your site must have some djgpp related information. A project made with djgpp is fine.
2) You must add a control to allow the people navigating reach another pages in the ring. Is better if you use the same control that I use, but you can customize it or make it different.
3) Your site must be self-qualified as US PG-13 or less. Why? because this space (my pages) are hosted by GeoCities and are free so have some roules, one is that my links can't be "offending" ones. The second is that I qualified the ring in this category. I don't have nothing against free expression, even more look my home-page I have the blue ribbon, but there are roules.
If you agree with these terms click here to enter in the page with the instructions to join.
Note: Site ID is the number of your page in the ring.
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Index of the sites in the ring.
Thanks to Paul Campbell for your very good FAQ on how to setup the ring. I taked some code from the FAQ ;-).
Don't forget to visit the rest of my pages!.
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Visited since April 25,1997: