
The patches here will update Frotz 2.32 to use the Quetzal save-format. Once this has been done, the new version will not be able to load or save the old format files.

Contents of the archives


The last version of these patches had a bug in the quetzal.c file resulting in an inability to restore games saved from Infocom's own Version 3 stories. This bug has now been fixed in the versions below. If you got the patches from here before 12 January 1998 then you have this bug.


To use the patches, download your preferred format and unpack it in the same directory as the main Frotz source. Then apply the bug-fixes with (on UNIX):
patch -p0 bugfix.diff
Apply the Quetzal patches with (again, on UNIX):
patch -p0 quetzal.diff
Check if there are any files ending in ".rej": if there are, you'll have to do the patching yourself (this is very likely if you've changed the source yourself or if your source is not the same version I used to make the patches).
Once you've done this, you must recompile, and then you can start using Quetzal save files.

How to get the patches

The patches are available in two different archive formats:
  • tar/gzip (.tgz) (7394 bytes)
  • zip (.zip) (8005 bytes)
  • Portability

    Frotz has been patched, compiled and run successfully on Linux 2.0.0 with GCC I have not tested this on other systems yet (but no problems should arise). Much of the new code derives from the patches to Zip, which were tested on SunOS 4.1.3 with Sun CC and GCC, Solaris 2.5.1 with GCC 2.7.2 as well as the Linux system mentioned above.

    Frotz source code

    If you do not have the Frotz source code, you can get it from the Interactive Fiction Archive. The patches were based on the UNIX curses version, but most versions in the directory should work without too many changes; the code may need patching by hand however (use the patch files as a guide).
    The patches make changes to the "fastmem.c" file however, and this file is not used by all versions of Frotz. I have not yet written patches for versions using the pseudo virtual memory support (only having access to C under UNIX at the moment). These will hopefully come soon.

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