Basically the mad monks have stolen all the gold in the world. It is your hero's job to get it back. There are 150 levels. 30 of the 1-player levels are new. You can also play 2-player with a friend or over the internet.

Cool Levels

Great set of levels. Two player. Pretty easy.

The Skulls of Monks

First 5 levels of a large? set. This guy likes the invisible blocks too much. There pretty easy and fun, but he expects you to pay $10 for the rest and he doesn't even say how many levels are in the full thing.


Two player, very easy. So easy in fact that it's a bit lame. Great if you have somebody else to play with.

E's Puzzle

My own personal puzzle set. Currently at 21 levels. Fairly easy.

The Lode Runner Museum
This place looks funny, but there are plenty of levels and you can network games from here. You can also submit your own levels.

Puzzle Files For Lode Runner

Good site...lots of new levels with links to the Authors site. Files are .zipped.
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