Greyhounder's Online Forum is a group of people with a common interest, GREYHOUNDS. The people involved in this Delphi forum all have a common goal, friendly communication between greyhounder's.

Easy you say... what's the difficulty in talking about dogs in a friendly way? In a couple of words, RACING and ADOPTION.

There aren't many breeds that have two very distinct and seperate parts of their lives. Sure, there are AKC and other show registries that have greyhounds, but the largest number of greyhounds are registered by the National Greyhound Association (NGA). The NGA is the registry for American racing greyhounds. The majority of pet greyhounds in the USA are retired ex-racers. No other breed of dog is bred in such high numbers for a "career".

The problem that has developed is that the racing side and the adoption side shout at each other too much. Neither side is willing to look past what they view as past indescretions, or worse.

Is every group that places retired racers in loving, qualified homes right... NO. Is every person involved in racing right... NO. Are the animal rights activists telling it like it is... NO. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Greyhounder's Online Forum isn't trying to find the "truth", we are just trying to help greyhounder's, ALL GREYHOUNDER'S, get together in a place where they have to be civil... no name calling, no flaming, and most of all NO DISRESPECT.

Greyhounder's Online Forum isn't out to change anyones mind about racing, we just want to promote this wonderful breed with all available resources. Most of the people involved in greyhound adoption would probably agree that not all racing people mistreat greyhounds. Most of the people involved in greyhound racing would also probably agree that not all adoption people want to see greyhound racing outlawed. Unfortunately most of those same people would probably also agree that there doesn't seem to be a middle ground. The result of not having that middle ground is that there are some groups on both sides of this issue who just won't listen to anyone who disagree's with their opinion, or even worse they reduce it to name calling.

Greyhounder's Online Forum is not going to solve this... we just want to provide the opprotunity for friendly exchanges. The message boards in our public forum are open to anyone, from either side of the greyhound issue. Read the forums and feel free to post. If you like what you read and enjoy the mutual give and take of the forum, you can then request to become a member of the private forum. The rules in both forums are similar, but posts in the public forum are subject to review by only one person. In the private forum any questionable posts are reviewed by a committee of 5. The private forum also has more scheduled chats... which are a wonderful resource when you need to talk to people who know what you are going through ;-).

If you would like to visit the public forum, use this link:
Greyhounder's Online - Public
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you may have to go through a short, free registration process

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except 2nd and last Monday of month
9:00PM EST

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