Rose's Page

Thank you for coming to see my page!

I am a Christian who enjoys making jpegs, wallpaper, icons, and cursors with which to customize my computer. They are on my page as downloads for anyone who would like them. Please feel free to download as many as you like.

As of now, I have jpegs and wallpaper loaded onto the page. Usually, if I want to use a jpeg, I print it out and tape it onto my wall. I decorate my room with these. The use for desktop wallpaper would generally be to put on your Windows desktop, though my wallpaper JPEGs can be printed as well.

Here are instructions for how to download and how to print the JPEGs.

And here is the JPEG page and the Wallpaper page.

About me and why I created this site.

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My email name is from Koine Greek, the dialect in which the New Testament was written. It means "He loved; I live," which is one of my favorite ways to think about my faith. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Site last updated 10/3/99 by Rose.