Some more stuff about me...
Stuff that I wanna buy in the near future:
- Palm V. this thing is so cool. not only does it look cool, but it will
solve all my organizing problems! i also wanna get all those cool
accessories, like the leather carrying case and the folding keyboard.
- a digital camera. i wanna go around and take pictures of a whole bunch of
stuff without having to deal with film and developing pictures. like
for example one time i was going to ranch 99 with shelley and jim, and while
we were driving through North Berkeley or albany or wherever we were, jim
saw this green man. I looked over, and i saw a green man. It woulda
been pretty cool to take a picture of him. He was wearing all green clothes.
No logos or designs or anything on his clothes. just solid green. it
was that bright green, too.. shelley and jim think i'm mean for wanting to
take a picture of the guy...