History of the starship Hornet Ncc 1714
The Uss Hornet was commisioned in 2250.
Sent on a small survey mission in the solar system.
Counted the number of asteroids in the belt and surveyed the minnerals in the rocks.
Brought back to Earth to be fitted with weapons and shields.
Refitted to resmble the constitution-A class
Called to the Romulan border to scout the edge for Romulan Activities.
Enroute to starbase 23 to pick up crew to go to Armagosa IV
to study the plant life and soil.
Attacked by Klingons Enroute to Armagosa IV all extra crew killed
while on the planet surface. Destroyed the D7 cruiser.
Back to starbase 23 to pick up personel, get the job done.
Query sent to the Klingon High coincil about the attack.
Council claims renegades.
Rendevous with the Uss Independence for transfer of personel.
Discover the Tribble home planet near the edge of Klingon space.
Beam a few tribbles on board to analyze them.
Drop hundereds of tribbles off at a unpopulated planet in the neutral zone. Planet is slowly devoured. One Lieutenant sells a few hunded to a trade named Cyrano Jones.
Encounter a huge temporal rift in space/time. Go through the rift for some unknown reason and end up in the Gamma Quadrant. Spotted by some new aliens and escorted around. Figure out a way home and return to the Alpha Quadrant.
Employed to over see a cargo run to Vaeloris VI. Run into a damaged Romulan Warbird. Help it repair and get on it's way.
Called to starbase 72 to be refueled and recargoed. Discover a new planetary system near the edge of the galaxy where there is life. Beam down and discover a group of beings from another galaxy. Help them on thier way home.
Return to Earth to undergo crew change. New science officers added. Add a new computer system of enhanced duotronics. discover a freak storm on Jupiter on leaving the Sol system.
Chase a comet flying out of the Alpha Centauri system. Find a strange force emenating from the comet's tail. Uncover a cloaked Romulan warbird. Destroy the hell out of it.
Called to the Klingon border to defend space station K7 to control the border and join a defence fleet. Retrieve citizens from inside the Klingon border to transfer to another colony.
After the Klingon skirmish, we moved fast to the edge of the Tholian border to deflect a fleet headed towards the Alpha Quadrant.
Tholian Fleet thwarted after they damaged a nearby space station.
Hornet repaired after the brief battle. New warp nacells added to replace the old malfunctioning ones. Deceased crew is replaced.
Intercept a strange transmission upon trying out the new warp nacells. Discover that the Uss Bussard is trapped in a temporal disturbance somewhere in the Holdan system.
After quick repairs by our gallant engineer, we locate and save the Bussard from certain destruction.
Sent on a scanning mission to the Beta Quadrant along with other ships of our class on a three year term. We will discover new nebula etc. with our highly equiped scanning devices.
Find a sentient race of beings in a solar system in a nebula.
Arrive at the Crab nebula and scan it.
Get too close to the Klingon Border while on a sweep of the sector, and are chased back into federation space.
Finish sweep of sector 372
Send a shuttle down to an asteroid in system 71401 and find it rich in nutrients for starshp building.
Within a week's time we've found over 20 separate distortions and catelogued all of them.
Encountered what appeared to be a stable wormhole to another galaxy. Upon traveling through the wormhole, we discovered ourselves in the middle of some sort of Star Wars. Imperial forces found us and we were sought to eliminate a group of rebels to gain loyalty to some sort of EMPIRE.
After a long stay in this new galaxy, we allianced with the rebels and were instrumental in destroying a large imperial base on the "outer rim".
We returned to the Beta Quadrant only to find that the anomaly that we'd beed through was no longer there.
Set cource for the Mutara sector to catalog a super nova in process.
Find the nearly destroyed star and place orbit around it. Send out hundreds of probes to get different views of the humongous explosion.
Try to intercept a rumored Klingon Signal to various cloaked ships in federation space.
Manage to delay a Klingon Message and manage to destroy a nearby Klingon freigter which was supplying a Klingon outpost in the middle of Federation Territoy.
More cataloguing of nebulae etc. noting realty exciting.
Discover a new comet racing through the Mutara sector. Follow it and catalog it.
We have successfuly form ulated over 200 different new foods by now and are adding Klingon blood pie to the repitoi.
Crew indifferent.
Last year of our five year mission to the beta Quadrant. Crew excited out of their minds.
For celebration, the crew beams down to a nearby planet to set up camp for the next week. Games and sun is our small shore leave.
Crew have a slightly difficult time reverting back to to the normal routine.
Test out our old unused weapons systems on a nearby field of asteroids.
Discover a new planet about the time of the Industrial age. Neuclear war has started and we watch as the people disintegrate each other. Cateloge that.
Official end of the five year mission. The ship is taken on a cruise to Earth as we stop off at a nearby starbase to refuel and repaint the ship after the long trip.
Return to sector 001 to report our findings to the authorities.
Enter Spacedock for re assignment and re fitting or total over haul. Crew given three months of shore leave on Earth.
To See The Second Five Year Mission