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Welcome to Dysfunctionality, home of Kewlio Originality, and as such, Nightmare MZX, the best darn puzzle game since...well, I don't know. So just come on in, sit down, get NMMZX and play it for a while.

Or if what you're looking for is more Windows-y software, I got that too. Here's Rapid Access, a program that does just what it looks like. You launch it, enter a program's name, and it appears on your screen. Fun, huh?...No, thought not. But still worth a peek, right?

Lcikc heer fro radnom txet.

HumanClick does no longer work, so don't try it.

Before going on to anything else, let's take a look at what the Junction Place stores for you today.
Game Place - Chat Place - Weather Place - News Place - Megazeux Place - DysfunctioMail - Plus Links
That area is far from full. It'll have more stuff at another time, of course.

Get DysfunctioMail!

If you need e-mail, you can simply get some with just a few steps. Start by filling in the boxes with your first and last name, then click "Sign Up", and in no time, you'll get your own free mail. And I don't really care if you don't put in your real name. I'm not part of the IRS or any branch of any government of any nation of any planet of any galaxy of any universe of any dimension.

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Or if you've already joined, log in here:
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Trade links? I would appreciate it.
Of course, if you don't have a Links 4 Trade account, you can send your link here.

A World Of Nintendo contest is always taking place! Last I checked, this contest will be worth to you a GameCube OR X-Box. Wow, X-Box isn't even Nintendo, it's Microsoft, but whatever, it's theirs to control...I guess. Here's the Winning Link.

In other news, Al Lowe rules.

Am I online on Yahoo! Messenger? Probably not, but let's have a look:

Want a guestbook? Here's one. And in this one, your name and stuff will appear, unlike the old one where it sent mail to me and I put it up... Write in it, or see what others wrote.

I got me a LiveJournal. Of course, the fact that I'm not putting anything in it right now doesn't really help.

I've put all really old stuffs or useless stuffs in the new "olduseless" directory. There is no actual index page, but there are the old models that are probably not gonna go anywhere.

Actionary, the first ever Megazeux game that contains big wordbanks (that I know of), is now technically done. It works and everything. At least, it should work. I'm very sure that it will work for you too. Get it here. Possibly part of a series.

Here, for no good reason, are all the Kewlio Originality intros I've made; the original "Writer", the known "Dropper", and the new "Tech". You've never seen "Tech", so maybe you could get this if you'd like to see it before my new game comes out--oops, did I say new game?

Want to look at all the MIDIs (and one MOD) I have on my site? See them all here!!! Also, the music system has been tweaked because of that.

Otherwise, no news.

Now... the menu!

The OFFICIAL Moraffware High-score Table: Want to check your Moraffware high scores? This is the place.

Dysfunctionality Junction Place: Need sanity in this website? Here's where you get it... along with tons of other stuff.

Abbott and Costello's Who's On First: The one page that regardless how much I update this site, always gets tons of hits :) Find it in text AND WAV form, and soon, MP3 form, because this page uses up a lot of bandwidth.

Jape's Crazy Stories: What's Jape been up to lately? Enter and see.

Links: Aw, leaving already? Well, here are some {,ir}relevant pages to go to.

The Formutator: Forms to fill. Joy!

Nightmare MZX Ressources: OK, so I didn't give you anything new here. I've been busy.

Now for some non-profit banners. This new first one isn't really a banner. It's an invitation to join NeoPets. Hey, it's fun. Try it. Maybe you'll like it. The picture below is my own NeoPet, AlkalineZ. Hello, world!
Kewlio got his NeoPet at

Next, the LinkExchange banner, owned by the heartless company that is Microsoft.

Get LEed.

And now, here's a nice site that will allow you to be linked about a million times in a shot. Don't try to read the HTML for this one... it's a mess!

WARNING: If you go in here and sign up, you will get TONS of e-mail every day. Make sure to set yourself a mail filter!
Your Web Site On

Need money? Have e-mail? If you answered yes twice, then this site should be good for you. This one here. Not this one, this one.

Get rated.
I rated the site with the RSACi

Hig Vivi and leave me alone.
I hugged Vivi. You go too.

Have some FREE DysfunctioMail. It's a nice little service provided by the Zap Zone Network.

Get a Free E-mail Address Get ZZN
Here's what's new at Dave Central.
HI. I'm Dave. I'm a weirdo from the Black Hole.

...or not. The darn applet is gone for some reason. Well, check out the site anyway.

For the 3 of you who need MORE e-mail, get inscribed to a few dozen Mailing Lists at ShagMail. Stuff for everyone, since we all have different taste. Remember, you not only get stuff free... You can also get paid! (Look closely at the site.)

I don't mind talking to 456 people at the same time, when it's on ICQ. The number is 46302212, like it always has been. Ah, nostalgia. Of course, I plan to be the oldest surviving user of ICQ. So, I'm not losing this number! In fact, as part of the Victoria Week Add-on Rampage, here's a way to get there easier:
Download ICQ
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Finally, if you want, get your own Yahoo!GeoCities membership.

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Now Playing: Mr. Roboto

Life is hell. 'nuff said.

That is all. For now, anyway.