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Alex & Greg's Master of Orion 2 Page!!!
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Master of Orion 2 is a great new game produced by Microprose! This is a picture provided on the CD
My friend will soon have a Diablo page up...I will
add a link in the link section when it is up and going!
For some dumb planning reason of Microprose's you can only take
black and white pictures...thats the reason there aren't any here.
SINCE 1/12/97!
SINCE 6/5/97!
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I will soon have a Warcraft II page up..I know its
an old game, but its still my favorite! I will add a link in the
link section when it is up.
Questions, comments, & suggestions welcome! Email Alex at or Greg at
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soon as i log on.
Custom Races
Designing Ships
Master of Orion 2 is a strategy game where you try to achieve control over a galaxy.
You must colonize worlds, research technology, and compete with other races.
There are three ways to win in Master of Orion
- Conquer the galaxy and destroy all the other races
- Destroy the Antarans
- Be elected supreme ruler of the galaxy by the High Council
The first way to win is rather obvious...take out everyone.
The second one is slightly more complicated. To take out the Antarans* you must take your fleet
through a Dimensional Portal to the Antaran homeworld. There you must defeat
their fleet and Star Fortress...not an easy task.
*Some people think of the Antarans as an annoying pain, taking out planets
when they show up that you've worked hard to build. I think of them as
an oppurtunity. If they're coming to your planet quickly build a starbase
and as many military installations as possible. They have better tech then
it is possible for you to have. Scramble all of your fleet to meet their
attack. Then in battle IMMOBILIZE them(tractor beams & assault shuttles ARE
useful here). They have ELITE crews and if you board them there is a 50%
chance the ship will blow up. But if you surround them with lots of ships
and keep boarding them you MIGHT capture them. If you succeed you can
scrap the ship and get some of the best tech in the game! Of course, if
you dont have a big fleet and you can't get any military installations
there in time don't bother. You'll just lose the fleet and the planet.
The third way is the most complicated. Every so often the High Council comes
together for a meeting. Their sole purpose is to select a leader for the galaxy.
The two empires with the highest population are selected to be voted on. The
number of votes an empire gets is based upon their population. Computer players
decide who to vote on based upon current relations. If they don't like either
of the players they abstain from voting. For an emperor to be elected he must
have a 2/3 majority. Fortunately, if the Council comes up with a verdict you
don't agree with you can ignore it. Unfortunately, all empires immediately declare
war on you and WILL NOT talk to you. It will be either you...or them
But there are many things you must do before worrying about that...Here is what
you should do to get started.
Getting Started
Galaxy Settings
Difficulty asks you to choose between tutor, easy, medium, hard, or impossible.
If it's on tutor, enemy races are incredibly easy to destroy. Unfortunately, you
can't customize your own race on this setting. On impossible, you're fighting back
under a disadvantage. The other races have more research & production. They
also don't like you very much.
Galaxy Size asks you to choose how big the galaxy is(how many stars/other
phenomena are in the galaxy). The choices are small-20 star, medium-36 star,
large-54, or huge-72.
Galaxy Age determines between average, mineral rich, or organic rich. Average
galaxies have average minerals and average climates. Mineral rich has many rich
& ultra-rich planets, but many of the planets are not friendly to life.
Organic rich galaxies have many planets that are friendly to life but planets
with many minerals are somwhat harder to find.
Players asks you to determine how many races there are in the galaxy
including yourself. You can pick from 2-8 races.
Tech Level asks you to determine what tech level the races start out with. If
you pick pre-warp you start without the knowledge of even moving outside of your
system. You must discover even the most basic technologies. Average starts you
out with some basic tech, 1 colony ship, & 2 scout ships. Advanced starts you
out with quite a bit of tech. It also starts you out with a fleet of warships &
a number of colonies depending on the # of players and the size of your galaxy.
Tactical Combat gives you the choice of controlling the ships yourself, or letting
the computer just give you the result. I suggest you keep it on and control the
ships yourself. Random events keep special random events that affect solar systems
or entire empires. If you have Antarans Attack is on the Antarans attack every
so often. They get stronger and stronger each time.
If you've never played MOO1 I recommend you at least play your first game on
Tutor or Easy. Try a small galaxy with just a few players. Set it to Organic Rich
and put it on Average Technology. Hit OK and now it's time to choose a race.
Now to pick a race. While you can choose a pre-made race,
I strongly recommend against it. You can make a much better race
yourself. Creative is incredibly useful! Put it on unless you have a
really good reason not to! Here are some custom races and the picture you should
choose if you do use this race
and how you should use it.(the picture matters because it takes that race out of the game).
You should try to get 10 extra picks through penalties to max out your bonuses.
If no goverment is given, assume its a Dictatorship.
Custom Races
Race #1-Elerians
Uses Picks(Bonuses)
- Creative(-6)
- Telepathic(-6)
- Cybernetic(-4)
- +10 Spying(-3)
- Large Home World(-1)
Gives Picks(Penalties)
- Low-G World(+5)
- -.5 BC(+4)
- Poor Home World(+1)
Explanation of picks
This is a race for conquering! My personal favorite!
This race will be best on Advanced Tech but will work great on any setting.
The Creative pick is a must! It allows you to get ALL the tech in one field.
The Telepathic pick gives many abilities. A 25% bonus to all diplomatic negotiations.
Ships that are Battleship size or higher can "Mind Control" an entire colony
without a fight instantly assimilating it into their empire if its defenses
are defeated if it is non-Telepathic. They get a 10% bonus to spies & they can
immediately used ships captured in combat.
The Cybernetic pick is so you can heal your ships in combat. 10% of armor &
structure is healed each round. Systems repair at 5% per round.
+10 Spying is always nice.
A Large home world is the only -1 and it is always nice to have.
How to Use this Race
On Advanced Tech this race starts with a better fleet because they are creative.
This race is used to conquer people. Your spies have a 20% bonus too(good for
sabotage). You can heal damage in combat. You should put Assault Shuttles on
some of your ships so you capture others(3-5 or them). You will be able to use
them instantly in combat.
Instead of -.5 BC try -10 ground combat & -20 defense. Instead of a large home
world & +10 spying try Warlord. Or if you like the large home world change the
+10 Spying to +50 ship attack.
Race #2-Meklars
Uses Picks(Bonuses)
- +50% Growth Rate(-3)
- +1 Food(-4)
- +1 Production)-3)
- +1 Research(-3)
- Large Homeworld(-1)
- Creative(-6)
Gives Picks(Penalties)
- -10 Ground Combat(+2)
- -20 Ship Defense(+2)
- Low-Gravity Homeworld(+5)
- Poor Homeworld(+1)
Explanation of picks
This race has awesome colonists. They grow fast, produce
more food & production, and are better researchers.
How to use this race
You should use this race to colonize lots of planets. Building up domestically will
be very helpful for this race.
Try taking off -20 ship defense & -10 ground combat and put on -.5 BC instead.
Race #3-Sakkras
Uses picks(Bonuses)
- Creative(-6)
- Subterranean(-6)
- Large Homeworld(-1)
- +50 Ship Attack(-4)
- +50% Pop. Growth(-3)
Gives picks(Penalties)
- -20 Ship Defense(+2)
- -10 Ground Combat(+2)
- Low-Gravity Homeworld(+5)
- Poor Homeworld(+1)
Explanation of picks
The subterranean trait increases the maximum population by +2 for Tiny,
+4 for Small, all the way up to +10 to Huge, which is why I got +50% growth rate.
It also gives +10% ground combat bonus on defense only, which is why
I chose -10 Ground Combat.
+50 Ship Attack is useful.
How to use this race
This is another domestic race. If you capture a planet, you should either
annihilate the colonists or export them, and then import your own colonists
to get the Subterranean bonus. On technology, work on developments that give
colonists bonuses, since you have more than other races. Since they have high
population, and you've gotten the Sakkras out of the game, you can get more votes
for the High Council, you have a better chance of being elected.
Replace -20 Ship Defense and -10 Ground Combat with -0.5 BC.
Race #4-Silicoids
Uses picks(Bonuses)
- Creative(-6)
- Lithovore(-10)
- +1 Industry(-3)
Gives picks(Penalties)
- -20 Ship Defense(+2)
- -10 Ground Combat(+2)
- Low-Gravity Homeworld(+5)
Explanation of picks
Lithovore is incredibly useful(which is why it's 10 picks!!!). It means the race
requires no food. I also got +1 industry with this, because I would have more people
on industry, since I need no farmers! Creative as usual.
How to use this race
This is an all-purpose race. On technology, obviously avoid developments that increase
food, unless you desperately need extra money! Aim for industry & research developments.
Replace -20 Ship Defense and -10 Ground Combat with -0.5 BC.
Race #5-?????
Uses picks(Bonuses)
- Creative(-6)
- Telepathic(-6)
- +20 Ship Defense(-3)
Gives picks(Penalties)
- Low-Gravity Homeworld(+5)
Explanation of picks
I made this race because I was sick of having my ships be bad on defense, or losing
money, etc. After staying away from telepathic races, I finally gave in. Telepathic
is just SO useful. +20 Ship Defense is useful.
How to use this race
This is a race for capturing planets!(w/ Mind Control) If you notice a colony without
any defenses or ships, GO THERE!
Replace +20 Ship Defense with Rich & Large HW.
Race #6-Klackons
Uses Picks(Bonuses)
- Unification(-6)
- Telepathic(-6)
- Creative(-6)
Gives Picks(Penalties)
- -1/2 Food(+3)
- -.5 BC(+4)
- Poor Home World(+1)
Explanation of Picks
This race is hyper-productive. You just get TONS of production. Also, any
colonists you conquer get the unification bonus! +50% food & production bonus!!!
At advanced unification you get +100% food & production bonus! Any colony you
conquer you assimilate instantly because your telepathic. This way you
don't have to worry about taking 20 turns to assimilate 1 unit of pop.
With Unification you can easily handle the -1/2 food production. Avoid Low-G homewold
at all costs. This is a industrial race! Low-G would destroy its purpose!
How to use this Race
Build up your industry, obviously! Pump out ships and take over the galaxy. You'll
have plenty of people left over from farming because of your farming bonus from
Unification. However, DO NOT forget research. Just because you can pump out 5 ships
to their 1, they can easily destroy you if you fall behind in tech...
Instead of -.5 BC & Poor Home World try -10 ground combat & -20 ship defense.
Now that you've picked a race, pick your color. The color doesn't affect the game
in any way except it gives you different pictures for your ships depending on what
color you are.
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Pre-Warp Tech
Average Tech
Advanced Tech
Pre-Warp Tech
This setting lets you set your own path of development from the very beginning. One suggestion,
though...DO NOT play this hotseat. I suggest you get the nuclear drive first, so you can
move outside your own solar system. At the beginning there isn't much to do but wait.
If there are any good planets in your solar system try building a colony base with
your extra time. This way you will have two planets to start getting tech. After
you get the drive(it shouldn't take long), get Astro Biology, Chemistry, and then
Physics. Try to colonize planets FAST. The more you can get before you meet
another race, the better. The more planets you have the more research, production,
and power you control! Once you get the mass driver and the electronic computer,
design a ship of destroyer size. Put a few missles and mostly mass drivers on.
Then build a few for defense(or offense). Make trade & research treaties with
the races you want to be friends with. Don't make too many at once or you'll
run out of money. While at first they're not profitable, wait about 5 turns
and they'll start helping A LOT!
Average Tech
Average Tech takes somewhat less time to get started and into the action. On
this level you start out with some basic tech, 2 scout ships with minor weaponary,
and a defenselss colony ship. Send your scout ships out to preferably yellow stars.
Unless of course you see a BROWN star(not orange). These things RARELY have
planets, but if they do they can be better than ORION! Watch out for space monsters
that guard great planets. Try to colonize a planet quickly. DO NOT colonize
a planet in your home system unless it is easily the best planet around. It is
much easier to do this later on with a colony base. Try to colonize many planets
quickly. Research is very important. Once you get the nuetron blaster design a
ship. Put them on and add a few missles too. Probably you should make it Destroyer
Advanced Tech
This is my favorite setting. No tedious building up, you just get right into it.
You start out with several colonies, a fleet of warships with your best tech,
and 2 Leaders to buy. The first thing you need to do
is to go to 1 or 2 of the races you know and make trade & research treaties with
them(not all of the races or you might go in to debt). DO NOT MAKE NON-AGRESSION
PACTS WITH THEM THIS TURN! There is annoying bug and it will cancel them next
turn. You'll have to wait a few turns before you can. Next click on colonies.
For some weird reason the computer puts them mostly on research. Move most of
them to workers. If you have a colony with only one person move him to a worker
too. Then go down the list and start building buildings. This is what you should
build. If you don't have the option of building some of these things you have
them already built there or it is not available at that colony.
- Hydroponic Farm
- Automated Factory
- Soil Enrichment
- Research Lab
- Robo Miner Plant
- Cloning Center
If you're worried about defense make a missle base somewhere in between. In the
beginnig of the game I'm much more scared of missle bases than a Star Base or
a Battle Station!
After you've done this go take a look at your heroes. If you see anyone that's
"famous" or "Mega-Wealth" hire them now! You do not have to worry about building
a fleet for awhile. The one you have will do okay. You also dont need to colonize
much. Work on building up your planets and getting more tech. You might want
to take down a weak race. If you're gonna attack someone go after someone
whose colonists do something good. Like they have +1 production, research, or food.
Designing Ships
This is complicated and with all the available tech I can't be specific. But here
are a few pointers...
- Battle Pods are MUSTS! Always put them on
- Missles aren't so great. DO NOT follow the computers example of putting on lots.
- Don't use bombs as much more than filling up unused space.
- ALWAYS keep the best armor, shields, computer, and drive on.
- If you put a few missles on, using the newest one is always the best idea.
You might want to use an older one that has the MIRV modification.
- Gyro Destabilizers are nice to have at the beginning of the game.
- Once you get ion cannons, graviton beams, and neutron blasters, put ALL 3
on the ship. Make them heavy mount. Then use mass drivers as Point Defense.
- Once you get Titans only use them. Do not go back down to battleships.(Same
with Doom Stars)
- Later on Plasma cannons are awesome. In one of my games 10 Heavy Mount
plasma cannons on 1 titan could destroy a Battle Station with one volley!
- Once you get phasors always use them for point defense. Also stop using
blasters. You will want an extra weapon besides the heavy mount phasors so use
a Heavy mount Graviton beam or Ion cannon.
- A "Capture" Ship is what I like to make. Put 4-6 tractor beams, 4-6 assault
shuttles, a warp dissipator, troop pods, and if you have the tech...transporters.
These fun ships can capture enemy ships like crazy. You can scrap these
captured ships for money and new tech...or just keep em.
- Automated repair units are a MUST after you get them.
- Multi-Phased Shields are good! Until then try either the Inertial
Stabilizer or the ECM Jammer depending if you're more worried about beam
weapons or missles.
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Depending on who you are, you may think diplomacy is unimportant and you can
just kill everyone even if they're all against you---WRONG! Two-front wars
can be DEADLY! Try to take one opponent at a time. Make friends with the other
races and maybe even ask one or two of them to help you fight this person. Also,
if you ignore diplomacy, you will not benefit from trade or research treaties
which will add to your research and money each turn. Some people will be more
friendly than others. The humans are always friendly to start out with. Races
that are repulsive you will not have any other options other than Peace Treaty,
Declare War, or Surrender. If you like to destroy races I suggest you start
with the repulsive ones first(if there are any in your game). Also, no one
else will like the repulsive ones either. When you go to make research and trade
treaties with an empire, ALWAYS ask for a research first. For some reason
a lot of empires wont make a trade treaty until they have a research one. Sometimes
it is the other way around. Sometimes they won't do either, but they will
do a Non-Agression Pact. Very rarely they won't do anything. Here is a list of
what the different pacts do.
- Research Treaty-Basically gives extra research points(RP) to each empire. It takes about
5 turns before you stop losing money(BC), and start gaining RP. As long
as this treaty is in effect, your relations improve.
- Trade Treaty-Gives extra BC to each empire. It takes about 5 turns before
you start losing money and start gaining it. As long as this treaty is in effect,
your relations improve.
- Peace Treaty-Ends a war between empires. You are still on thin ice though
with this race!
- Non-Agression Pact-This pact says you will not attack one another. Thats all!
As long as you have this pact, it helps relations more than a trade or research treaty.
Usually, you can make this treaty if your relation is "relaxed".
- Alliance-This is the strongest treaty possible. If it is broken, that race
will not forgive you soon. This REALLY helps relations as long as it is in effect.
Ships may use each other's colonies as bases for refueling! Very helpful!
Usually you can make this treaty if the relation is "calm"
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Spying is fun. You can steal technology or sabotage buildings on planets.
Sometimes when you sabotage you even frame another race. However most of
the time they catch you. So unless you're already at war, or don't mind
going to war...don't do this to that race. There is no point in using
espionage against a race if you have all their tech.
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While I personally don't enjoy using a lot of cheats(I think it ruins the game), here they are
for all you cheaters out there! Note: If you use any of these, the game won't let you
enter into the Hall of Fame, even if you have a good enough score!
Hold down Alt while typing these.