Welcome to Lim Family's Home Page


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our sons
Welcome! We are a happy family of 5 from Malaysia who have shifted into cyberspace, thanks to our sponsors. We do not represent any commercial concern, but nevertheless, have some great and fun software on offer for you to download for free trial.

Please feel free to look around by clicking on any of the four buttons located at the top of this Page. Be sure to click on the DOWNLOADS button to check out our high quality program offerings and download whatever software you fancy.

If you've tried out any of our SHAREWARE products and would like to register the program, we've provided a multitude of quick and easy options for you to do so. Just click on the REGISTRATION button above for further instructions.

We've also included links to some cool Web Sites and useful resources, including an Internet Search Engine. Click on the LINKS button above to check them out.

In particular, do not miss the links to Malaysia and find out more interesting facts about our beautiful country. You would also not want to miss the link to our country's MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor), a unique IT initiative that is causing waves of excitement in the IT industry.

Finally, we thank you for visiting and hope you'll help to spread the word around and popularise our tiny Home. Meanwhile, if you have any comments or suggestions for improvements, please drop us an email

Announcementdiana picturexmas treecnyAnnouncement

Our Slide Shows are delightful combinations of pictures, animations, text, sound effects and music that are put together with special effects and beautiful backgrounds, according to the theme of the subject. These sample slide shows are FREE for all to enjoy with no obligation or requirement to buy anything.

Princess Diana fans, please do not miss our TRIBUTE TO PRINCESS DIANA Slide Show. Our program may be SHAREWARE, but our tribute slide show is truly FREEWARE. We spent considerable effort and time to create this tribute slide show and we really would like you to have and enjoy it FREE. The same goes for our other slide shows - our program has been designed to play them without any restrictions, so there's no requirement to buy our program in order to enjoy these slide shows.

boot it 5-star awardThe Lim Slide Show is now at version 4 and has over 100 special effects at your disposal to apply to your pictures or animation files with Spectacular results. We are proud to announce that the Lim Slide Show has been awarded a 5-star rating by BOOT IT SOFTWARE REVIEWS.

So, go DOWNLOAD a copy NOW - you will not be disappointed! CLICK HERE FOR SOME SAMPLE SNAPSHOTS to get an idea of what we've achieved.


We acknowledge that most of the items (pictures, animations and sounds) used in our FREE Slide Shows have been sourced from the Internet. Due to the very nature of the WEB, it is impossible for us to determine the real owners of these items. Therefore, we would like to expressly seek permission here, from the owners of these items, to use them in our FREE slide shows. If you are an owner and have objections to your items being used, please contact us and we'll remove them.
THANK YOU in advance for your kindness


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Thank You.

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