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©Sergey Orlik 
Moscow 1997-99
All rights reserved.

Please, note that Russian and English versions of this site are different. Russian version of my site includes some additional articles, presentations and comments.

QBuilder and another my tools and components from my Personal Home Page are freeware. I can't provide the technical support for these tools, but you have all source code and you can modify it without restriction for any non-commercial projects. Please, let me know if you want to use my software in your commercial projects by e-mail: sorlik@inprise.ru with tool's name in subject.

14 Oct 99

- Downolad CCPack 5 from Borland CodeCentral! Download ...
- Now you can use new url for this page: http://www.geocities.com/sergey_orlik/

  01 Oct 99


Composite Components Pack and Custom Forms Pack merge into the next generation tool: Custom Containers Pack (CCPack 5)!

New CCPack 5 supports any inheritance levels for Forms, DataModules, Frames and 3 base container classes (TXxxBox).

CCPack 5 is created for Delphi 5. CCPack 5 is developed with using the new Open Tools API and available with full source code to learn more about Delphi 5 internals.

NEW Downolad it from Borland CodeCentral! Download ...

Downolad it now! Download ...

9 Mar 99

Now the Open QBuilder ver 4.0a supports BDE, IBObjects and FreeIBComponents to work with InterBase database server.

Downolad it now to get more features!

1 Mar 99

The Open QBuilder is the next generation of well-known QBuilder dialog-component.

The Open QBuilder has a new architecture. It is designed as a non-visual VCL modal dialog component that works in conjunction with a new data-access engine non-visual component . You can use a standard data-access engine component to work with BDE-enabled data sources or you can create new engine to work with data sources without BDE. 

Open QBuilder is freeware and includes all source code for this. 
Download Open QBuilder for Delphi 4 and C++Builder 4 now !