


A challenging position as a Project Lead/Software Developer in the domains of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Application Development, and Graphical User Interfaces.



Master of Technology – Mechanical Design                                                                 December, 1991

Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India                                         

Bachelor of Technology – Mechanical Engineering                                                      May, 1990

Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi India



Languages: Java, Java Socket Programming, XML, SOAP, C, C++, Shell programming, Perl, Object Oriented Perl, Active Server Pages (ASP), Javascript, HTML, SQL, Sybase Database Libraries, Pascal, SQLFORMS, Pro C, FORTRAN, LINC II Specification Language Version 15.4/15.2, COBOL, WFL.

Packages: Eclipse (Java), Visual Basic 6.0/5.0, Visual C++, Visual Interdev, ClearCase, Embarcadero DB Artisan 6.0, PowerBuilder Version 4.0, MS Word, MS Windows NT Mail Version 3.51, ENCINA, PowerPoint, gdb, dbx, gcc, XWindows, UNIX-SCCS, PVCS Tracker, Exceed, ADEX (TCS tool for maintaining the Object Repository), LINC II, DMS II, COMS, UNISYS System Utilities, System Ergo, Lite, LDQ, DMInquiry, BURROUGHS and Tata Consultancy Services Utilities, SDF, ICL Utilities, Turbo Pascal, Screen Painting.

Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 95, MS-DOS, SunOS 5.x (Solaris), SunOS 4.x, AIX Version 3.2, UNIX System V Release 4.2, MCP 3.9/4.0(UNISYS).

Architectures: Sun SPARC Station X, Sun4, PC (Pentium), PC 486 Compaq Presario, IBM RS6000, UNISYS A-17, UNISYS A-11, BURROUGHS B6900, ICL2900, PC/XT, U6000.

Protocols:  TCP/IP, SMTP.

Databases: Sybase 10.0/11.0, Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, Oracle7.0.



·         Object-Oriented Design, Multi-threading, Socket Programming, Structured and Modular Methodologies.

·         Java (multi-threading), C, C++ (multi-threading), Perl Programming (knowing the idiosyncrasies of the languages).

·         Source level (gdb, dbx, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Eclipse for Java) debuggers. 

·         Make, UNIX-SCCS and PVCS Tracker.

·         Software Engineering Process (writing requirements definitions, functional specifications, coding, data flow diagrams).

·         UNIX System Calls, Shell (sed, awk) and Shell Programming.

·         Object Oriented Design of Financial Systems.

·         Relational Databases and SQL.



Senior Analyst/Programmer-Consultant                                                                      October 1997 - Present

PaineWebber Inc. (UBS PaineWebber),

Weehawken, New Jersey/New York City, New York.


Stock Loan/Security Lending and Transaction Processing System Group

The group is related to the various financial systems like Global One, Ktek System, LIM6.0 (Loanet Interface Module), PaineWebber Securities Lending System, etc. being used for securities lending/borrowing, holdings and transaction processing.

Responsibilities include

·         Development of multi-threaded JAVA programs for XML Processing using SOAP formats, XML Parsers and XML APIs, HTTP Services, Socket Server, PDF report and Excel spreadsheets. The complex XML processing uses the HTTP service (GET/POST methods) and Sockets Servers and Special Java Packages, which are developed, and runs on Unix Sun OS. The input data is retrieved from Sybase, Unidata Global1/Ktek database, SQL server and various web sites, comma separated files, input Excel spreadsheets.

·         Development of complex Java programs to generate EZ to Borrow List (Excel Spreadsheet and Comma separated files), Generating Pool Summary and Pool Optimization Excel spreadsheets on Unix. The information for these projects is retrieved from SQL server, Sybase and various web sites using Java classes.

·         Design and development of generic, reusable C/C++ programs and function libraries required for accessing the database using the SybaseDB Libraries.  Design and development of C/C++ programs for Swift File Processing, regular file formatting and report generation on SunOS5.4 unix machines using postprint.

·         Development of C and Perl programs and shell scripts which converts the text format reports to pdf format reports. These reports were further generated dynamically and accessed over the web through the Web Application developed in ASP and Javascript.

·         Design, development and implementation of a complex backing up system on SunOS Unix machines which maintains the files on multiple hosts. This system involved development of shell script, which further uses rdist, awk, sed for back up process and the scheduling is achieved using Unix cron utility.

·         These developments have extensively used

·         Linked lists, dynamic memory management, library creation and maintenance, Sybase database libraries, Make.

·         Unix SCCS, and PVCS Tracker for version control.

·         Shell scripting, ftp, awk, sed, postprint and other UNIX utilities.

·         Design, development and maintenance of Loanet Interface module developed in Visual Basic 5.0 ugraded to Visual Basic 6.0 which uses dynamic linked libraries provided by a third party vendor to provide information from the SQL Server database. This application sends emails for the error conditions and produces the data processed reports developed in Crystal Report 8.0. The reports are generated using the ODBC by reading text files using the Microsoft Text drivers and Sybase System 11.0 drivers for accessing Sybase database. These developments have used Window API functions for registry manipulations, processing ini files and complex user defined data types, arrays and complex Graphical User Interface.


Corporate Stock Benefit Services/Stock Option Finance Group

The main areas of the group were related to the various financial and brokerage systems like New Client Implementation, AutoExports, Admin Balancing Reconciliation, Import Export Re-engineering etc. being used for stock options processing for various client of the company.

Responsibilities include

·         Design, development and Maintenance of Object Oriented Perl programs and modules to automate the import and export process on SunOS 5.4 Unix machines. The import export process updates the company’s database by transferring information from the client’s database and vice versa. These applications were highly parameterized and complicated as the database owned by the clients was based on the client’s needs.  Some shell scripts were also developed to automate the file generation process.

·         Design and development of the Client application related to Checks and Journals Processing, Client Stock Reporting System, Admin Balancing Reconciliation. The client application was developed using Visual Basic Version 5.0 on Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and the server application used Sybase 11.0. It involved extensive usage of forms using TDBGrid 4.0d, SSTabs, Data Controls, ODBC for Client-Server connectivity, 32-bit Crystal Report Version 6.0 for Reporting application along with the back end stored procedures required for the Sybase Database.


Stock Loan/Security Lending and Transaction Processing System Group

The main areas of the group were associated to projects linked to the various existing financial and brokerage systems like PaineWebber Securities Lending System, Global One, XciTek, Sigma/Smartloan etc. being used for securities lending/borrowing, holdings and transaction processing.

Responsibilities include

·         Design and development of the application related to Matchbook Activities like Borrows and Loans Entry, Supervisor Set up, Reallocation of Excess Borrows, Pending Loans for the PaineWebber Securities Lending System. The client application was developed using 32-bit Visual Basic Version 4.0 on Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and the server application used Sybase 11.0. It involved extensive usage of forms using TDBGrid 4.0d, SSTabs, Data Controls, ODBC for Client-Server connectivity, 32-bit Crystal Report Version 5.0 for Reporting application along with the back end stored procedures required for the Sybase Database.

·         Design and development of programs and function libraries required for generating reports, SWIFT message processing, file formatting and uploading the files to various systems related to different application areas of brokerage and agency lending module in C/C++.

·         Development of shell scripts used for the automation of generating reports and file processing.


Module Leader/Analyst/Programmer-Consultant                                                       February 1997 - August 1997

Fidelity Investments Services,

London, United Kingdom


Pricing Work Station Group

Pricing Work Station (PWS) is a system that furnish the latest information and status related to the investments belonging to different sites, at the Fidelity Investments LTD’s U.K. office.

Responsibilities included

·       Analysis and Design of Pricing Workstation for Fidelity Investment Services Ltd. The application areas in particular include Fund Transaction Processing, Net Asset Value Impact, Contingency Processing etc.

·         Module Leader

Being a module leader managing, which involved client interaction, understanding the application, providing specification for the stored procedures, scheduling of the programs, code walkthrough and testing the stored procedures developed along with the team of seven members.

·         Programmer/Analyst

Analysis, development, testing and documentation of Sybase stored procedures programs and database table creation required by the GUI/Front Visual C++ application for data processing. The Sybase stored procedures were developed using the UNIX OS for various modules e.g. Fund Transaction Processing, Net Asset Value Change Impact, Contingency Processes etc. UNIX SCCS was used for version control. Development of Help for the GUI application was also undertaken.                     


Module Leader/Analyst/Programmer,                                                                           August 1995 - February 1997

Tata Consultancy Services,

Delhi, India


Project: Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore

New Custodial System Group

The Standard Chartered Bank, which deals in custodial banking, required the data migration from existing system the Portfolio Management System (PMS) to the new system the New Custody System (NCS). To achieve this analysis was done, followed by development and testing of Period Specific Operations i.e. batch programs coded in C/C++, which populated various database tables after the necessary validations for different modules like Trade Settlement, Registration of Securities, Corporate Actions, Safe Custody Fee/Charges, Client Holdings etc.

Responsibilities include

·         Analyst/Programmer

Analysis, development, testing and documentation of period specific operations in C/C++ for various modules e.g. Registration, Corporate Actions, Client Holding, Charges etc required for data migration.

·         Module Leader

Managing a team of five members and providing the specification to team members for the front and back end application.


Systems Analyst  /Programmer                                                                                       March 1995 - August 1995

Tata Consultancy Services,

Delhi, India                          


New Integrated Standard Banking System Group

Object Oriented Analysis and Design of the Account Management System for the redevelopment of the existing Integrated Standard Banking System, a system developed to cover the area of Retail Banking for the Indian market by Tata Consultancy Services. The system was a complete redesign of the company’s existing Retail Banking product.

Responsibilities included

·         Object Oriented Analysis and Design of the Accounts Management System of the existing Integrated Standard Banking System that deals in the Retail Banking. The previous system was developed on ORACLE7 & ORACLE FORMS but the new system was designed keeping in mind the Client-Server architecture, which included identification of class, objects, attributes and methods associated to those classes. Object Meta-Model was also constructed depicting the associations between the objects.

·         A detailed repository in HTML was developed which included the class definitions, methods, attributes, relationships, associations, definitions of the banking terminology etc.

·         Prototyping of the GUI screens were done using POWERBUILDER 4.0, which gave an idea of how the screens would be navigated.


Scottish Life Assurance Company UK Project

This project involved development, enhancement/modification of the programs related to Assurance, General Ledger, Quality Control, Archival System, Actuarial System and New Business System.

Responsibilities included

·         Development, enhancement, quality assurance, testing of programs related to General Ledger, financial module, client modules, archival group etc. in LINC II & COBOL. Quality Assurance of jobs completed by various team members, which included thorough code walkthrough for standards and quality assurance of the output produced before forwarding it to the client. Coding and testing of program in C, C++ for date validation and calculations.


Analyst/Programmer                                                                                                         January 1994 – March 1995

Scottish Life Assurance Company,

Edinburgh, UK


Scottish Life Assurance Company UK Project

This project involved development, enhancement/modification of the programs related to Assurance, General Ledger, Test Databases creation and Maintenance, Quality Control, Financial System, Actuarial System, New Business System, Commission System and Pensions

Responsibilities included

·         Design, Specification and Development of New System called as "Development Methods" required for Logging and Maintenance of different stages of job assigned to various teams.

·         Test database creation and its maintenance, the maintenance involved addition of fresh data from the live system and enhancement to the programs on the database structure change. All the test database creation programs were re-coded according to the company standards and performed unit and system testing.

·         Development, enhancement, testing of programs related to different systems/teams e.g. General Ledger System, Financial System, Actuarial System, Commission Team, New Business Team, Unit Talisman Team Quality Control Team and Test Database Creation System.


Programmer                                                                                                                       January 1992 – January 1994

Tata Consultancy Services,

Delhi, India


Unit Trust Of India “Unit Scheme 64” Consolidation And Dividend Warrant Processing Project

The project was related to Dividend Warrant Processing and Consolidation for UTI.

Responsibilities included

·         Porting, conversion and testing of program received from Tata Consultancy Services, Bombay, India.

·         Development of programs for new file format and checking the data received from UTI branches.

·         Enhancements and testing of the dividend warrant program. The different stages of Consolidation were undertaken as requested by the client. Other activities included support to printing dividend warrants, statements, income distribution register and reconciliation.

·         Documentation and preparing Operation Manual for the Dividend Warrant System.


Migration of Existing Software for National Industries Co., Kuwait

Migration of programs related to Production, Chemical, Financial Accounting, Inventory, Finished Goods, Shares and Costing, Employee System.

Responsibilities included  

·         Migration (GEMCOS & COBOL68 BURROUGHS to COMS & COBOL74 A-11 Series Main Frame) of batch and on-line programs belong to systems like Financial Accounting System, Production System, Inventory System, Finished Goods, Shares and Costing System, Employee System. Screens were painted using SCREEN DESIGN FACILITY on BURROUGHS B6900 for various systems.

·         Migration further involved conversion, enhancement/modification, testing, quality assurance and documentation.


Scottish Life Assurance Company Ltd. Project, United Kingdom

Migration of programs related to financial system, general ledger system and pensions system.

Responsibilities included

·         Migration (BURROUGHS Medium System to UNISYS Mainframe A-17 Series) of existing software for The Scottish Life Assurance Company Limited which involved the conversion, enhancement/modification, testing, quality assurance and documentation.

·         The converted programs were tested using the data files used on the BURROUGHS Medium System after performing proper code walkthroughs and thorough quality assurance. The test results were compared with output files sent by the client. The discrepancies, if any, were reported to the client.



Teaching Assistant                                                                            

Initial Training Program, Tata Consultancy Services, Delhi, India

·         Instructor Software Maintenance Course in April 1996

·         Instructor COBOL Case Study Course in April 1996

·         Instructor Object Oriented Methodologies in July 1996

·         Instructor Programming in C++ in December 1996

·         Instructor Object Oriented Methodologies in January 1997

·         Instructor Programming in C++ in January 1997



Initial Training Program I, Tata Consultancy Services, Delhi, India                                      Year 1992

·         Computer Concepts, COBOL, AS/400 Concepts

·         UNIX, C & C++ programming, Programming Strategies

·         ORACLE, SQL & Utilities

Initial Training Program II, Tata Consultancy Services, Delhi, India                                    Year 1992

·         Advanced UNIX

·         DBMS and UNIFY

·         Information Engineering, Software Specification and Design

·         Productivity Tools and Quality Assurance

·         Report Writing, Client Liaison, Marketing Management

ISO 9000 Training, Tata Consultancy Services, Delhi, India                                                    Year 1993

LINC II Development Course, Scottish Life Assurance Company, Edinburgh, UK              Year 1994

LINC II Report Course, Scottish Life Assurance Company, Edinburgh, UK                         Year 1994

ERGO Course, Scottish Life Assurance Company, Edinburgh, UK                                          Year 1994

ENCINA, Tata Consultancy Services, Delhi, India                                                                      Year 1996

Visual Basic 4.0, Tata Consultancy Services, Delhi, India                                                         Year 1997

Sybase 10.0/11.0, Tata Consultancy Services, Delhi, India                                                        Year 1997

Advanced HTML with ASPs & Javascripts, Compunnel Software Group, USA                     Year 1999

Development in Java with EJB & Java Applets, Comet Technologies, Edison, USA              Year 2000 

ClearCase Beginners and Advanced, UBS, USA                                                                          Year 2003



·         GATE (General Aptitude Test of Engineering) scholarship in the Master of Technology (M.Tech) program.



·         Captain of the Indian Institute of Technology , (IIT) Delhi, Swimming and Water Polo Team (1991-1992)

·         Best Swimmer Award, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (1991-1992)

·         First in Water Polo (Inter University Event 1991-1992)

·         Best Swimmer Award, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (1990-1991)

·         Gold medals in Swimming/Water Polo (Inter and Intra University Level)

·         First in Inter University Choreography Competition (Rendezvous 1989)

·         Color in Swimming and Water Polo, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (1988-1989)

·        Regular Blood Donor – Certificate of Merit, National Service Scheme, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

·        Representative to Board for Student Welfare, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (1991-1992)