Art connection banner

Paint Shop Pro

Assignment One  

 The larger button was created as a jpg. image 
and then buttonized. It was then reduced to a 
transparent gif. The smaller button was resized 
from the larger image. The rest of the  small buttons 
were also done in the same manner.

The larger button was created using the circle 
deformation effect on the large button above. 
It was then reduced to a transparent gif. The 
smaller button was resized from the larger image.

The larger button was created as a jpg. image 
and then buttonized. Then I applied the skew
deformation effect to it. It was then reduced to a 
transparent gif. The smaller button was resized 
from the larger image. 


The larger button was created as a jpg. image 
and then buttonized. It was then reduced in size 
through the use of progressive encoding. The 
smaller button was resized 
from the larger image. 

Assignment 2
