Hi, I'm Robyn

Woman, Writer and Spiritual Healer

There are several aspects of me beyond my gender. My education includes several engineering degrees and a PhD in naval architecture and marine engineering. I'm semi-retired, now, but still telecommute to my old Navy support project. It's nice to be involved still, but without being the project manager.

My hobbies include amateur radio, reading, writing, and activism. And I'm a listwrangler for several transgender support newslists, including the one in which my husband and I met. Most of my time is taken up as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Transgender Advocacy Coalition. What time is left goes to being a good wife.

A very important part of my life is Reiki. Reiki is a spiritual healing practice with which I have been involved for several years both as a Reiki Master/Teacher and as a manager of the Distant Healing Network. There are links to Reiki information on my healing page.

So life is full and rewarding. I am enjoying the second half of my current life as a woman and as a wife. Experiencing two genders in one lifetime is a true blessing.

My story is not one of feeling trapped in the wrong body since an early age. Rather, I had a fairly satisfying and successful life in the male role. I knew it didn't feel right, but I graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1960, retired from the Navy as a Commander in 1980, and have been a consulting naval engineer since then.
During two marriages and the raising of four daughters, I often fantasized about the woman's body I wished I had. With the youngest daughter in college, I admitted to myself and to my wife that I was a cross-dresser. "Wrong," she said. "You'll be living as a woman as soon as we separate."
She was right; I was a male-to-female transsexual. I began living full time as a woman in the summer of 1998 and became legally female on my 63rd birthday in June 2000. And I married Emery, the wonderful man with whom I've posed in the pictures above. {See the main page links to our private Valentines Day 2000 wedding ceremony and our formal church wedding in March.}
Some castigate transsexuals, saying that God doesn't make mistakes. That's right, of course; God makes us this way as part of His divine plan. His purpose, I believe, is to teach His children tolerance and unconditional love. It took me 60 years to accept His challenge and to make the corrections to the erroneous male image of myself.



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