Some of my Very Favorite poetry!
excerps from: The Lady of the Lake
"Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town"
One of my favorites.
The Lesson of the Moth
This poem was supposed to have been written by a cricket named archie. There are no capital letters, question marks, ect.. because he couldn't hold the shift key and type at the same time.
The Two-Headed Calf
Sonnet Found in a Deserted Madhouse
You really have to read this one a few times before it starts to make sense, and even then it doesn't.
a classic
a poem by e.e. cummings
A Nursery rhyme
This and the following poems are prose poems. They are all by a man named Louis Jenkins who is one of my favorite contemporary poets...
Winter Light
Violence on Television
I love this one!
A poem by a dear friend of mine
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