Guestbook by Lpage

Here is what self-appointed (and, I hasten to add, respected) critics have said about the fanfics. There are three reviews so far:

New! LeVar Boyer's review of the final version of Perchance to Dream.
Chris Davies's review of the final version of Shades of Light and Darkness.
LeVar Boyer's review of a somewhat outdated version of The Chosen.

The reviews are in a stylish green tint, and my comments or explanations of the reviews will be in the same blue as all the text is. The reviews are represented as accurately as humanly possible.

LeVar Bouyer's Review of Perchance to Dream:

LeVar Boyer has reviewed a large number of Sailor Moon fanfics, and these reviews are available at what was once known as theThe Completely Unofficial and Uncanonical Sailor Moon Fanfic Review Site. A mouthful, to say the least. A while ago, he reviewed The Chosen, and between the last two times I checked his site (Um... between September or so and May of the next year or so) he has added the review of the second part of SLD, Perchance to Dream. In his scoring system, 1 is low and 5 is high.

Chosen2: Shadows of Light and Darkness [Title] Um.. It's Shades of Light and Darkness, and that's the name of the whole thing. He's actually reviewing only PTD here.

Orig: 4 [Originality 1-5]

Det: 5 [Detail 1-5] :]

Char: 4 [Character (Detail and development)1-5]

Fun: 4 [How fun it is to read 1-5]

Avg: 4.25

takes place after Chosen [Setting]

And here's the sequel to the Chosen. Mr. Kogan here guns for the fanfic heavyweight division; at 1.78MB for all the parts to this, it's one of the longest fanfics out there. And, as is almost always the case with long stories, this one manages to hold the reader's interest. This basically continues with a couple of themes that were introduced in the first part, adds some more, has an ending that I guarantee will be interesting, if nothing else...oh yeah, and there's a obligatory love interest. Since the love interest isn't the author, though, I'll let it slide.

Considerably more positive than his review of The Chosen, and I can't say I disagree with anything.

LeVar Bouyer's Review of The Chosen:

This is a review of a year and a half old version of The Chosen, which has, since then, been very heavily edited for spelling errors and smoothness. More on this later, for now, on with the review. Again, anything in the green color was written by the reviewer, anything in blue is my comment.

The Chosen

Orig: 2 [Originality 1-5] I would disagree... but then, I'm biased.

Det: 4 [Detail (accuracy of writing} 1-5] Funny, I disagree with this too. The version he was reading needed a lot of work on that.. this work has been done.

Char: 4 [Character Development 1-5]

Fun: 3 [How fun it is to read 1-5]

Avg: 3.25 [The average grade 1-5]

David Kogan

dub As opposed to original.

after end of NA dub, before Rubeus et al. Exactly how many ways are there to put that? Setting. He got it wrong, it's not after the end of the SM dub. Ah, well.


Chosen (so what if he's a guy?) Main characters.

This one's about a standard evil mastermind bent on evil, and the one man who, with the senshi's help, can stop it. In three long parts.

I have to give that guy credit, few could have compressed the story into a two line summarry. And while I disagree with that summary, and much of the grading, this is an honest opinion of a critic, and it would not be wholly fair of me if I had not posted it. Again, in my defense, this is an old version of volume one only.

The only thing I would argue with would the the originality score. Although there is a certain mundanity to the idea of a really evil bad guy and a really powerful good guy, I honestly think the plotline and especially the outcome of volume one were original.

You can contact LeVar Bouyer at , or you could go to his homepage. He has written several fanfics and has the (semi)admirable ambition to review all Sailor Moon fanfics. Fortunately, he's gotten help. Unfortunately, it's more reviewers, not a shrink.. and, um.. if you're reading, then I'm just kidding. :-)

Chris Davies's Review:

Each week, Chris Davies reviews the fanfics that are posted on Artemis & Luna's Central Control Headquarters, a very popular Sailor Moon fan fiction site. Or, rather, he used to.. he has not posted a review in quite a while. Then again, I haven't updated this page in quite a while, so I'm not one who should talk. Anyway, each week, Chris Davies picked out the best and worst of the fanfics of that week and reviewed them. Shades of Light and Darkness fell into the 'best' pile. :) Now then, on with the review:

Sailor Moon: Shades of Light and Darkness
by David Kogan

When Luna and Artemis casually mentioned that their zipfile was going to be over a megabyte, thanks to the presence of two stories -- the new parts of 'Thy Kingdom Come', and this -- my jaw dropped. My head spun. I thought, "I had to pick this week to get ill such that I must do a double review and include a monster like that. God hates me."

Fortunately, it's GOOD. It *almost* equals, in some respects, "End of the Beginning", though it takes a dramatically different aim. It is set in the North American continuity, and, not unlike "Sailor Moon V", essentially abandons all events after the Sailor Scouts regain their memories. Kogan is telling his own story, one which arises out of a single line from DiC's dub:

"The Universe is no more! Let the Negaverse prevail!"

That said, there are problems with the story. It is very much the story of Nakiad, the Chosen, and his interactions with the Sailor Scouts, rather than vice versa. If you find it difficult to identify with Nakiad -- and Kogan does not go out of his way to make his hero especially likeable -- you probably will not appreciate his tale, much as my utter loathing of the Dark Kingdom Renegades makes it impossible for me to like anything they feature in. But IMHO, the characters that Kogan has created to exist in this mythic universe are fascinating, even the villains. This is a sincere exploration of whether Sailor Moon is really about a battle between good and evil or not, and the author has my deepest respect.

All I have to say is that Chris Davies is, by all accounts, one of the best Sailor Moon fanfic writers out there, and his opinion and respect are very nice to have. (Though I do not understand how the quote he put in applies to SLD. You can find Mr. Davies's fanfics on his home page, and his reviews are available at Artemis and Luna's Central Control Headquarters. You can e-mail him at

These are the reviews available, but there are several other people reviewing fanfics, and SLD will be brought to their attention soon. Also, I will see if I can get LeVar to review any of Kenneth Krekeler's work.

You, too, have a good chance of being reviewed by someone. However, those chances get a hell of a lot better if you write a fanfic. If you have ideas for one, or if you have an ability for making fan art, and if you are thinking of using those talents to enlarge the Shades of Light and Darkness universe, then the contact page is a great place to become better informed of the opportunities that exist.

HTML and maintenance by David Kogan.