Greetings to you from Maolmuire.
Good Lord, still under construction. Hard to find the time... There is a distinct possibility that soon another chapter of the Martian Saga may appear. Well, not soon really, but before the summer I hope. As for the web site itself, take my word for it, millions have been here before you, and enjoyed every last word! Someday I will have working links to other stuff which will stun and amaze me even if it leaves you kinda cold. There will be such delicacies as:
Man, if that doesn't whet your appetite, what will?
My Magnum Opus Brad gets the goods! Or
does he?
Chapter One of the Martian Stuff!
Chapter Two of the Martian Stuff!
Chapter Three of the Martian Stuff!
Even more Action and Adventure!
Chapter Four of the Martian Stuff!
With apologies to Grainneor the Patient!
Cereal in the Cellar! Ever read
"Flowers in the Attic"? Read this for the cure!!
Officially Groovy Links!
The Official Men in Pack site!!!
Check out the Rory Gallagher info Here!!!
Send praise and
adulation (and broken links please) to:
Last updated:
April Fool's Day, Anno Domini 2000. Minor revisions: February the Eighth, Anno Domini 2001. You are visitor No.