The Martian Saga
Chapter 2- A quest for a guest!

Although it was generally considered impossible to fake a message crystal, Neerb had not lived so long by taking chances. When Neerb approached the Traitor's gate that night, the way ahead had already been scouted out by one of his loyal companions, Nala Senoj.
 Senoj was an Ylaffian tribesman, with the dark hair and slim build of his people, and like them, born with an innate sense of where things belonged and so could spot hidden dangers where lesser eyes would meet only doom. Ylaffian tribesmen honed this skill in a game called 'Aag', with the participants placed in a playing field filled with booby-traps and other dangers. Those who failed died, while those who crossed the danger areas quickest became champions. The winners of Aag tournaments were eagerly sought after by the Dukes of Mars as these Ylaffian champions made the best thieves and assassins, and the Dukes used them to steal secrets from one another, and on occasion to kill each other. Not all tribesmen would sell their souls for a handful of jewels, and Senoj was one of those whom the Dukes had failed to recruit, for he despised their easy money and their arrogant ways.
 Senoj had dressed in black, the easier to blend in with the shadows of the night, and was armed with the traditional weapon of the tribesmen of Ylaffo- the Feadog, a type of bow unique to the Yllaffians. and had spotted no dangers around the Traitor's gate, but still he had a feeling of unease. This was a gate (though now no longer used) leading into the Palace of the Emperor, and yet there were no booby traps or spells of forbidding to protect it. Senoj did not like it, yet he could find no danger lurking in the shadows. With a low whistle, he signalled Neerb that the way ahead was clear.
 At once, Neerb emerged from the shadows which had hidden him, and crouched low, made his way to the Traitor's Gate. The traitor's gate took up one end of a short alley which turned to the left after leaving the main street, and those who waited before it could not be spied from the street. There he waited with Senoj, tense and wary, for midnight to come.
 Senoj crouched almost to the ground as he heard a low sound. Neerb, who could not yet hear the sound which only an Ylaffian champion could detect, crouched low too, for he knew his friend well. Soon the noise was loud enough for Neerb to hear and identify: the sound of the door opening! There was a ring as Neerb pulled his sword from its scabbard and a slight hiss as Senoj drew back the string of his bow and trained it at the Traitor's Gate. Louder grew the sound, yet still the Gate remained shut fast. Neerb and Senoj both spun around to face the danger they now knew to be from behind, and stopped dead in their tracks, for it was the Emperor himself who confronted them! The wall behind them had opened and in the opening stood the Emperor and his Bodyguard. At once Neerb and Senoj dropped their weapons and fell to their knees. "Rise gentlemen, take up your weapons and follow me." said the Emperor, already turning away. "Hurry now, before the wall closes up again!" Neerb and Senoj snatched their weapons and passed through the opened wall into the Emperor's Palace. Ahead of them in a rough-hewn tunnel marched the Emperor and his bodyguard who held aloft torches to light the way, while behind them the opening in the wall shut with a thud.
 As they moved forward the tunnel twisted and turned, gradually becoming smoother and eventually widening out into a large room lit by strange globes hung on its walls. The Emperor saw the two warriors gazing at the globes and remarked "The work of the Ancients. Few now can remake such things." Then he cleared his throat and stood up to his full height and began: "I meet you here gentlemen because the spies of my Dukes are everywhere. Even now they watch me upstairs taking part in one of the many banquets with which they believe I waste my life." Seeing the look of confusion on the face of the two warriors facing him, he added "I am the Emperor, and by virtue of my high birth I possess powers that even my Dukes cannot match. Upstairs the spies of my Dukes watch a simulacrum of myself I have created drink rich wines and cavort with the serving wenches. I choose to let my enemies believe me to be a drunkard and a wastrel."
 "I see you wonder why I should summon you here. My plans are to regain the full power of the Emperor, to curb the excesses of the Dukes and to marshal all the forces of Mars to combat the stain of Darkness from the North which I believe to be non other than Prime Evil himself, loosened from his long bondage by the interference of that oaf Duke Yrac!" Neerb's eyes opened wide in horror. "Yes, Prime Evil is real and has begun his dark work gain, and none but a full Emperor has the power to defeat him and imprison him, so I must take my birthright from those who have usurped it! Some say Prime Evil is a mythical creature and does not exist except as a metaphor for the Ascension of the Emperors and the peace they brought to Mars along with the Throne, yet I tell you now, he is real, and I myself have felt his power and felt it grow."
 "If only the Emperor can defeat Prime Evil, why have you summoned us?" asked Neerb, still shocked at the news of Prime Evil's freedom.
 "In order to attain my full powers, I must have in my possession the seven Treasures of Mars, and be acclaimed by the people." He saw the look of puzzlement on the face of Neerb and continued "The Treasures confer certain powers on the Emperor. In elder days, to show trust on behalf of the Emperor, and also to prevent tyranny by the Emperor, the strongest Dukes were chosen to hold these Treasures in safe keeping for the Emperor. At the coronation of the Emperor the Dukes brought forth the Treasures and presented them to the Emperor, whereupon he Ascended the Throne and was presented to the People for their approval. Only then could the Emperor wield all the powers which were his due. The seven strongest Dukes still hold the Treasures, though they believe them to be without power and of only ceremonial use. My youngest son, Cully, rashly attempted to steal back the Treasures without my approval. He has disappeared somewhere in the Northern Wilds.
 Neerb, you have the reputation of a soldier of fortune and man of cunning. When you had your friends gathered about you, few indeed could stand against you. I wish you to reassemble your gang of priests, thieves, cutthroats and warriors and to get for me the Treasures of Mars before Prime Evil's power grows beyond containment."
 There was silence as the two men considered the orders of their Emperor, and finally Neerb said, "To you I owe my life, Lord, for I remember the To-Van and I would serve thee. Tell me how I may get these Treasures and return them to thee." Senoj added "I will serve you with my life, Lord."
 "Very well. The Dukes who hold the Treasures are, as I said, seven in number. The first of these is the Duke of Hyekap. He is more powerful than many of the enemies you have so far faced. He has the power to drain the very life and soul from his victims. Do not hesitate or show any mercy or all will be lost! When you have dealt with Hyekap, take the treasure he holds with you. It is a Doownek Oidar, a communications device of surpassing excellence, commonly known as the Cap of Speaking. When you have it, I will be able to contact you and give you my advice and help. I know I am sending you on a mission of great danger, yet there is some help I can give you."

Lord, I wonder what happens next! What shall be revealed of the wantonly felonious nature of the Duke of Hyekap? Isn't the daughter Neerb rescued in chapter one going to turn up? What do the Emperor's bodyguard look like? These and other even more pressing questions shall be answered soon(ish)!!

I want to revise chapter one!

This is truly excellent stuff! Is there any more?

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4