Hello there, and welcome to my world. This is the world of me, a young man known to you and all of cyber-space only as JILost. This world consists of many of the same qualities as the so-called "real world," but they are all rearranged into the order I see fit. This order may seem somewhat logical to you, but then again it's more than likely that you'll see this all as one big rambling mess, as I do. Although this page does not make much sense or have much purpose, you may find it entertaining nonetheless--just WHY is unkown, however. If, however, anyone out there finds this to be of some enjoyment, or wishes to contribute, feel free to drop me a line. At this point, this page still needs massive amounts of work, but so far, it at least has some kind of order to it. It contains many wonderful poems by dear friends of mine, links to some of my favorite sites, and even downloads of my most frequently used programs. Okay, so maybe I lied a little about the programs, but hey, everything else is here, no? Anywho, this page isn't updated on any kind of a regular basis right now, but that may change very soon (seeing as how I've just added the MIDI section and all). I hope to make this site much more than what it is, but somehow I don't see that happening without some major HTML/Java classes . . . But enough of my babbling, back to my world.Last updated - December 19, 1999 What's New:8/28:I've decided to do all (or at least most) of the Raiden: Trad soundtrack in my own style. Today, I added Fighting Thunder to the Music realm (that's stage 4 for the Sound Test impaired). Next one up will probably be Gallantry (stage 1). 8/26:Wow, yet another update! And this one's actually -good-! It's Rough and Tumble from Raiden Trad, remixed slightly to suit my style. It's actually part of a medley I'm working on, but it sounded so good that I just had to crop it out and make it into its own file. So, here it is. 8/25:Hey look, another update! Too bad all I added was Music A from Tetris 2, SNES. Sounds exactly like the game, though, so it was a pretty good update. Anyway, enough rambling for now, see you next update (hopefully within the next few days)! 8/24:Guess what. I've updated! I finally got the MIDI page up to date, after months of procrastinating. There are about 10 or 15 new MIDIs, all of them remakes. And, not to brag/gloat, but I've gotten -much- better at this sequencing stuff. Anyway, that's all for today, unless I do something tonight. Hasta luego! 12/19:Well, I've FINALLY gotten around to finishing my file of level 1 from Castlevania Bloodlines. The arrangement sounds a lot like "Iron Blue Intenion", but I did that on purpose. I hope anyone out there who's actually reading this enjoys the file, otherwise I'm doing all this for nothing . . . Also, I found an old file I did back in October: Level 5 from Bloodlines, done in the style of my remixes. Check it out. 12/15:Another update. This one would be the second Boss tune from 1943. It's labeled as "Arranged", but once the song actually starts, it's pretty much the same, other than the solos, and a few subtle changes. That, and the intro/ending. Anyway, enjoy the song. 12/14:Sorry for the lack of updates lately, a lot has been happening to lessen my interest lately. I have, however, made a new file. This would be level 3 from 1943. I hope you enjoy it. That's about it from here. 12/3:Well, as if I didn't do enough updating a few days ago, now I've gone and done all this . . . I've added/modified the entrance page, written a new poem and added it, and added some other new things to the poetry section. The new poems are Forsaken by me, "What I Am" by [)R/\GO/\/, and anything by Cathy Thompson. They are all very good poems (other than mine, mine's just okay), and I'm glad the authors allowed/requested me to include their work.On a side note, I'm thinking of dropping this background and starting an art section, with this being the first file in it. The background is just too big, but the picture itself is good. More on that later. 12/1:As if you can't tell, I added a new background to this page. It is a drawing made by Rachael (a/k/a "The Mind's Eye), inspired by none other than Forsaken, from the MP3 section in the Music realm. The picture seems to fit the mood of the site very well, though I may end up making it as an entrance page instead. Also, I know this green font is putrid, but this was the only color I could think of that stood out against the black and white and actually looked okay. Oh, and I also added a link to Rachael's page in the Alternate Realms.Added the "Old News" realm, because the background is only SO big (despite what one might think), so I decided to start deleting things off the bottom and throwing them in there--I'm such a pack rat, aren't I? heh. Also, I've joined a webring! (or tried, anyway) Check it out, at the bottom. Last but not least, I've added counters to most of my pages, just to PROVE to myself that no one visits this site but me. :) Please choose a realm: Poems Music CastleVania Alternate Realms Close Associates Old News Sign Guestbook View Guestbook This page has been visited times since 12/2/99.
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