At some point in time, it was decided that comic books, like so many other things, should have it's history divided into ages. The ages most commonly refered to are the Golden, Sivlver, and Modern Ages, though more and more people are refering to the Bronze Age as well. What people can't seem to agree on are the exact dates the Ages started and or stopped. Here's my oppinion on that.
The one thing everyone can seem to agree on is that the Golden Age, for superheroes at least, started with ACTION COMICS #1 in June 1938. This is, as you should know by now, the first apparance of Superman. Superman was not by any means the first hero to don a pair of tights, there was for one the Phantom, nor was he the first sci-fi hero conected to alien places or times, there was Buck Rogers and Flash Jorden for that, but he was certainly a stunning sight as none of the other heroes seemed to lift cars on a daily bases. Superman's book was published by the company that would one day come to be known as DC (i.e. Detective Comics), and it sparked off a storm of competitors and imitators all looking for a peice of the action (so to speak). The most resilent of theses was Marvel Comics, whose Golden Age began with the publication of MARVEL COMICS #1 (soon to be Marvel Mystery Comics) in October 1939.
A major point of debate is, "when exactly did the Golden Age end?" Some say it ended shortly after WWII ended, because well, sales were never the same again. Others say it went on through the 50's when the Flash and others were revived for the Silver Age. I say the Golden Age ended with the publication of SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT in 1954. It was a hateful book written by a severly disterbed psychiatrist named Dr. Fredric Wertham. He used to his book to make his beliefs very clear: comic books are the root of all evil. The rest of the country, still commie hungry with the Red Scare in full swing, was willing to believe him. No single villian has ever done more to destroy the comic book universe. Realling from the public backlash and desprate to save itself, the comic book industry created The Comics Code Authority to police itself lest anyone wanted to. Comic books suffered, and nearly died altogether
The Silver Age became the reconstruction for comic books. Marvel, once known as Timely, had renamed itself Atlas and was doing alright keeping itself afloat with Crime, Romance, Western and other types of comics, but hadn't really done heroes since the late 40's, it tried to rebuild it's heroes in December 1953 with YOUNG MEN #24, especially it's Big Three, Captain America, The Human Torch, and The Sub-Mariner. It failed. DC on the other had was doing okay, even if it's own big three, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, were the only superheroes selling. Then in September 1956 DC finally stuck gold. It reinvented one of it's major heroes, The Flash, almost from scratch, in SHOWCASE #4. This colorful young hero was publicly accepted, despite being born under the watchful eye of the Comics Code. DC followed this success by reinventing all of it's major heroes (except the main three) shortly there after, eventually teaming the cream of the crop in one team, The Justice Society of America. The Silver Age was going well, but didn't realling take off until Marvel jumped in the ring. Fealing encouraged by DC's success, Marvel decided to create their own team of heroes, that team became the Fantasic Four. FANTASTIC FOUR #1 came out in November 1961, and it revolutionized comic books like no other in the past decade. It was a comic with heroes that, though super-powered, seemed real, with real problems, and real relationships. It also helped that Jack "The King" Kirby and Stan "The Man" Lee put the super-team in some amazing and eye-catching situations. This was the Marvel Age of Comics.
Here is where experts and amitures can't seem to agree. Many people believe the Silver Age ended with the 60's, but when no one can say. For me the Silver Age truly became the Bronze Age when someone was willing to break past the Comics Code and tell the stories that needed to be told. That person was (not surprisingly) Stan Lee. Many educators and authority figures urged the influential creator to create a greater awareness of illegal drugs, and the problems they create. This, although noble, was something that the Comics Code could not allow. Sex, Drugs, and anything that could possible seen as bad was outlawed (which made for some really goofy villains). Stan knew something had to be done, and felt he was just The Man to do it. SPIDER-MAN #96-98 were published from May to July 1971, without aproval of the Code. In it, Harry Osborn (a major character) struggled with a dangerous (and unidentified) drug addiction, and the consiquences it caused. With the success of these comics, it became very obvious that the Comics Code was outdated and had to change. When it changed, so did the quality and content of the comics. DC had already desplayed it's social consousness in May 1970 with GREEN LANTERN/GREEN ARROW #76, which showed heroes dealing with there own inabilities to create a better society, but this didn't have the same lasting impact that those three Spider-Man comics did a year later. The Bronze age became a time when heroes became gritier and there adventures became more real and more deadly. The X-Men lost one of it's members only two issues after it's reapearance in 1976. "Anti-Heroes" like Wolverine and the Punisher became the bigest, and bloodiest, heroes of the 80's. This was deffinetly a new era for superheroes.
The Modern Age seems to me, an oxymoron. What ever age you happen to be in is automaticly the "modern" one. If you read comics in the 60's, that would have been the Modern Age. For the sake of arguement (or avoiding one) I'll consent to this being the Modern Age, I'll even date it. Now DC would have you believe the Modern Age started in 1986, when it reinvented itself and abolished nearly everything that it had published previously. While this is a defining event for DC, nothing really changed, heroes were still heroes, creators were still creators. The comic book industry didn't sugnifigently change until the creators took control. Although creators essentially run comics, it is the companies that decide what can and can't happen. If someone wanted to kill Superman, it had to go to commitee. If Jack Kirby wanted to get re-embersed for all the work he had done for the industry, he'd have to go to court for it. If creators had groundbreaking ideas, but still wanted to retain the rights to them, they'd have to take their chances. Then Image Comics happened. Image was founded by seven of the top artists from Marvel Comics, they weren't happy with what they were allowed to do, they wanted to do whatever they wanted. The first Image comic, though not amazingly original on it's own, still started the new age that revolutionalized comics, yet again. It was YOUNGBLOOD #1, published April 1992, and created (and owned) by Rob Liefeld. It was followed by SPAWN #1 in May of that same year, that had a more profound effect on the industry then anyone could have imagened (even me). Marvel's Modern Age could be said to have started a year earlier, when it allowed the future creators of Image to start the own comics, even if they feature Marvel's tried and true characters, including SPIDER-MAN #1, X-MEN #1 and others. The Modern Age has been filled with each of the big comic companies trying to outdue each other, not only in the stories they tell but in the freedom they give their creators. It is an age when the biggest heroes in comics, including Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, Green Lanturn and countless others, were killed, crippled, replaced, and worse. It is also an age where indepenent and "underground" comics have finally been given the spotlight they deserved. It is still going on.
What's next? Can we really believe that the "Modern Age" is the last one? Who can tell? I have a few theroies, well three. One, comics will become darker, even more they they became in the 80's and more graphic then the biggest names in the 90's. This would be the Dark Age, and while the industry does seem to be heading that way, in the long run, it would hurt sales. Two, something will happen to renvigurate comics in the minds of the public. Right now, comics are seen, for the most part, as a past time of kids, and people only slight higher on the food chain then Trekkers (hey I like Trek too). In Japan on the other hand, comics are the mainstream, everyone reads them. If that could happen in the U.S. and other main countries with the revitalization of mainstream comics, or even the mainstreaming of groundbreaking comics published indepenently, this would be a NeoGolden Age. That'd be nice. Finally my third theroy...... who knows?
Throughout this site I will refer to Namor the Sub-Mariner as a hero. True, he ravaged the surface world almost as badly as the world war he helped fight, and true the world faced destruction more then once at his hands, but he was at his heart, a hero.
He was a scourge of the sea as far as the surface dwellers were concerned. He did everything in his considerable power to make their lives hard. But as far as he and his fellow Atlanteans were concerned, all of his actions were well justified. The surface dwellers have destroyed their homes, trashed the oceans, and pilfered it's riches and sea-life. He was their avenging son. He fought for them when they dared not fight for themselves. And when he felt enough was enough, he declared war on the surface dwellers, and his people were behind him all the way.
That's not to say that Namor never did anything that the land lovers wouldn't find admirable. Aside from the few times he lashed out blindly against them in his first encounters with surface humans, he spent much of his time on the surface trying to bring justice to those who could not get it themselves, just as he would for his own people. The initial catalyst for this change of heart was a beautiful young surface woman named Betty Dean. She saw the nobility in Namor's attacks, and made an effort bring a little order to that nobility. He was soon stopping crime on the surface as well as under the waves. This did not stop his rampages of course, even after he met Betty Dean, like when he first met the pride of New York's finest, the Human Torch. He didn't really start helping the surface dwellers until German and Japanese armies started fighting pitched battles both above and below the oceans. Namor decided to join the war effort on the side of the Allies. Although this fermented his position as a hero in the eyes of the people on dry land (at least the ones on the side of the allies), it also damaged his position in the eyes of his fellow Atlanteans. They grew further and further away from him after he helped form the Invaders, and more and more of his time was devoted to fighting the war among the surface dwellers. They even grew to distrust their prince so much that one time they even joined forces with the Nazi's in hopes of bringing him home. He eventually was able to repair his relationship with his people, but to the day, he continually falls back and forth between both hero and villain to his people, and to the surface dwellers.
The American public at times can be easily influenced and easily scared. The 1950's was one of those times. During the 50's America was at the height of the "Red Scare", and the people were looking for anything that might be subverting, corrupting, or otherwise perverting society. Many forms of popular entertainment were suspect, including comic books.
The entertainment genre of comic books had its height in the 1940's, when it outsold other publications such as newspapers and magazines. When main-stream comics with funny animals and super-heroes fell out of favor, a few (very few) publishers began to make adult-themed comics. Some psychologists saw troubled children reading these comics, and saw them as the root of societies ills.
Leading the crusade against comics was a highly respected psychologist named Dr. Fredric Wertham. He had gained well deserved notoriety as a champion of civil rights and a proponent of desegregation. Looking for his next cause, he found comics. As part of his job, he worked with some of the most disturbed children in the nation. He noticed that a great many of these children read comic books, little realizing that at that time, most of the children in the country read comics, good kids and bad kids.
In 1954, Wertham published his findings in his book, SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT. In it, he points out how "crime comics" (as he calls all comic books) are corrupting the nation's youth. "Crime comics" to him meant not only "cops and robbers" comics, but everything from Flash Gordon, to Tarzan, to Superman, to Loony Tunes.
He categorized Superman as a Nazi who used force to rise above everyone else (ironic because Superman was created by two anti-Hitler Jews), Batman and Robin as the "wish dream of two homosexuals", and Wonder Woman as a bondage fetish. He and his fellow psychologists saw some seemingly ridiculous things in their patients. One doctor saw a drawing of a pirate that one of his patients based on a comic book as "bristling with phallic symbols". To him everything from the arm, to the belt buckle, to the shape of the boot had sexual undertones (causing one to wonder about the doctor).
In his book, Wertham attacked comics of every form. Super-hero comics, horror comics, even romance and funny animal comics were at risk. A comic featuring Loony Tunes could be accused of having "ducks shoot atomic rays and threaten to kill rabbits."
To prove the validity of his claims he interviewed many children, all of whom were patients, and pointed out how comics had corrupted them. For example, he would tell children "fables", and ask them to finish the stories. These fables were often so contrived that any child would have answered them as his patients did.
Fable: A baby bird falls out of a tree. "He knows how to fly a little."
Answer: "He will die because he can't fly so well."
Other answers clearly indicate the child has far more serious issues to be dealt with.
Fable: A family member has taken a train and will never return. Who is it?
Answer: "The mother. She can go out of the country. Maybe she doesn't come back because she is mad at the father"... "The mother could be dead."
Wertham even finds a term for children demoralized by comics, "comic-book syndrom". Symptoms could include feeling "spontaneously guilty about reading violent, sadistic and criminal stories, and about the fantasies stimulated by them" (like the ones in Superman). He shows case after case of troubled children who, despite having poor home lives or other psychological problems, have obviously been influenced by comics. He sites comics that they describe in detail to them as proof of their illiteracy (one wonders how a kid who can't read can recite every word he didn't read). Also causing illiteracy problems are the kinds of words that are used in comics to express pain or a sound effect, words like "oww" and "arrgg". Later he goes on to describe in gruesome tales of crimes committed by patients of his who read comics. Crimes of murder, arson, and other violent crimes, that it seems could only come from the mind of one who reads comics, in Wertham's opinion anyway. As if case studies and interviews weren't enough, he includes pictures taken from actually comics (how can you have a book about comics without having it illustrated?). A picture of a fallen woman is assumed by the doctor to have been "raped and murdered", and even the shading in a heroes shoulder has been accused of being an implied image of female genitalia "for children who know how to look."
Looking back retrospectively, one might wonder what effect, if any, such a book would have on the American public. Most of Wertham's claims were ludicrous, even laughable. During the 1950's no one was laughing at them.
Word of Wertham's claims soon spread like wildfire. Parents became frightened and outraged at the prospect of something subverting their children's morals so horribly, and right under their noses. Quickly books were pulled from shelves and government representatives were notified. The public moved into action by burning comics by the hundreds, the government went into action by calling a Senate subcommittee to investigate the claims. Just as communist trials threatened to destroy Hollywood, so too did these trials threaten comic book publishers. Trying to prevent the kind of hysteria eating at the movie industry, many large publishers banded together to form the Comics Code Authority. The CCA was formed so that comics could police themselves, as opposed to having a government agency do it for them. For the public, the matter was settled, but Wertham thought it was just a clever ruse to avoid punishment. But the industry did change.
Years later, Wertham apparently had a change of heart himself. He wrote the book THE WORLD OF FANZINES (fanzines being magazines created by fans) in 1973. In that book he seemed to express the feeling that comic book fans had healthy, active imaginations. Unfortunately the damage had already been done. Comic books went from being popular American entertainment to being considered kid stuff with a cult following.
It's scary that such outrageous claims could spark such a reaction in the 20th century. Every time society thinks it has evolved beyond such reactionary states of mind, it seems to prove itself wrong by falling into old form.
I'm gunna put some comments here eventually, really
a small leagal note: Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are all leagal proporties of DC Comics... Namor, Human Torch, Captain America and all other realated characters, comics, and situations, are ,of course, proporties of Marvel Comics... the use of these characters is merely my humble attempt to pay homage to their creators and to raise public awareness of their existence and histories
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