This here is a parady of a 1947 editorial cartoon starring Martin Goodman, Timely's publisher. It is by no means an example of my artistic talent.
And since I'm sure you're wondering what exactly I'm paradying, here's the original.
You know, maybe someday I'll but some examples of my "artistic talent" on this page some day.
While I'm at it, this is a nice cozy page here. Maybe I'll use it to talk about me... hmm.... well, maybe later.
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a small leagal note: Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are all leagal proporties of DC Comics... Namor, Human Torch, Captain America and all other realated characters, comics, and situations, are ,of course, proporties of Marvel Comics... the use of these characters is merely my humble attempt to pay homage to their creators and to raise public awareness of their existence and histories
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