The above image was created at the studios in Wainscott, NY from May 11-19, 2000. It was by no means the intended final product at the outset.

First, Rune Lind and I shot digital video footage of a Tanqueray bottle. This particular shot is a close-up of the upper part of the bottle where there is a red faux-wax seal with the Tanqueray logo. We then digitized the footage using Final Cut Pro. (Oliver also assisted with lighting.)

Then, editor Chris Johanssen was charged with the task of creating a new tag id for the beginning and end of their mini-movies. Using Final Cut Pro, he chose to lay the existing tag (the letters e-y-e-c-a-n-d-y flashing at two frames each in different colors over a black background) over the Tanqueray footage, centering the letters over the red faux-wax logo. He then used a function to have the letters grow on the screen over time. Finally, Chris laid a ripple effect over the sequence, which rippled the letters as they expanded.

Upon seeing this footage, Rune noticed that the 'n' looked kind of like an alien head when we slowed it down to look at it frame-by-frame. I then had the idea of taking the two frames of the 'n' and creating a looped animated gif out of them. I did this using Flash with Oliver's help. This is what you see. As you can probably surmise, it was an extremely collaborative effort - Jimmy Ten Speed was also in attendance and gave moral support as well as creative telepathic energy.

After I was more than satisfied, Oliver was not...he created the following image using (I think?) Flash and Photoshop. It was tentatively titled 'facepig.' Check out - their web site should launch in July 2000 and I promise you it is VERY cool.