Ben Katz and His Father

Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist is the best show on cable television. If you have not seen it, you must. It will change your life. It's kind of like actually getting therapy, although I wouldn't know - because I don't need to, I have Dr. Katz. And Ben. I'm sure you've heard of him. Dr. Katz's son Ben Katz. Little Benny. Benny Benny. Los Bennitos. This site, while giving the good Doctor his deserved attention, will focus on the exploits of our favorite 25 year old loser. This site is also not your typical 'get some info and grab some multimedia' kind of website. There are plenty of those out there and they're all better than mine. This site will contain some of my unique thoughts on the show as they enter my mind.

The Benjamin Katz profound statement of the week:

"Dad, I think alot of people are wirting self help books for the wrong reasons, and that's to help themselves financially, and I think that's great!"

Previous Benjamin Katz profound statements of the week

My current ridiculous thoughts on the show:

I think it's about time to mention the hand puppet guy. You know who I'm talking about: the curious character who is sometimes sitting in the corner of the waiting room wearing a hand puppet, but never talks. I really want to know what his deal is. I think Fred Stoller does too, because he seems to always try to talk to him. Anyway, let's break down what we know about this guy - a. he doesn't talk. b. he wears a puppet on his hand. c. he has a goofy shaped head. d. he scares me. Basically, we don't know much about him. So, let's speculate about his personality. He's schizophrenic, I can almost guarentee that. His primary personality is an undereducated, clinically depressed fry cook at McDonald's, while his alter personality (the hand puppet, let's call him Master Bates) is an obsessive compulsive pedophile with an affinity for fine wines. Dr. Katz is at a loss for a proper course of treatment, as you might understand. Maybe we should give Ben a shot at this one, after all, it's all gonna be his someday...

Previous ridiculous thoughts

Dr. Katz Webring of Therapists site
is owned by
Palmer Emmitt.

A few views of Dr. Katz

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