Poltix & Conspiracy

Politix & Conspiracy Corner

Originals essays, links, & resources

edited by T.S. Minton

  • Introductionary remarks by T.S. Minton: "Conspiracies, Cowboys, Yankees, and Wing-nuts"

    Original Essays

    • Daniel Calabrese The Back of the Barn is Dripping Wet
    • T.S. Minton "Illusions of Participation, Modalities of Consciousness"
      "UFOs, Strange Phenomena, and the Politics of Ontology"

    General Politix/Conspiracy 

  • Tucson Comic News Mark Zepezauer's online version of his political cartoon newspaper, with links to his acerbic and insightful editorials, books, laff-riot cartoons, conspiracy resources, and more.
  • Blackops Miriam Joan Hill and Robert Anton Wilson's Encyclopedia of Conspiracies Home Page, now in book form as Everything is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-Ups - Real, Unreal and Surreal. (See below to order from Amazon.com)
  • Real History Archives This no-nazi, scholarly conspiracy resource aims to "provide solid information about our real history, as opposed to the convenient - if somewhat fake - history the 'mainstream' corporate press feeds us."
  • Parascope
  • "Paranoia Runs Deep" Village Voice article from 9-98

    Illuminati/New World 

    • Freemasonry Acacia Press offers scathing and scholarly critiques of those ubiquitous sons of the widow, along with a haunting refutation of Noam Chomsky's naive and falsely deduced argument that the scope of the JFK assassination and cover-up conspiracy was without precedent and therefore impossible.
    • Disinfo.com's Illuminati Links
    • End Times Deception According to this spokesman for the anti-Masonic Christian right, the Rev. Billy Graham and Oral Roberts - along with a slew of other religious and political figures - are actually 33rd degree Freemasons. Decide for yourself if this is an outlandish assertion or a verifiable truth .

    Hate Groups

    • HateWatch Keep tabs on the KKK, neo-nazis, Christian fundamentalist bigots, and other examples of the darkest and most despicable side of the human spirit - who now have wormed their way into the online universe. If the essence of democracy is creating a society where we can tolerate that which can cannot stand, these monstrous groups put that credo to its most severe test.

    Mind Control

    • Freedom of Thought Foundation Walter Bowart - co-founder of the nation's first underground newspaper The East Village Other, author of the incendiary, well-nigh impossible to find classic Operation Mind Control, certified practitioner of Neurolinguistics (sic) Programming trained under Anthony Robbins - intrepidly provides a resource organization for victims and scholars of mind control, perhaps the darkest of Uncle Sam's skeletons in his closet.
    • Interview with Walter H. Bowart
    • Ham bone's Archives Further Bowart links, including his excoriating report (based largely on a secret 70s interview) on former associate Dr. Timothy Leary's connections with the Company, "Timothy Leary and the CIA, or The Spy Who Came In From the (Ergot) Mold." Another essay in this vein is at:
    • Tinker, Tailor, Stoner, Spy "(Was Timothy Leary a CIA Agent? Was JFK the 'Manchurian Candidate'? Was the Sixties Revolution Really a Government Plot?)" by Mark Riebling.
    • Mind Control Forum Resources/Other Sites A huge megasite on the subject.
    • Conspiracy Theories and Paranoia: Notes from a Mind-Control Conference by Evan Harrington, from Skeptical Inquirer (September/October 1996). The reviewer is a graduate student in psychology at Temple University whose piece lacks the usual stridency of contributions to this publication, official voice of CSICOP (The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal). Harrington draws thoughtful attention to the ambiguities of the recovered/false memory issue, to the dogmatism of many conspiracy buffs, and to the dangers of the right's embrace of conspiracy thinking as a vehicle for racist stereotyping. His subtextual suggestion that mind control has only a "social-psychological" and not a social-historical reality, however, is quite disturbing. As the bible of dogmatic skepticism, I have critiqued Skeptical Inquirer for its fallacious analysis of paranormal phenomena in my essay "UFOs, Strange Phenomena, and the Politics of Ontology" (to be linked soon). Now they have gone further and published general skepticism about the political issues of mind control and conspiracy, and as professed liberal humanists (CSICOP derives from the American Humanist Society) who should be outraged at these atrocities, this stance seems hypocritical indeed. Even the CIA has admitted their involvement in the horrors of MK-Ultra, so I must question CSICOP's alliances. In my aforementioned essay I argue that instead of being open-minded skeptics, this group actually serves as unwitting or complicit pawns in a much larger, indeed conspiratorial game of the military-industrial-intelligence complex. As tenured scientists employed primarily by this very complex, the skeptics deny the paranormal and conspiratorial realities which are the daily bread of their masters, i.e. while skeptics sneer at UFOs, the secret government their research fuels is actively engaged in contact and negotiations with the extraterrestrials which aren't supposed to even exist!

    Right Wing Nuts

    General News Resources

    • The Drudge Report Right-leaning e-reporter Mike Drudge is billed as world's first internet celebrity, i.e. he's becoming famous solely from his website, which was the first media source to break the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Whatever his political proclivities and legal entanglements, he provides comprehensive and simple links to a vast array of online news sources.
    • EMOL Media Resources Robert Zucker of Tucson's Entertainment Magazine Online provides another great source for one-stop shopping for that commodity known as "the news" - with links to the major online news networks, wire services, national and international papers, financial news, and weather updates (including a clickable u.s. weather map).
    • PBS Online Go to Online NewsHour and News and Views

    For books by Robert Anton Wilson, Mark Zepezauer, et al. mentioned or linked on this page, please go to Amazon Books through the following link:
    In Association with 

    The fields of conspiracy research and UFOlogy/extraterrestrial/paranormal studies often overlap across a fuzzy boundary. Soon I will provide a link to this new feature.

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    © 2000 by T. Steven Minton & Eleusinian Press
    Tucson, Arizona
    All rights reserved.
    E-mail: tsm64@hotmail.com
    All inter-linked sites written, designed, and maintained by T. S. Minton